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Allison Sargent

Basic knowledge and learning about computers - 0 views

    This site will give you a understanding on how to break down the individual steps to using a computer to someone that might not know how to use one and it was very helpful in the process of me teaching the older residence at Living Well in a way they would understand.
Josh Poquette

Place to buy metal on the computer - 0 views

shared by Josh Poquette on 03 Mar 14 - Cached
    This is a place to buy metal on the computer

Empower Mobility | Custom Mobile Apps for Apple iPhone, iPad, and other mobile platforms - 0 views

    While at the Vermont Tech Jam last Friday, Oct. 24th I spoke with several people who helped to point me in a positive direction regarding my possible career choices One person I spoke with is Tom Jaros from Empower Mobility. Empower Mobility is a custom app making company. Tom gave me great advice to help me with my own app making endeavors. He told me to start with simple things and work my way up. Another thing he told me was if I wanted to make Apple apps I needed to get an Apple computer. He told me to look for old versions of Mac computers so that I don't have to spend a fortune. I thought the things he told me where valuable points and I would consider asking him for an interview about the coding that are required for creating apps. I may have more to reflect on after asking him more questions and talking with him further. Tom sparked my interest with creating apps and I look forward to branching off into this field.
Lyn Smith

NEWTON: Ask a Scientist - 0 views

    This site allows you to look at hundreds of questions written by other people. There are many categories of questions, everything from Biology, to Mathematics, to computers, to Physics. Each question is answered by an expert in that field, and you can create your own questions if you are curious about something. Each question can have many replies, so you can see all sides to the answer, and it gives you a deeper understanding of the topic. I find this a useful source because it gives you interesting information by showing you popular questions. I find this site reliable because it is a government site with college professors responding, and because the information they give is consistent with what I get if I research outside of the site. I would recommend this to anyone doing scientific research for school, or to anyone interested in science in general.
Asher Ventura

Scott Bernoudy - 1 views

Scott is the owner of Velocity MSP located in the Burlington area, They build and manage networks and other tech services for other companies. I have been interning in his office

Tech Computer internship

started by Asher Ventura on 21 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Sam Jarvis

African children being poisoned by electronic waste in Ghana - 1 views

    The Article linked above is about children in Ghana, Africa getting poisoned by chemicals that are in the electronic waste fields there. Its very informative and horrifying that we are one of the three largest contributors to these waste fields.
    This article is especially disturbing considering I am a heavy user of computer components. There has got to be a better way to deal with this waste.
  • I researched more on the Basel Convention and found out there was a conference this last week on E- Waste. It will be good to see what the more recent regulations and how to enforce them was discussed this week.
luc charlebois

Animoto - make & share awesome videos from pictures - 0 views

shared by luc charlebois on 13 Sep 13 - Cached
    Animoto's philosophy is to make it simple and make it beautiful. This tool can be used to make a video. Animoto can also be used byiPhone and Android owners by downloading the free app! Create and share videos using your phone's pictures and video clips, or watch and download the ones you've made on your computer.
    This website is so easy to work with. All you do is upload your pictures and Animoto does the rest.
Jackson Radler

Wikipedia - 0 views

    I saw Robin's bookmark of Wikipedia and was at first confused, but then realized how much I too rely on Wikipedia. Wikipedia browsing accounts for at least 1/3 of all of my computer usage. Literally whenever I find myself interested in a topic, Wikipedia is the first site I look at. The page "/wiki/Portal:Current_events" is even my primary news source. The summation of all of my experiences with Wikipedia is represented in these two xkcd comics.
    I love the crowdsourcing of Wikipedia. If an entry is erroneous, the crowd catches and improves it. Looking forward to seeing lots of contributions from PL kids who are creating knowledge daily. Be sure to post to Wikipedia - that is the strength of the tool!
logan marsano

unlimited money on EBT cards - 1 views

    this article is a bout how ebt cards had no limit because of the shutdown and a glitch in the system and a walmart got almost everything bought from it
    What does this say about human nature and computers? How do you think the EBT glitch information was spread so quickly?

Common Core Mathematics - 1 views

This book is a great resource for any teacher teaching second grade. It has more then 120 pages that consist of instant mini lessons, on the fly assessments, computation practice and word problems....

Education ElementarySchool Math CommonCore SecondGrade

started by adupoise on 18 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
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