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The Oatmeal - 0 views

    A website "written, drawn, and coded by Matthew Inman" and made up of comics, quizzes, and stories.
    From the thread Faculty Skills and Attributes: Adaptability, this site was recommended for their "lovely grammar resources."

A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and public safety - 0 views

    By Terrie E. Moffitt, Louise Arseneault, Daniel Belsky, Nigel Dickson, Robert J. Hancox, HonaLee Harrington,Renate Houts, Richie Poulton, Brent W. Roberts, Stephen Ross, Malcolm R. Sears, W. Murray Thomson,and Avshalom Caspi in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), 2011, vol 108 (7), pp 2639-2640. Full-text PDF is available from this page.
    Contributed to the Faculty Skills and Attributes: Adaptability thread in the context of "how my courses can be flexible and yet teach the skills for success."

Minding The Dream: The Process and Practice of the American Community College - 0 views

    By Gail O. Mellow and Cynthia Heelan (2008) This page is the announcement of the book from LaGuardia Community College and the text/video of Dr. Mellow's lecture for the Robert H. Atwell lecture.

We Think - 0 views

    Charles Leadbeater We Think video on YouTube.

Our head in the cloud: Transforming work on college completion - 1 views

    By Diana D. Woolis and Gail O. Mellow. This page is the abstract for the book chapter on the Emerald website.

Appreciative inquiry : change at the speed of imagination - 0 views

    By Jane Magruder Watkins and Bernard J. Mohr. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2001. GSCC utilizes an AI approach to working together. There is a new edition of this book being published next month. This link goes to the title on Worldcat where you can locate a copy in a library.

How complexity leads to simplicity - 0 views

    Eric Berlow on Ted (Talks in Less than 6 Minutes series). Posted November, 2010. Ecologist doesn't feel overwhelmed when faced with complex systems. He knows that more information can lead to a better, simpler solution. Illustrating the tips and tricks for breaking down big issues, he distills an overwhelming infographic on U.S. strategy in Afghanistan to a few elementary points.

The Art and Science of Teaching Developmental Mathematics: Building Perspective Through... - 1 views

    By Michael W. Galbraith, and Melanie Jones in Journal of Developmental Education; 30.2 (2006): 20-27. Author's abstract: This article suggests that a balance of the art and science of teaching is essential if the learning and teaching process is to be a meaningful and rewarding educational journey. This notion is explored through a dialogue, held over a 3 year period, with a developmental mathematics instructor at a community college who discovered that technique alone was not sufficient to becoming a good instructor. An unusual situation occurred as a result of the dialogue: Discussion of research-based literature on college teaching and personal experiential reflectivity merged and resulted in an organizing framework for understanding the artistic and mechanic elements of effective instruction. Full text by subscription. Check with your local library. This is a link to the TOC on the National Center for Developmental Education's website.

Theory, Practice, and the Future of Developmental Education: Toward a Pedagogy of Caring - 3 views

    By Carl J. Jung (2005) in Journal of Developmental Education; 28.3 (2005): 2-11. Author's Abstract: The guiding premise of this article is that developmental education and learning assistance programs will continue to be undervalued and vulnerable as long as there is no overarching, shared theoretical framework that practitioners can (and want to) call their own. The traditional approach to addressing this theory crisis has been to import theories from outside the field. This article presents an alternative approach. Advantages and benefits of a practice-oriented approach are identified and briefly discussed. Full text by subscription. Check with your local library. This is a link to the TOC on the National Center for Developmental Education's website.

Support a Science of Performance Improvement - 0 views

    By Anthony S. Bryk in Phi Delta Kappan April 2009, vol 90 (8), pp. 597-600. Bryk, president of the Carnegie Foundation, argues for a "Design, Educational Engineering, and Development infrastructure...." Abstract available on this page. Full text by subscription. Check with your local library; they might be able to obtain it for you through interlibrary loan.

What is the future of basic writing? - 0 views

    Trudy Smoke, Published in Journal of Basic Writing, Vol 20, No 2 Fall 2001, pages 88-96. This bookmark is to the citation in ERIC. Article is available through the ProQuest Research Library database.

We-think: The power of mass creativity - 0 views

    By Charles Leadbeater. This is the web page for the We-think project, and includes downloads for chapters 1-3, as well as links to other materials related to the book (including an early draft).

Charles Leadbeater on innovation - 0 views


What's Needed To Make Sure Innovation Is Working? - 0 views

    By Jim Shelton and John Easton of the U.S. Education Department. The authors blogged as part of the National Journal's Expert Blogs - Education area. In the initial post, Shelton and Easton post some questions about effective innovation. In the comments section (24 posted as of 4/1/10), others in the field respond.

Project Description | Getting Past Go - 0 views

    "The Education Commission of the States (ECS), in collaboration with Knowledge in the Public Interest (KPI), Policy Research on Preparation, Access and Remedial Education (PREPARE) at the University of Massachusetts Boston, seeks to leverage developmental education at postsecondary institutions as a critical component of state efforts to increase college attainment rates through Getting Past Go. The national initiative will help education policy leaders align state and system policy to increase the college success of the large percentage of students enrolled in postsecondary education who require remedial and developmental education."

E-Portfolios for Learning - 1 views

    Excellent resource on e-portfolios. Faculty e-portfolios are a cornerstone of Global Skills for College Completion - a Gates Foundation funded project on improving pedagogy to increase student success (

Creativity Through e-Learning: Engendering Collaborative Creativity Through Folksonomy - 0 views

    By Andy Lapham, Faculty of the Arts, Thames Valley University, London, UK. This paper from the Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on e-Learning includes literature review and presents a cognitive analysis of tagging.

News: Dream On - Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

    A comprehensive evaluation of Achieving the Dream, a nationwide program designed to boost the academic success of community college students, reveals that overall trends in student outcomes at the first 26 institutions to join the project remained relatively unchanged after five years, even though the colleges adopted a wide range of strategies to improve them.

Digital technologies and their role in achieving our ambitions for education - 1 views

    By Diana Laurillard, London Knowledge Lab, London Institute of Education, Inaugural professorial lecture, February 2008. From the abstract, Laurillard argues for "an education-driven approach to the use of digital technologies to achieve our ambitions for education."
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