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Rhondda Powling

Free Technology for Teachers: Three Ways To Look At The World As A Village - 5 views

    Post from @richardByrne. Contains infographics displaying the world as 100 people. Based on a description about how teacher Ryann Warlick used 3 infographics as the basis for helping students think about identifying people that they can help.
Grace Kat

School AUP 2.0 | Main / HomePage browse - 0 views

    This wiki site will serve as a launchpad to other documents and communities seeking to provide guidance in acceptable use policy development and also as an incubator for ideas related to issues, document structures, new problems and opportunities, and maintenance.
Nigel Robertson

Warlick's CoLearners | Main / RedefiningLiteracyForThe21stCentury browse - 0 views

    "As little as we know about the future for which we are preparing our students, it is clear that it will be a place that is governed by information. Accessing, processing, building with, and communicating that information is how we will all make our livings."
Tony Searl

NZ Interface Magazine | If you can't use technology get out of teaching! - 12 views

    Is a lack of PD a barrier? Professional development is a barrier, although I think they can teach themselves much of what teachers need to be learning to be able to modernise their classrooms. The worst thing a teacher can say is: "who's going to teach me how to do that?" Teachers are teachers and should be able to teach themselves what they need to know. If they can't then they probably shouldn't be teaching. You want a teacher who can keep up. There are networks of other educators out there that can connect you with new skills. Professional development doesn't have to be something that is done to teachers - it can be just ongoing conversations they're having with other professionals that they're learning from every day.
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