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Neha Kukreja

Mexico Debate Resolution - 19 views

-Value to be promoted: peace and stability -Actor: The United States Government -Action: 1.shift funding for military/ military equipment for Mexico to substance abuse treatment and prevention prog...

Kevin Gregor

TEAM A RULES - 4 views


Shana Thomas

The Clear Benefits of Decriminalizing Marijuana - 3 views

  • The Justice Policy Institute argues that locking up drug offenders is an ineffective and inefficient way to address drug abuse
  • With 2,310,984 people being held in local, state, and federal prisons in 2008, the “number of people in prison is nearly 5 times what it was 30 years ago, despite crime rates being at historic lows
  • drug possession is the sole reason 83% of those arrested for drug offenses are charged with a crime and thrown into prison.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Marijuana Policy Project found that between 1995 and 2008 nearly 9.5 million individuals had been arrested due to connections with marijuana (whether it is cultivation, possession, or distribution).
  • Ongoing scientific research has shown tobacco and alcohol to be more addictive, harmful, and socially costly than marijuana.
  • As we have explored, marijuana is proven to be a less dangerous substance than tobacco and alcohol. Not only is it less dangerous in terms of its addictive properties and physical harm to people, it has critical cannabinoid chemicals that may relieve pain and aid the recovery of certain illnesses.
  • Marijuana is essentially in the same situation today that alcohol was in during Prohibition. Government law prevents marijuana from being sold in a legal manner, but it by no means eliminates the suppl
  • Rather than being produced and distributed peacefully through free trade, the marijuana market is limited only to the black market. This artificial legal limitation of the supply raises the p
  • of marijuana to extraordinary heights, thus attracting suppliers to enter the black market.
  • ome argue that criminalizing marijuana is a more harmful endeavor than the impact of the plant itself on society. The Marijuana Policy Project describes the situation: Because of marijuana prohibition, America’s largest cash crop is grown exclusively by unregulated criminals, often in environmentally damaging locations such as national parks and wilderness areas. Such problems are virtually unknown with legal, regulated crops such as tobacco or wine grapes (“Marijuana Prohibition Facts”).
  • Given that marijuana is less harmful to the human body than alcohol and tobacco, it makes little sense to continue the current policy of cannabis prohibition (particularly when you consider the detrimental results of alcohol prohibition).
    why decriminalization is a good thing/ help promote stability and peace
    found this article!
Duncan Flippo

Russia, South Ossetia and Georgia: Further tension in the Caucasus - Telegraph - 3 views

  • The appointment of Vadim Brovtsev as prime minister was seen as a direct result of Medvedev’s visit
    Says some sweet stuff
Shana Thomas

Netanyahu rejects Obama 1967 view - 3 views

    Following up with my previous article; Israel already disagrees with the pre 1967 borders. We don't want to piss off our only ally in the mid east
Neha Kukreja

Possibility of Abkhazian Independence - 3 views

    -Neha Kukreja
  • ...2 more comments...
    pg.10: "On the whole, Abkhaz citizens' view of the West is based on many years of resentment over the West's repeated calls for the full restoration of Georgia's territorial integrity. This call ignores the Abkhaz desire to have a state of their own, questions their rich historical past and devalues the sacrifices made by the people of Abkhazia during the war unleashed by Georgia." There's no telling that if we granted Abkhazia independence that they wouldn't launch a war vs. the west in retaliation....
    pg. 11:"Another factor is the steady stream of cheap Western videos, on which many people base their view of Western culture. Moreover, restrictions imposed by the EU and the United States (US) on Abkhaz people entering their countries not only violates their right to freedom of movement, but also stops them from becoming acquainted with modern Western life. Abkhazia's attitude to the West is also, to some extent, indicative of the isolationist mentality that resulted from many years of embargoes - a factor which is further exacerbated by an unconscious fear of globalisation."
    pg. 11:"On the question of how much Abkhazia actually needs to be recognised by the wider international community, most Abkhaz officials of whatever rank expressed the view that international recognition is not absolutely necessary at this stage. Given the close strategic partnership with Russia, the country can interact with the outside world through the Russian state and private structures." Would you look at that.... some Abkazians don't even want independence!!!
    pg. 13: "1. Unless President Medvedev of Russia is able to insist on a more liberal way of development in Russia, the civilisational differences between the West and Abkhazia will only grow. Abkhazia will continue to navigate channels laid down by Russian policy and full international recognition will be postponed for many years. 2. If real modernisation is initiated in Russia, this will lead to a more open foreign policy. This will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the development of Abkhazia. The latter will have a chance to accelerate the process of international recognition by developing democratic institutions." Basically, what we're seeing here is that Abkhazian independence isn't totally out of the picture, but rather there are some requirements in making "peace" with the West that needs to come first.... BOTH Russia and Abkhazia need to do this.
Austin Buben

