A Complete Document Management System packaged as a server appliance. Still needs wiki-WORD sync-share-collaborate. Still needs portable "native client" docx viewer/editor with fixed/flow/flock options.
Good solution for SMB: instead of trusting business documents to a Cloud provider, they can purchase the Treeno DMS-Cloud appliance and do it themselves.
Treeno Document Vault 2.0 - document management appliance. The new Treeno Document Vault is designed specifically for the small to medium sized business. It is a completely self-contained plug-and-play document management server appliance.
Treeno's EDM solutions include document, imaging, email and document workflow management.
Treeno Software's mission is to provide their customers with operational workflow efficiencies and measureable return on investment (ROI) through the fast installation and implementation of their fully secure, highly reliable, and easy-to-use, web-based Enterprise Document Management (EDM) Solution. For more information on Treeno Software, please visit www.treenosoftware.com
If this doesn't make Florian weep, nothing can!
Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office is now available worldwide. This plugin for Microsoft Office is available to anyone with a Google Account, and brings multi-person collaboration to the Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications that you may still need from time to time. The plugin syncs your work through Google's cloud, so everyone can contribute to the same version of a file at the same time. Learning the benefits of web-powered collaboration will help more people make a faster transition to 100% web collaboration tools.
In taking this next step Box are closing some acquisition doors in electing to attempt to become a core piece of enterprise infrastructure rather than be swallowed up into someone else's larger offering. It's a brave and interesting move that will see them attempting to penetrate on-premise document and project management opportunities that are currently dominated by entrenched vendors, notably Sharepoint.
Box's collaboration and work flow tools are currently adequate but unremarkable, and while the user interfaces are well done and unintimidating, they are now attempting to enter the areas of business steeped in document versioning and email inefficiencies that have been so lucrative to Microsoft, who can't be blamed for not cannibalizing their licensing golden geese of Office, Sharepoint and Exchange yet, and probably made 48 million as you read this sentence.
Addressing the inefficiencies of these old ways of working are at the core of the modern collaborative enterprise, and it is primarily focusing on business purpose and performance from participants that ultimately unlocks the greater efficiencies possible with 2.0 technologies. The challenge for Box will be to avoid becoming a larger document and content graveyard while providing greater business agility, and this requires some cultural shifts in their offerings to target customers.
excellent comparison between Amazon S3 champion, DropBox, and Rackspace champion JungleDisk. DropBox kicks ass. Again. Amazing.
The stages of Cloud Document / Content Management Stack:
......... Backup-restore
........... backup-restore-store
.............. backup-store-share
......... sync-share-store
............. sync-share-store-collaborate (wikiWORD-SPoint)
......... Visual Document Portfolio
DropBox has moved the industry to the sync-share-store level. Collaboration remains a mystery to most, relying on Google Docs or Zoho (Rackspace).
Google Cloud Connect can match DropBox for ease and reliability at the sync-share-store level. MS-Live/Azure/SkyDrive however fails miserably at this level.
The problem with Google Collaboration is that it breaks the Native Documents when converting to the Google collaboration format. GCC (Google Cloud Connect) does store the original Native document, but does not keep track of revisions to the native! Advantage DropBox!
DropBox however does not have collaboration.
The Visual Document Portfolio model is a design that saves the Native document to a Cloud Folder, and the system provides all visual representations on demand from that Native. A Visual representation would be PDF, SVG (fixed), HTML (flow), ePUB or an HTML5 immersive visual representation packaged as a webzine.
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