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Home/ PDS GI Debate Group A '11-'12/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Austin Buben

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Austin Buben

Austin Buben

Hamas: Government or Terrorist Organization? : NPR - 1 views

  • "A democratically elected Hamas is still a terrorist organization."
  • Hamas has targeted and killed many civilians, and Israel's occupation has contributed to a violent political environment.
  • Steven A. Cook, a Middle East expert at the Council on Foreign Relations, started off the evening by acknowledging several facts, which he immediately said were entirely irrelevant. Yes, he said, Hamas was legitimately elected freely and fairly. Yes, Israel has illegally occupied the West Bank and, until recently, Gaza. Yes, Hamas has done much good with its social programs. But, he said, none of that matters. Hamas' central charter calls for the violent overthrow of Israel. Hamas continues to kill innocent civilians. The group must lay down its arms and renounce its violent charter. Until then, Cook said, Hamas can only be labeled a terrorist group.
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  • "A terrorist is a man who murders indiscriminately, distinguishing neither between civilian and innocent and guilty nor soldier and civilian." Terrorism, O'Sullivan argued, is an issue of tactics, not ultimate goals. There can be pro-Nazi and anti-Nazi terrorists, he said; pro-Israel terrorists and anti-Israel ones. In other words, it doesn't matter what we think of Hamas' ultimate goals. All that is important, he argued, is that they employ indiscriminate violence. Until they stop, they should be labeled as terrorists and treated as international pariahs
  • He portrayed a powerful and vicious Israel that has indiscriminately killed many thousands of innocent Palestinians. Cohen argued that Hamas is not a terrorist group, but a nationalist resistance forced to resort to violence because it has so little power compared with Israel.
  • The audience was asked to vote before and after the speakers made their arguments. At the beginning of the evening, 60 percent voted that Hamas is, indeed, still a terrorist organization, 19 percent voted against that proposition and 21 percent didn't know. After the talk, 51 percent were in favor of the motion, 32 percent opposed it and 17 percent were undecided.
    • Austin Buben
      This is exactly the webpage that will help us to win.
    Agreement that hamas is a terrorist organization running a government.
Austin Buben

Netanyahu vows Israel will not return to 'indefensible' mid-1967 borders in Washington ... - 0 views

  • "I'm ready to make painful compromises"
  • Hamas is not a partner for peace," Netanyahu said to one of 26 standing ovations. Hamas' charter calls for the destruction of Israel, the killing of Jews around the globe - and its leader recently bemoaned the killing of Osama bin Laden.
  • Last Friday at the White House, Netanyahu scolded Obama on how unrealistic it was for the administration to push 1967 borders as a starting point for negotiations with Palestinians.
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  • "It's time for (Palestinian) President Abbas to stand before his people and say 'I will accept a Jewish state,'"
Austin Buben

HAMAS Rockets - 0 views

  • This rocket created a new reality in which nearly one million Israeli residents [about 15 percent of the entire population] were at risk.
  • The IDF has noted that militants commonly hide a Qassam in a commercial truck, drive to a clearing near the Gaza border and launch the rocket. One Hamas website states that this takes only 15 minutes.
  • maximum range of those rockets is up to 40 km.
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  • 34-45 km
  • Musheir al-Masri, a Hamas spokesman in the Palestinian Legislative Council, said (Filastin al-'An website, December 24) that the rockets which had been launched were only the first message and threatened to extend the attacks beyond what had been carried out so far. He guaranteed that Israel would "be hit in a way it had never been before," and that he was not afraid of Israel threats. The population of the villages bordering on the Gaza Strip, as well as Sderot and Ashqelon, would not be secure "as long as Palestinians are not secure".
  • There was also a significant increase in the number of Israeli residents exposed to rocket fire.
    Qassam Rockets theoretical range. Large portion of Israel.
Austin Buben

Jamestown Foundation Blog: ICJ's Kosovo Verdict Weakens Russian Position - 0 views