10 Contemporary Drug Problems 1981 Review of the Effects of the Decriminalization of Ma... - 3 views

    Good back up organizations to support your quotations.
Duncan Flippo

Russia ratifies Abkhazia, S. Ossetia military base deployment | Defense | RIA Novosti - 2 views

  • The Russian parliament's upper house ratified agreements on Wednesday concluded last year with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, under which Moscow will set up military bases in the breakaway republics. The treaties allow Russia to operate military bases Abkhazia and South Ossetia for an initial term of 49 years, with possible extensions for an additional 15 years
    • Duncan Flippo
      This is pretty cool. shows that ossetia and abkhazia need russia military, and plan to have them around for a long time
  • Georgia's Foreign Ministry described the move as an unlawful and irresponsible legitimization of the Russian military presence in the separatist regions
    i found this has stuff about military presence in Ossetia
Duncan Flippo

John M. Ackerman: U.S. military aid won't solve Mexico's drug problems | Contributors |... - 2 views

    • Duncan Flippo
      This shows some bad parts of troops by the way. this is my article
    This is an article from a newspaper about US aid to Mexico
Neha Kukreja

Clinton Says U.S. Feeds Mexico Drug Trade - - 2 views

  • “Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade,” Mrs. Clinton said, using unusually blunt language.
    • Neha Kukreja
      And here we have it, ladies and Gentlemen!!
Onurcan Tatman

Drug Control: International Policy and Options - 2 views

  • Moreover, over the past decade, worldwide production of illicit drugs has risen dramatically: opium and marijuana production has roughly doubled and coca production tripled. Also, street prices of cocaine and heroin have fallen significantly in the past 20 years, reflecting increased availability.
  • Problem More than 14 million Americans buy illicit drugs and use them at least once per month, spending by most conservative estimates over $60 billion annually in a diverse and fragmented criminal market. Such drugs are to varying degrees injurious to the health, judgment, productivity and general well-being of their users. Total economic costs to U. S. society associated with drug abuse are estimated by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to be $160 billion. The addictive nature of many of these drugs, their high price, and their illegality play a role in more than half the street crime in the United States. The U. S. illicit drug market generates enormous profits that enable the growth of diversified international criminal organizations, and extend their reach into local neighborhoods, legitimate business, and even national governments. Such profits provide drug trafficking organizations with the resources to effectively evade and compete with law enforcement agencies, to penetrate legitimate economic structures, and, in some instances, to challenge the authority of national governments.
  • Despite the military's obvious ability to support drug law enforcement organizations, questions remain as to the overall effectiveness of a major military role in narcotics interdiction. Proponents of substantially increasing the military's role in supporting civilian law enforcement narcotics interdiction activity argue that narcotics trafficking poses a national security threat to the United States; that only the military is equipped and has the resources to counter powerful trafficking organizations; and that counter drug support provides the military with beneficial, realistic training.
    Rensselaer Lee and Raphael Perl, Congressional Research Service Updated October 16, 2002 Efforts to reduce the flow of illicit drugs from abroad into the United States greatly have so far not succeeded. Moreover, over the past decade, worldwide production of illicit drugs has risen dramatically: opium and marijuana production has roughly doubled and coca production tripled.
    this is a really good source that talks about the effectiveness of the military and how the US could cut down on drug trafficking.
Shana Thomas

