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National Wildlife Federation - 1 views

    Amazing facts and stories about animals at the National Wildlife Federation's Animals channel. This website is a great source if you wanna learn more about any kind of animal. Gives basic information like common names and environments in which the animal like to live. Tells the population number of the animal.
Rider Maccrellish

Vermont Public Radio "Does Your Dog Really Like You?" - 0 views

    This VPR radio program visits the topic of emotion in animals. Virginia Morell is an animal researcher and author of the book "Animal Wise: The Thoughts and Emotions of Our Fellow Creatures." Morell studies the emotions of different animals and their means for communicating those emotions. The large topic of interest in this short VPR news special is about whether humans have a special connection with dogs. Morell's answer is yes, dogs and humans have a similar way of communicating with facial cues and body language which makes our two species somewhat appealing to one another. This helps my research a lot in that it brings out not only the similarities between K-9s and humans but also the mysterious draw of one animal to the other. Since the domesticated dog is so closely related to the wolf, it is true that wolves have similar body language, facial expression and social behavior tendencies. Morell speaks about her topic of expertise with great ease and it is fun to listen to because she is so smart.
Kayla Brouillard

Fur Seal - 0 views

    The large northern fur seal, found in chilly northern waters, was hunted to near extinction during the 19th century. These animals were protected by law in 1911, and populations later rebounded to 1.3 million animals.
Kayla Brouillard

Sea Monster Pictures, Dolichorhynchops Photos, Facts, Desktop Wallpaper, Animals Report... - 0 views

    This prehistoric animal has some interesting attributes. Learn more about this long-necked animal.
Will Aldrich

Training Session - 0 views

    This site was really helpful to show me the bond between the trainers of the animals and the animals. This video also helped to show me some of the basic signals and commands that the trainers use. This video is definitely something I'd recommend someone who's interested in training marine mammals, and even animals in general. This video will really help you to see an example of some of the training that goes into these animals. This video really helped me to understand how often they must condition these orcas in order for them to follow their instructions.
Kayla Brouillard

Dugong - 0 views

    Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior- though the dugong's tail is fluked like a whale's. This sea animal is related to the elephant.
Kayla Brouillard

PetSmart Cruelty - 0 views

    PetSmart treats their animals bad, check out this site to see the woman who went undercover to see how PetSmart treats their animals and where they get their animals.
Maureen Deppman

Civil War Animated - 1 views

    Civil War battle animation
Maureen Deppman

Physics Flash Animations - 1 views

    A site which offers a number of flash animations on waves, vectors, optics, fluid mechanics, and more for physics.
Will Aldrich

Backstage of SeaWorld's Believe - 0 views

    This video is extremely useful in order to understand how the trainers interact with the animals, specifically the orcas. This video really inspired me, seeing them give commands and having the orcas jump out of the water or swim to them. It is also truly incredible to see the trainers pat and feed the orcas, as well as learn about them in their meetings. The most incredible part of this video is seeing the trainers talking about their bonds with the animals. This video is definitely a must see for anyone interested in training animals of any kind, but specifically marine mammals. It will really help the viewer understand how special it truly is to interact with these animals daily as a profession.
Will Aldrich

Killer Whale Trainer Holly Byrd Discusses Blackfish - 0 views

    This video is phenomenal. It shows that training animals is certainly not cruelty and it really proves that the animals are well taken care of. This video also disproves almost all of Blackfish. This series of videos really helps you to understand what SeaWorld puts into their animals, such as work and time and love. I would certainly recommend this video to anyone who is looking to get more information on marine mammal training and more specifically, SeaWorld.
Madison Vincelette

World Wildlife - 1 views

    This site is good for looking at hundreds of different endangered animal species. It has a lot of information on marine animals, primates and big cats.
Kayla Brouillard

Giant Pacific Octopus - 0 views

    This Giant sea monster is a very interesting creature. Did you know that its appendages are called arms, not tentacles.
Kayla Brouillard

Golden Jellyfish - 0 views

    There are many different types of Jellyfish, what makes this jellyfish so unique is its tentacles. Instead of being long and flows, they're short and clumped together.
Kayla Brouillard

Great White Shark - 0 views

    When you think of the Great White Shark, do you think of Jaws? I know I do, but surprisingly the fear of these "friendly" animals is going down.
Kayla Brouillard

Puppy mill - 0 views

    Puppy mills are a very cruel environment where most pet stores buy their animals. This environment makes dogs and other animals stay in small, crowded wire cages. They live in their own feces and most animals don't even make it out of these mills.
Will Aldrich

SeaWorld Trainer Talks Blackfish and Captivity - 0 views

    This video is truly exceptional. This video really helped me to understand what actually happens behind the flips and tricks that the average customer of SeaWorld gets to see. This video gave me a deep comprehension of how the training and showcasing of these animals really helps the society to grow and educate themselves on how phenomenal and important these creatures really are. This video also showed me how important a marine mammal trainer's job is all about. This video is a must see if you're doing research on captivity, becoming a trainer, or the animals in general. Highly recommended.
megan hill

Life on the Farm - Animal Care - 0 views

    "An overview of the various components required to care for animals properly, including nutrition, movement and medical attention." This is a great read(download the pdf found on the webpage) about why farmers care, it includes what Peta and other animal rights originations dont mention about farmers. It is mostly common sense, once you read it, it will make sense!
Kelsey McCormick

American Sign Language - Animals - 0 views

    This video was about ASL and taught you how to sign different animals. It went at a nice pace so it was easy to follow along. I recommend this to anyone who wants to learn sign language.
Kayla Brouillard

Anglerfish - 0 views

    Do you remember the fish from Finding Nemo, the one that catches the goggles with the address on it? I did some research on this interesting fish. An Anglerfish is a very cranky looking fish. This fish has some very interesting attributes.
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