  • A second argument is that Abkhazia and “South Ossetia” declared their independence after a mass ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Georgians, and other ethnicities had artificially changed the demographic composition of the two regions. Russia’s military presence in those territories both before and after the war as well as the absence of proper international peace mechanisms have prevented the majority Georgian population from returning home. While in Kosovo the very purpose of the international mission was to help the Kosovar Albanians to return safely, hundreds of thousands of Georgians have not been allowed to go back to Abkhazia and Tskhinvali. Thus, unlike Kosovo, the de-facto authorities in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali do not represent the majority of the lawful residents in those territories but are merely puppet regimes whose declarations have no legitimacy. Recognizing the independence of the occupied territories would just legitimize the use of ethnic cleansing as a device to change international borders.The ethnic cleansing of Georgians has been officially recognized by the UN General Assembly, by the OSCE in 1994, 1996 and 1999 during its Budapest, Lisbon and Istanbul summits, and by several individual states. Paragraph 17 of the 1999 OSCE Istanbul Summit Document states: “We reiterate our strong condemnation as formulated in the Budapest and Lisbon Summit Documents of the ‘ethnic cleansing’ resulting in mass destruction and expulsion of predominantly Georgian population in Abkhazia, Georgia.”
    • Austin Buben
      Ethnic cleansing by Russia artificially turned the region of Abkhazia and South Ossetia from a Magority of Georgians into a minority who now want to declare independence.
Austin Buben

"Traditional Gap" In The ICJ's Advisory Opinion On Kosovo - 0 views

  • Of course, one can argue that the territorial integrity of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova has already been recognized by many international organizations and by the majority of states in the world. The UN Security Council, notably, adopted many resolutions affirming the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia and Azerbaijan.47 That is why one could conclude that this standpoint reflects already the position of the international community, according to which the secession of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh has not been recognized (apart from Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Nauru in Abkhazia’s and S. Ossetia’s case).
    • Austin Buben
      Shows the difference between Abkhazia being allowed their own independence and the international community recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia as Sovereign States; Which will never happen. (IF it would have, it already would have been expressed.)
  • The Court did not state in the Opinion that Kosovo through its declaration of independence effectively seceded from Serbia and thus the new state of “Kosovo” emerged. As it did not call into question the validity of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999), which legitimizes the presence of international territorial administration in Kosovo, one can conclude that this resolution is still in force until a new resolution is adopted by the Council. In fact, according to this resolution, Kosovo shall only be given substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia). Hence it can be stated that, from a legal point of view, Kosovo still can be seen as part of Serbia.
Austin Buben

[FROM DEBATE.ORG] Debate Argument: Abkhazia and South Ossetia should not be independen... - 0 views

    Great website to spark som topics in the comments.
Austin Buben

The independence precedent: If Kosovo goes free | The Economist - 0 views

    • Austin Buben
      Difference in Population
    • Austin Buben
      Reason why Georgia attacked Abkhazia and South Ossetia were because of the refugee camps in Georgia resulting from the discrimination of Georgians.
Austin Buben / Comment / Opinion - Why I had to recognise Georgia's breakaway regions - 0 views

  • Meanwhile, ignoring Russia’s warnings, western countries rushed to recognise Kosovo’s illegal declaration of independence from Serbia. We argued consistently that it would be impossible, after that, to tell the Abkhazians and Ossetians (and dozens of other groups around the world) that what was good for the Kosovo Albanians was not good for them. In international relations, you cannot have one rule for some and another rule for others.
    • Austin Buben
      Basically sums up my Tagline saying that Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia and the International Court of Justice's decision to recognize it as an independent state has heightened the debate over whether Abkhazia and South Ossetia should be considered independent states from Georgia.
Austin Buben

CensusScope -- Population Growth - 0 views

    Alaska population in 1960-2000
Austin Buben

Stem the violence, make marijuana legal - 0 views

    • Austin Buben
      Austin Found this First
    • Austin Buben
      This article basically tells how drug cartels would be hurt if marijuana is legalized.
  • Mexico's drug cartels would continue to be, in the words of the Justice Department's National Drug Threat Assessment for 2009, "the greatest drug-trafficking threat to the United States."
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  • "Marijuana is the (Mexican cartels') cash crop, the cash cow," says Brittany Brown
  • Marijuana is cheap to grow and requires no processing. More than a million pounds of it was seized in Arizona in each of the past two years
  • First, Prohibition didn't work. • Second, even though alcohol sales are regulated, back-alley or school-yard sales of moonshine is not a billion-dollar problem. • Third, alcohol, like its addictive killer-cousin tobacco, is taxed, which helps cover its costs to society. Not so with marijuana
  • "People who smoke pot in the United States don't think they are connected to the cartels," Brown says. "Actually, they are very connected."
  • stead of paying taxes on their vice, pot smokers are enriching thugs and murderers
  • The DEA says cartels are "poly-drug organizations" that routinely smuggle cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and precursor chemicals through our state. "(But) marijuana generates the most profit,
  • Legalizing marijuana would not stop pushers from selling other, more lethal poisons. But taking away their most profitable product would hurt criminal organizations that have grown richer, more powerful and better armed during the so-called war on drug
  • While U.S. drug users enrich the cartels, the U.S. government pours huge amounts of money into defeating them.
  • According to a report last fall from the Government Accountability Office, the United States has provided more than $6 billion to support Plan Colombia since fiscal 2000. The goal of reducing processing and distribution of illicit drugs (mostly cocaine) by 50 percent was not achieved
    Decriminalizing marijuana reduces the enormous cash flow to drug cartels fueling the drug wars in Mexico. 
Austin Buben

