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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Aleks Anders

Aleks Anders

faceLAB 5 | Seeing Machines - 0 views

    Seeing Machines has been creating advanced eye tracking algorithms since the company was founded in 2000. faceLAB 5 is the latest release of our flagship eye tracking system and features significant improvements aimed at making it easier for researchers to objectively measure human behavior in a wide range of operational conditions and research settings.
Aleks Anders

eye-tracking-study-of-the-e-learning-environment-moodle-investigation-of-userbehavior |... - 0 views

    "This work describes an eye tracking study of the e-learning system Moodle outlining how Moodle’s learning materials are explored, selected and processed. The goal of this study was to investigate several cognitive variables and the exploratory learning processes itself. The experiment addressed research objectives such as the individual order of selecting learning material, the visual scanning of Moodle's environment, the importance of "Gestalt laws" respectively rules of pre-attentive perception, the influence of the involvement-factor as well as usability aspects. "
Aleks Anders

Universität Trier: Publikationen - 1 views

    "Bucher, Hans-Jürgen / Schumacher Peter (Hrsg.) 2010: Interaktionale Rezeptionsforschung. Theorie und Methode der Blickaufzeichnung in der Medienforschung. Wiesbaden (VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft, erscheint demnächst)."
Aleks Anders

Usability-Tests und Eyetracking mit Morae | scoreberlin GmbH - 0 views

    "Seit 2009 verfügt die Eyetracking-Lösung NYAN XT über eine eingebaute Morae-Integration: Auf Knopfdruck zeichnet Morae 3 Eyetracking-Daten aus NYAN XT auf und speichert diese automatisch in der Morae-RDG-Datei."
Aleks Anders

Brigham Young University Students Create Relatively Inexpensive Eye-Tracking PC [The To... - 0 views

    "Students out at Brigham Young University in Utah have taken an interesting turn in the now-developing eye controlled PC wars (some war-so far it's two parties), and the turn will give Brigham Young a critical edge: namely, a 75 percent price cut. A while back we talked about the PCEye from Tobii, the system that allowed a Lenovo laptop to get controlled by a series of glances and blinks out at the CeBIT show. And then we later announced that it got priced, at a whopping $6900 per unit. This made an already bad situation in which the PCEye might have been useful significantly worse by making it almost inaccessible to those who could have used it."
Aleks Anders

Eye Tracking Produkte | interactive minds - 0 views

    "Interactive Minds entwickelt seit vielen Jahren Eye Tracking Lösungen (...) Dabei legen wir besonderen Wert auf Genauigkeit der Hardware sowie Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Softwarelösungen. Besonderer Vorteil unserer vollkommen berührungslos arbeitenden Eye Tracking Systeme sind die hochfokussierenden Kameras, die nicht nur hochauflösende Bilder produzieren, sondern auch tolerant gegenüber Einflüssen wie Kopfbewegung, Umgebungslicht oder Make-Up sind. Für einen weiträumigen Kopfbewegungsfreiraum setzen wir statt Weitwinkelobjektiven bewegliche Kameras ein, die auch über den gesamten Messbereich präzise Daten erheben."
Aleks Anders

Tobii eye tracking products Hardware Software - 0 views

    Tobii eye tracking systems enable you to efficiently obtain valid and reliable eye tracking research results, by being easy to use, unobtrusive, and highly accurate and precise. The Tobii Studio eye tracking software provides a comprehensive platform for recording, observation, analysis and visualization in heat maps and gaze plots.
Aleks Anders

User Centered - 0 views

Aleks Anders

Evaluation of a remote webcam-based eye tracker - 0 views

    "In this paper we assess the performance of an open-source gaze tracker in a remote (i.e. table-mounted) setup, and compare it with two other commercial eye trackers. An experiment with 5 subjects showed the open-source eye tracker to have a significantly higher level of accuracy than one of the commercial systems, Mirametrix S1, but also a higher error rate than the other commercial system, a Tobii T60. We conclude that the web-camera solution may be viable for people who need a substitute for the mouse input but cannot afford a commercial system."
Aleks Anders

Retrospective think-aloud method - 0 views

    "The retrospective think-aloud method, in which participants work in silence and verbalize their thoughts afterwards while watching a recording of their performance, is often used for the evaluation of websites. However, participants may not always be able to recall what they thought, when they only see few visual cues that help them remembering their task execution process. In our study we complemented the recording of the performance with a gaze trail of the participant" eye movements, in order to elicit more verbalizations. A comparison was made between the traditional retrospective think-aloud protocols and the variant with eye movements. Contrary to our expectations, no differences were found between the two conditions on numbers of problems, the ways these problems were detected, and types of problems. Two possible explanations for this result are that eye movements might be rather confronting and distracting for participants, and the rather generic way of probing we used. The added value might be stronger when specific questions are asked, based on the observed eye movements. Implications for usability practitioners are discussed in the conclusions of this paper."
Aleks Anders

Triggered think-aloud protocol - 0 views

    "Usability practitioners often rely on research participants' verbal reports to better understand the user experience. These reports can be collected either during or after task execution, with each approach entailing unique benefits and limitations. This note presents a framework for using eye tracking data to "trigger" when and how moderators probe participants for verbal comments during task execution to supplement or elaborate participant-initiated comments. A preliminary case study suggests that this approach affords a level of efficiency and effectiveness difficult to achieve with retrospective verbalization or without the use of eye tracking. The hope is that practitioners will be encouraged to use and refine this method for the benefit of the field."
Aleks Anders

Low-Budget Remote Usability-Plattformen - Potentiale und Grenzen | usabilityblog - 0 views

    "Vom "Usability- zum User Experience-Experten"…"
Aleks Anders

eparo: Eintägige Einsteiger-Schulung zu Axure RP PRO - 0 views

    "Dieser Kurs ist gedacht für Teilnehmer, die keine oder nur sehr geringe Erfahrung mit Axure RP Pro haben und die "Rapid Prototyping" lernen wollen (...) Typischerweise sind dies oft User-Experience-Designer, Informationsarchitekten, Interaction-Designer, Usability-Consultants, Graphikdesigner, Interface-Entwickler, Texter, Produktmanager oder Business-Analysten."
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