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Amelia Bruhl

Tips For Painting Sets - 0 views

    Painting a theater set is much different than painting a house, the solid colors and muted tones of most residential homes would wreak havoc with stage lighting. This site is very helpful as it has many tips on how to paint your set so that it looks good on stage. It also has a lot of information on how not to spend too much money when designing and building your sets. Construction rules are also included in the article.
    Painting a theatre set is much different than painting a house – the solid colours and muted tones of most residential homes would wreak havoc with stage lighting and not
Drew mack

Bike light design - 0 views

    Kent Frankovich designed a rim based bicycle lighting system and is currently trying to fund his new business on kickstarter. Is the secret to a good business an idea?.. or does it take a certain kind of person to be an entrepreneur?

7 Killer Portrait Posing Tips (by Dustin Olsen) - Improve Photography - 0 views

    Portait Posing Tips to enhance the ideas you already have.
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    This article captured my interest as a photographer because I had been having trouble posing models. Each of these seven tips were valuable to me as I practiced taking portraits. Included in the website are seven portrait posing tips. They include how to make the model look slimmer and how to position them so that they look their best in the light of the photo. I would recommend taking a look at these tips if you are a photographer because the were very helpful. This article really makes me want to practice my portrait photography.
    This article captured my interest as a photographer because I had been having trouble posing models. Each of these seven tips were valuable to me as I practiced taking portraits. Included in the website are seven portrait posing tips. They include how to make the model look slimmer and how to position them so that they look their best in the light of the photo. I would recommend taking a look at these tips if you are a photographer because the were very helpful. This article really makes me want to practice my portrait photography.
    This article captured my interest as a photographer because I had been having trouble posing models. Each of these seven tips were valuable to me as I practiced taking portraits. Included in the website are seven portrait posing tips. They include how to make the model look slimmer and how to position them so that they look their best in the light of the photo. I would recommend taking a look at these tips if you are a photographer because the were very helpful. This article really makes me want to practice my portrait photography.
Sebastian Durante

Lighting in Filmaking - 0 views

    Article about how different styles of lighting can impact the way a shot looks and feels.

Lecture 1: The Importance of Chemical Principles - 0 views

    Lecture 1 emphasized on light as a particle, matter as a wave and the Schrödinger equation. Light as a particle was described through various examples of photon ejection. Matter as a wave emphasized on Louis de Broglie's formula while Schrödinger's equation emphasized on, well… Schrödinger's equation (and its partial solving)!
josie jordan

Images of Rustic Lamps - 0 views

    Good for getting ideas to make rustic lamps
luc charlebois

installing three-way switch loop - 0 views

    if you're looking to add a switch to an existing light this is the website for you. With labeled diagrams and also four way solutions and diagrams.

INHS parsnip - 0 views

    SPECIES CHARACTER Description The thick taproot of the wild parsnip is long, conic, and fleshy. Branching from the fleshy root is the light green, hollow, deeply-grooved stem that stands erect at 2-5 feet (0.6-1.5 meters) tall. Leaves are alternate, pinnately compound, and branched with saw-toothed edges. Another site describing chemicals that are used to control poison parsnip. The common chemicals are 2, 4-D and Round UP, which could be interesting to test on the seeds.
Clayton Trombley

Sponsorship Opportunities - 0 views

    Promoting a company's product no light task. With the number of tools that are available for marketing, it becomes easier. There is no single perfect strategy for service promotion.
Myles Towsley

Unity - 0 views

shared by Myles Towsley on 10 Sep 14 - Cached
    Unity is a game development studio designed to be easy to use but at the same time, very powerful. There are many features that new users can use right off the bat such as lighting and sound zones. These features can also be customized to be as fantastic or simple as the user wants them to be.

LIFE Holy Lands One Place Three Faiths - 0 views

This book put out by LIFE magazine expresses how the three faiths, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, all track back to the same origin; Abraham (and his land). After a brief history on Abraham and h...

Religion abrahamic-faiths origins too-turnt-up

started by elijah_the_man on 23 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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