Obama calls for Israel's return to pre-1967 borders - 2 views

    Saying we threw Israel under the bus and accusing Obama of "not sticking by our allies"  If we negotiated wrong then Israel wouldn't be our friend anymore and we wouldn't have a place in the middle east; no allies in the middle east
Neha Kukreja

Romney vows to increase defense aid to Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews - 1 views

  • Romney warned that “In the hands of the ayatollahs, a nuclear Iran is nothing less than an existential threat to Israel. Iran’s suicidal fanatics could blackmail the world."
Neha Kukreja

Should Israel continue to receive aid from the United States? - Israeli-Palestinian Con... - 1 views

  • ] is a real benefit to the United States and Israel. We give aid to Israel to maintain its security in a very tough region and a very important part of the world in order to advance critical U.S. interests. If that aid were reduced to a point that Israel couldn't buy the equipment it needs to defend itself and maintain the peace, that would be dangerous to us."
  • "As Israel is continually attacked by ongoing Palestinian terrorist assaults, aid to Israel is more important than ever. Foreign aid presents many benefits to Israel’s safety and security and to Middle East stability.
    Evidently, aid to Israel is a necessity for Israel's security since they're surrounded by so much hostility...
Kevin Gregor

Netanyahu: Israel Cannot Return To 1967 Borders | Fox News - 1 views

  • A peace agreement, he said, must assure Israel's security: "Israel cannot return to the indefensible 1967 borders," he declared, rekindling the dispute with Obama in a possible effort to placate territorial hardliners in his government.
Shana Thomas

Georgia Is Warned by Russia Against Plans to Join NATO - - 1 views

    • Shana Thomas
      So- I'm guessing that Russia would not approve of Abkhazia being known as independent? Wouldn't this also "threaten" Russia? since Russia borders Abkhazia?
  • President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia warned the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, on Friday that Georgia’s joining NATO would deepen the conflict between the former Soviet states.
  • German leaders had expressed their concern to him about relations between Russia and Georgia
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  • Russian troop buildup in Abkhazia could destabilize the region,
  • Mr. Medvedev told Mr. Saakashvili that his quest for NATO membership would not help resolve the simmering tensions in the separatist Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  • Russia wanted to resolve the conflicts, but not with outside help,
  • Mr. Saakashvili, however, did not back away from his long-term goal of joining NATO. Georgia has applied for membership, and NATO has promised that it will eventually be accepted.
  • Mr. Medvedev has argued that NATO membership for Georgia or Ukraine, which has also sought membership, would threaten Russian security.
  • Abkhazia borders the Krasnodar region of Russia
    -Kevin Gregor
Onurcan Tatman

Israel really against new borders - 1 views

    Prime Minister NETANYAHU talks about his ideals and that he wants to help out the Palestinians and their refugee problems but not on Israel proper and that resolving the refugee issue will never happen on Israeli soil. He also talks about how Palestinians need to really stay on their own land and how he is completely against he 1967 border lines coming back into place.
Duncan Flippo

Witness for Peace : POLICY ANALYSIS: Mexican Family Tragedy at the Epicenter ... - 1 views

    • Duncan Flippo
      This article has some really good stats on why the military in Mexico is bad.
    • Duncan Flippo
      also. I found this
Mckenzie Hudson

5 Loyola University Chicago International Law Review 2007-2008 Merida Initiative for Me... - 1 views

    This is mckenzie's drug use stats.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Mac. Stop stealing other peoples pages. I found this cite on friday. Scroll down to one of the first few pages and you will see this same website, just tagged differently.
    well i don't see it, if i did, sorry. i have a back up source in case.
    yeah i looked again and still don't see anything.
Onurcan Tatman

Lateline - 23/05/2011: Obama misrepresented over Middle East speech - 1 views

    US president Barack Obama has sought to reassure a powerful Jewish lobby over his speech on the future of the Middle East
    talks about how israeli correspondent saying they want peace that can last and that cannot happen with the palestinians getting more land because of the israeli feelings towards it and them having to lose land.
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