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Dianne Hinders

Online Learning and Higher Education - 0 views

    This article examines a review of literature related to online learning and teaching. I especially liked the chart that provided a brief historical perspective of online education.
Keith Bonnstetter

ollie1reppert: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

  • Sufficient learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students
    • anonymous
      Having an online presence really makes this possible because you can easily increase the resources and materials available to students. For instance, on my Google site, I have links to other resources where students can go for help if they do not understand a concept, such as the textbook site, writing skills sites, and study skills sites.
  • Academic integrity and netiquette (Internet etiquette) expectations regarding lesson activities, discussions, e-mail communications and plagiarism are clearly stated • Privacy policies are clearly stated. • The self-introduction by the instructor is appropriate and available online, and students are likewise asked to introduce themselves to the class. (CP) • The course provider offers orientation training.
    • anonymous
      All four of these are very important, but I have to say that my course currently lacks each of these. I'm wondering if since my course is partially online and partially in person if all of these are necessary to have in the online component, or if it counts as long as it is covered at one point, whether it be online or in person.
    • LeAnne Wagner
      This is an area that often gets overlooked.  It is a skill just like any of the technical skills--knowing the online etiquette, etc.  
  • The course makes maximum appropriate use of online tools outside of the CMS (including email, web 2.0, chat, videoconferencing, and whiteboard) to enhance learning
    • LeAnne Wagner
      So many times, you see schools that have their teachers use a CMS like Moodle and that is the extent of their technology use--it is only one way to utilize.  There are many ways to deeply integrate these types of tools in the classroom.
    • Josh Hetrick
      I have really started to think this year how to connect with students using my Promethean board at school.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • The course instructions articulate or link to a clear description of the technical support offered.
    • Steve Butler
      got to have the technical support... learners will get discouraged or quit w/o it!
    • Robin Olberding
      I highly agree.
  • The course is easy and logical to navigate, including self-describing links
    • Steve Butler
      I think it is very important to remove potential barriers to learning. Confusion leads to shutdown.
  • Technologies are chosen that are accessible to students
    • Josh Hetrick
      It's important to remember when placing items on a website that are downloadable to choose programs that most students have. What I am thinking is when using the latest version of microsoft that some students don't have to convert to a pdf file.
  • Specific and descriptive criteria, including rubrics, are provided for the evaluation of students’ work and participation
    • Josh Hetrick
      I have really started to use more rubrics in my teaching and students find it useful. I really think when students are allowed to help create the rubric it makes their learning more powerful and gives them a sense of ownership.
  • A clear, complete course overview and syllabus are included in the course
    • Andy Denton
      This is the best way to start all classes. everyone knows what is expected and there ar eno questions as to what is going to be done in the class.
  • Ongoing and frequent assessments are conducted to verify each student’s readiness for the next lesson.
    • Andy Denton
      The question then becomes what to do when some are ready to move on abd the others are not quite there yet. Stay with the topic and bore some, or go on and lose others.
  • The course content and assignments are of sufficient rigor, depth, and breadth to teach the standards being addressed
    • Andy Denton
      They have to be challenged to the point just before frustration.
  • clearly state what the participants will know or be able to do at the end of the course
    • anonymous
      I appreciate knowing upfront what I am expected to do and what I will learn in a course! Clarity is great!
  • Course instructions answer basic questions related to research, writing, technology, etc., or link to tutorials or other resources that provide the information.
    • anonymous
      The issue that I see as a concern is that tutorials become outdated as soon as a tool updates and the interface/operations change. Keeping the tutorials current is another job for the instructor.
  • The course provides opportunities for appropriate student interaction with the content to foster mastery and application of the material.
  • The course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student-student interaction to foster mastery and application of the material and a plan for monitoring that interaction.
    • anonymous
      Student interaction can be so powerful! One of the best ways to learn!
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning.
    • Kristy Cleppe
      The ability to utilize online resources and course work provides many opportunities for students to actively engage themselves and what they learn with in a course. Some hands on activities can be utilized within a moodle
  • Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.
    • Kristy Cleppe
      This is one reason I truly enjoy utilizing a moodle with in my classroom. It limits handouts and creates a great opportunity for me to provide very detailed instructions about assigments, activities or projects. When students are absent they can access this information in order to be prepared for the next class.
  • The course provides opportunities for students to engage in higher-order thinking, critical-reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways.
    • Keith Bonnstetter
      This is extremely important for AP classes. The students need to reach this level of thinking skills in order to perform well on the AP exam.
    • Keith Bonnstetter
      This is extremely important so that the students know exactly what they must do. It is hard to get to the final destination if the map is unclear.
  • The requirements for student work, including student interaction, are clearly articulated.
Keith Bonnstetter

