Doctoral Students and Networked Participation - 0 views
Using social media to advance your academic research goals - Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD - 1 views
TW blackline masters - 1 views
elearnspace › What is the theory that underpins our moocs? - 2 views
TweetChat - #phdchat - 0 views
beginning the literature review: the art of scan-reading | patter - 3 views
Papers2 - Citations Modifiers: Prefix, Suffix, Page Number, Author/Year Suppression / R... - 0 views
Academic Phrasebank - 0 views
OER IPR Support - 2 views
Manifesto for Teaching Online - 2 views
Visual Dialogues - 2 views
How to Get the Most out of a Conference - 1 views
Peter Townsend interview - 1 views
one reason why journal articles get rejected | patter - 1 views
"Editors of journals suggest that one of the major problems they see in submitted articles is a lack of focus. They observe that too many writers try to say 'everything', and this means that they end up saying 'nothing'." Common problems with journal papers related to lack of focus are described. How many are you guilty of?