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Clayton Trombley

How to Write a Resume to Get Sponsorships - 0 views

    If you are seeking a sponsorship, you will need a resume that is tailored to the industry or sport in which you work. It must state relevant experience, accomplishments and awards, and information that will help the potential sponsor learn more about you as the person with whom their products will be connected.
    Will you use any of these ideas for your resume?
Clayton Trombley

Eric Jackson Interview - 1 views

    This Interview really showed me how sponsors can put pressure on you and how it can make snowboarding not fun.
    Whenever you take what you love and attach being paid to it, the dynamic changes. I particulary liked the part of the interview when Eric talks about the mental strategies to face the fear of failure. I want to check out that book he references. Is this an article that can help you consider your Age project?
Whit Lower

Step By Step Geodesic Dome Video - 0 views

    Work with Nature. "How to Make a Geodesic Dome / Geo Dome / Bio Dome." YouTube. YouTube, 07 Aug. 2012. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. . This is a Youtube video sponsored by Work with Nature where a man shows on camera, step by step, his building geodesic domes (including his calculations and math). He made this video to help other people who are eager in building domes and to tell people about his business of selling these domes to people who don't want the excitement of building their own. The video uses metal piping and it covers cutting the metal, drilling holes, pressing it, attaching them, the math, the construction, what materials to use, and how to cover the dome. This video will be the most helpful tool I will use during my ILO, because as of October 7th, I have decided to use metal piping for a greenhouse and this video is the perfect step-by-step visual instructor. I will basically follow these steps exactly with maybe some background research and experiments from other websites. I have spent a lot of time on YouTube looking for other videos of this caliber, but this one is by far the best. I've read the reviews and comments for this video and it looks like other people have successfully made domes using this video. This video has already proven a huge help to me. Through this video I have made decisions like what materials to use, how to attach them, and how to do the math that is necessary in making a dome. This source is easy to use, and when you miss a step it is easy to go back and watch it until you have it down perfectly. This video has made me much more confident going ahead with my project now that I have such an easy, usable model to go off of. I highly recommend using this source if you need to make a geodesic dome.
Clayton Trombley

Sponsorship Opportunities - 0 views

    Promoting a company's product no light task. With the number of tools that are available for marketing, it becomes easier. There is no single perfect strategy for service promotion.
Hannah Funk

Fundraising Site - 0 views

    This was the site I used to fundraise for the half marathon that I ran to benefit Zeno Mountain Farm. The whole team from Zeno made fundraising pages with this site, and it let you set a goal, provide information about what you are fundraising for, and notified you via email when you got donations or reached your goal. With a site where people will be entering their credit card numbers to donate to you, you have to be sure that it is reliable. The only way I knew this site was reliable was because it had been endorsed by the leader of our marathon team, but now that I know I will feel confident using it for future fundraising endeavours I embark on. I liked using this site because it made fundraising a communal activity that I could share with my entire marathon team; instead of just calling people in isolation, I could track my progress with my teammates and receive inspiration from what they were doing. It also allowed me to broaden the pool of people I was reaching out to to sponsor me, since I could connect the stayclassy page with my facebook and other social media pages.
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