ollie1reppert: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-conten
    • anonymous
      This is something that I really like about Moodle. Students have the ability to interact with content, with each other, and with the teacher.
    • LeAnne Wagner
      It is a natural fit for Characteristics of Effective Instruction.  
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • anonymous
      We are meeting this criteria as we take this class.
    • Steve Butler
      I have sat through too many inservices in which I thought "there is no way I could teach like this and expect my students to learn" or similar thoughts. Putting ourselves in our students' shoes can only help our effectiveness.
    • Robin Olberding
      It is good to get out of our comfort zone every now and again. This helps to find the areas that may be difficult for students in the future.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • LeAnne Wagner
      This will be difficult for many teachers--making this change from face to face into online.  This is why it took so long for people to accept classes taken online as being ok.
    • Steve Butler
      I wholeheartedly agree. Our school is going 1:1 soon and I am quite nervous about it for this reason.
    • Robin Olberding
      I have taught a hybrid class-which is a combination of both face-to-face and online. That is the way I have dipped my foot into this environment.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning,
    • Josh Hetrick
      I can't stop thinking how students will have the ability to access class information and interact with it. This may help students who tend to struggle in class but excel using technology.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education
    • Josh Hetrick
      I sometimes feel that I am learning on the go and tend to learn along with the students. The way that works best for me is to jump in and learn the computer programs, otherwise I find myself wishing I could do it.
    • anonymous
      With technology, I think it is ok to learn with the students or let them learn the program. Teachers don't necessarily need to know all the ins and outs of all the technology!
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Andy Denton
      I hope this class counts as having experienced online learning.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • Andy Denton
      Most of the time I find that the kids are helping the teachers, when it comes to technology.
  • Selects and uses technologies appropriate to the content that enhance learning
    • anonymous
      It is important to look at the end outcome, then determine which tool will work for students the best.
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • anonymous
      I took an online course where the instructor left audio formative feedback in MP3 format. It was great. I got to hear the instructor's voice for the first time and heard the inflection in her voice. It made our connection much closer. I had her audio messages saved for quite some time (maybe still do!). I hope to use this feedback technique in my courses.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • anonymous
      In an online course I took, the university had us give feedback. The questions pertained specifically to the course we were taking. We were able to give constructive feedback on exactly what we did in the class. I thought that was good.
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning and course data to students and colleagues
    • Kristy Cleppe
      The online community (moodle) provides another means to communicate course standards, objectives and achievements to both students and other colleagues that you open the moodle up to. Great way to communicate course data
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently (SREB D.1, ITS 1.g)
    • Kristy Cleppe
      This moodle allows interaction to take place in and out of the classroom. By utilizing the message board and the ability to provide online feedback on course assignments, activities, and grades we can communicate effectively with students on their achievements.
  • SREB C.3, Varvel VII.A) •
    • Keith Bonnstetter
      If as an instructor you are not able to engage the students then everything you have learned will have been a waste of time. The students have to see a purpose for everything that they are doing.
  • • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Keith Bonnstetter
      It is very important to continue to change and constantly refresh your technology skill in order to stay conntected with the students.
  • • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies (SREB B.5)
LeAnne Wagner

Infographics & Data Visualizations - - 0 views

    A great resource for infographics.  Eventually a tool to create.
LeAnne Wagner

"My Teacher Is an App" | Edutopia - 0 views

    A different perspective.
Annalisa Miner

Make Belief Comix - 0 views

    create comics in Spanish, French, German, Italian, English, Portuguese, Latin.
Robin Holtz

Free Technology for Teachers: Fotobabble - Turn Pictures Into Audio ... - 0 views

    Turn pictures into stories in the classroom...for free.

Flip Teaching - 0 views

    This site is developed by a teacher who is utilizing "flip" or reverse teaching in his classroom, whereby he has student learn the lecture portion of his class as homework, then uses classtime for learning requiring higher order thinking skills.

All My Faves | Education - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 20 Nov 11 - Cached
    This is a site I have come back to time and time again when I'm looking to do something new. It provides a list of favorites in different categories.
Perry Bekkerus

Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine - 0 views

    A wonderful way to search for melodic shape
A Hughes

elearnspace › learning, networks, knowledge, technology, community - 0 views

  • The open access debate Wednesday, October 19, 2011 At the EDUCAUSE 2011 conference today, I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Hal Abelson – founding director of Free Software Foundation and Creative Commons. He presented on the state of openness in education. While on the surface openness is gaining traction through scholarship and publication, content providers and journal publishers are starting to push back. During the talk, he used the image below (from this article – .pdf) to argue that journal publishers have a monopoly. The surface progress of openness belies a deeper, more dramatic period of conflict around openness that is only now beginning.
    • A Hughes
      As a librarian, I am very interested in the topic of open access. The image of the commercial Journal Publishers is very revealing. I did not realize that Elsevier owned so much of the academic content. I would like to know what other information I can find by Hal Abelson.
Carol Price

Digital Citizenship - 0 views

    This Website will provide teachers and parents with important information about how to use technology responsibility.
Carol Price

Resources - 0 views

    • Carol Price
      Click on the headers: Resources, Publications, and Nine Elements to see the wealth of information available on this Website.
Meg Tvrdik

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds - 0 views

shared by Meg Tvrdik on 20 Mar 12 - Cached
  • You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
    • Carol Price
      Try Wordle out for yourself. It is as easy to use as it is fun.
  • Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
    Wordle is a neat and fun tool for teachers to use in various ways in their classrooms. For example, concepts can be typed in and as a concept is repeated, the word enlarges. One of my schools used it to determine which words to use in their vision statement. The result became a beautiful work of art.
    Great resource for interactive activities for kids.
Carol Price

Top 10 Cloud Storage | 2012 Best Cloud Storage Reviews & Ratings - 0 views

    This site reviews cloud storage. I'm interested in getting an ipad and I've been wondering about cloud storage.
Carol Price

NHSCenterMedia - YouTube - 0 views

    • Carol Price
      This is the video.
  • Webinar: Aligning Tiered Interventions with High School Initiatives
amy simmons

online1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • amy simmons
      As an online student right now, I definitely understand the frustrations other students may face when taking an online course!
  • learners
  • mmunit
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere (SREB C.3, Varvel VII.A)
    • amy simmons
      Yes, an online teacher would definitely have to be positive and patient to deal with students like me.
Nicole Craun

Text Message (SMS) Polls and Voting, Audience Response System | Poll Everywhere - 0 views

    Can't wait to explore this more. What a great way to do formative assessment without cumbersome clickers.
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