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Roland Gesthuizen

8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning - 6 views

    "This Aboriginal pedagogy framework is expressed as eight interconnected pedagogies involving narrative-driven learning, visualised learning plans, hands-on/reflective techniques, use of symbols/metaphors, land-based learning, indirect/synergistic logic, modelled/scaffolded genre mastery, and connectedness to community. But these can change in different settings."
    Nice outline and resource for Australian aboriginal learning styles.
Grace Kat

A shared history - Aboriginal perspectives in HSIE K-6 - Introduction to maps - 0 views

    Six maps of Aboriginal Australia
Alison Hall

The Critical Classroom - 5 views

    For teachers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the classroom. 
David Hilton

The notebooks of William Dawes on the language of Sydney - 0 views

    "The Aboriginal language of Sydney is one of many Indigenous languages spoken in Australia. Almost destroyed in the whirlwind of colonisation, it was documented by William Dawes, an officer of the First Fleet of 1787-88"
Alison Hall

Project: NAIDOC 2008 - 0 views

    NAIDOC celebrations are held around Australia in July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This project suggests some ways you can celebrate NAIDOC in the school environment.
Grace Kat

Captain Cook - Cook Claims New South Wales - Australian History, Cook's claim to New So... - 0 views

    Video clip synopsis - After spending some time observing an Aboriginal tribe, Cook commits the most controversial act of the voyage: he claims the entire east coast of New Holland for Britain, without permission from the local inhabitants.
Grace Kat

Welcome to Australia - video - 2 views

    1999. An examination of the exclusion of Australia's Aborigines.
Rhondda Powling

ABC Online Indigenous - Interactive Map - 8 views

    Australian Indigenous language map: a very useful resource from ABC Online 
Grace Kat

Gardening Australia - Video - 0 views

    Go to October 4 2008 for Australian Heritage Plants.
North Coast

TAFE Courses, distance courses, online courses - 0 views

    TAFE Courses - North Coast TAFE offers a range of distance courses, online courses, aboriginal programs, green skills courses, courses for school students and international programs. Search the course of your choice at
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