Alcohol, Tobacco Worse Than Illegal Drugs? - CBS News - 0 views

    • Austin Buben
      Austin Found this First
  • New "landmark" research finds that alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some illegal drugs like marijuana or Ecstasy and should be classified as such in legal systems, according to a new British study.
  • The Lancet magazine, Professor David Nutt of Britain's Bristol University and colleagues proposed a new framework for the classification of harmful substances, based on the actual risks posed to society. Their ranking listed alcohol and tobacco among the top 10 most dangerous substances.
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  • "The current drug system is ill thought-out and arbitrary,"
  • "The exclusion of alcohol and tobacco from the Misuse of Drugs Act is, from a scientific perspective, arbitrary,"
  • Tobacco causes 40 percent of all hospital illnesses, while alcohol is blamed for more than half of all visits to hospital emergency rooms.
  • The substances also harm society in other ways, damaging families and occupying police services.
  • Nutt hopes that the research will provoke debate within the UK and beyond about how drugs — including socially acceptable drugs such as alcohol — should be regulated. While different countries use different markers to classify dangerous drugs, none use a system like the one proposed by Nutt's study, which he hopes could serve as a framework for international authorities
  • "The rankings also suggest the need for better regulation of the more harmful drugs that are currently legal, i.e. tobacco and alcohol,"
  • "All drugs are dangerous," he said. "Even the ones people know and love and use every day."
  • Nutt and colleagues used three factors to determine the harm associated with any drug: the physical harm to the user, the drug's potential for addiction, and the impact on society of drug use. The researchers asked two groups of experts — psychiatrists specializing in addiction and legal or police officials with scientific or medical expertise — to assign scores to 20 different drugs, including heroin, cocaine, Ecstasy, amphetamines, and LSD.
  • Heroin and cocaine were ranked most dangerous, followed by barbiturates and street methadone. Alcohol was the fifth-most harmful drug and tobacco the ninth most harmful. Cannabis came in 11th, and near the bottom of the list was Ecstasy.
  • According to existing British and U.S. drug policy, alcohol and tobacco are legal, while cannabis and Ecstasy are both illegal. Previous reports, including a study from a parliamentary committee last year, have questioned the scientific rationale for Britain's drug classification system.
    • Austin Buben
      Alcohol and tobacco, two legal substances in the U.S. and the U.K. are more harmful than marijuana.
Austin Buben

10 Contemporary Drug Problems 1981 Review of the Effects of the Decriminalization of Ma... - 3 views

    Good back up organizations to support your quotations.
Austin Buben

Cons of Marijuana Legalization (Potential Incriminating Article) - 1 views

    Could come back to hurt us.
Austin Buben

Drug Facts | Marijuana - 1 views

    Some cons of marijuana. Unsupported.
Austin Buben - Legalization of Marijuana (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Agains... - 1 views

    • Austin Buben
      Austin Buben found this document first.
    • Austin Buben
      Everything that I highlight is something that is a weak topic.
  • Some c
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  • are likely
  • could
  • could
  • could
  • harmfulness of marijuana are inconclusive and contradictory
  • Most doctors would agree that it's not very harmful if used in moderation
  • isn't abuse of almost any bad substance a problem
  • Most doctors believe that marijuana is no more addictive that alcohol or tobacco.
  • All illegal drugs are higher in price because the production, transportation, and sale of the drugs carry heavy risks.
  • chemotherapy
  • if someone in the drug trade screws you over, there's no police to call or lawyers to litigate. You must settle disputes yourself.
  • enormous amount of money is raised through government taxation of alcohol, cigarettes, and other "sins".
    This is a basic website that should help lead everyone in a general direction of what they should get started on and further research these subjects.
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