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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lorilee Hamel


ollie_4: Article: Attributes from Effective Formative Assessment (CCSSO) - 4 views

  • substantial interest in formative assessment
    • Lorilee Hamel
      While the language of formative and summative assessment is relatively new as well as the new emphasis on direct feedback, the fact of the matter is that writing teachers have done these things forever. We just didn't package it with a fancy name in order to make oodles of $$. Dang it! ; )
  • is to provide evidence that is used by teachers and students to inform instruction and learning during the teaching/learning process
    • Lorilee Hamel
      As I explain to my students, "If you can do this perfectly already, I shouldn't be teaching it."
  • Learning Progressions:
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Learning Goals and Criteria for Success
  • Descriptive Feedback:
  • Self- and Peer-Assessment:
    • Lorilee Hamel
      This is another area where writing teachers have a distinct advantage and have been practicing these protocols for a long time.
  • Collaboration
    • Lorilee Hamel
      Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop--that's the entire premise of Nancy Atwelll's work.

ollie_4: Building a Better Mousetrap - 1 views

    • Lorilee Hamel
      I understand why teachers want to allow students freedom to be creative in the process of completing a product that demonstrates learning, but the fact is that without the criteria for completion and mastery (two rubric dimensions) students won't know what exactly it is they are supposed to demonstrate to prove learning. Additionally, most students don't know where to go with a new product to demonstrate learning and to be creative with it. If they had that kind of mastery of a product/learning then they wouldn't have to be taught it in the first place. Rubrics or some identification of critical elements that demonstrate that learning has happened on the standards necessary is vital. 
  • rubrics their institution developed can be used to reliably
    • Lorilee Hamel
      That's the key; creating valid and reliable rubrics that truly assess what needs to be assessed.
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  • well-designed rubrics help instructors in all disciplines meaningfully assess the outcomes of the more complicated assignments that are the basis of the problem-solving, inquiry-based, student-centered pedagogy
  • “Meaningfully” here means both consistently and accurately
    • Lorilee Hamel
      "...consistently and accurately" this is vital!
  • “latticing,” or “scaffolding”—if they are shared with students prior to the completion of any given assignment.
  • rubrics can help the student with self-assessment;
  • the habits of mind practiced in the act of self-assessment.
  • “Perhaps the greatest potential value of classroom assessment is realized when we open the assessment process up and welcome students into that process as full partners”
    • Lorilee Hamel
      I agree that this is powerful. But unfortunately, having the students build the rubric and then complete the product of the rubric becomes very time consuming. It is important to pick and choose when instruction will be furthered by the students' participation in the creation of the rubric and when it is not feasible because of the time commitment and loss of time that would need to be committed to another set of learning goals.
  • withholding assessment tools (whether they are rubrics or more nebulous modes of evaluation) from students is not only unfair and makes self-assessment more difficult
  • “Standards, Feedback, and Diversified Assessment: Addressing Equity Issues at the Classroom Level,” reports that extensive use of rubrics can help minimize students’ educational disparities and bring fairness into assessment on numerous levels: “In short, explicit performance criteria, along with supporting models of work, make it possible for students to use the attributes of exemplary work to monitor their own performance.”
    • Lorilee Hamel
  • A rubric that tells students, as a typical example, that they will get an A for writing a 1000 word essay that “cites x number of sources and supports its thesis with at least three arguments” will lead students to perceive writing as a kind of “paint-by-number” endeavor (Mathews).
    • Lorilee Hamel
      However, that is a poorly written rubric. And perhaps a poorly written rubric with criteria that a student can follow is better than no guidance or standard at all?
  • some rubrics are dumb.’”
    • Lorilee Hamel
      Absolutely. "Some rubrics ARE dumb."
  • It’s the design
  • mistake the design of specific rubrics with the concept of rubrics in general.
  • “general” or “specific.”
  • “analytic” or “holistic.”
  • weight dimensions
  • Steps in developing a scoring rubric
  • With your colleagues
    • Lorilee Hamel
      The collaboration among colleagues to create a rubric can not only create a much more reliable and valid rubric, but can also lead to professional growth (through the discussion) and improved instruction because of the collaboration and growth.
    • Lorilee Hamel
      Mary, that's so true. Diigo and other sharing forums like it will be incredibly helpful as we move to the new collaboration requirements. This is especially true when 30 hours of face-to-face time (depending on how it will ultimately be defined and delineated) might be impossible to find.
  • decide whether you need a rubric
  • purpose of assessment is.
  • a meta-rubric to assess our rubric

ollie_4: Educational Leadership: The Quest for Quality--article - 5 views

  • Stephen Chappuis, Jan Chappuis and Rick Stiggins
    • Lorilee Hamel
      This is crazy--I have spent the entire day reading about assessment and this entire year have been working with Carol Commodore a colleague of Stiggins on this exact material. In fact, I am preparing it for professional development with my groups. Crazy!
  • Knowledge targets
    • Lorilee Hamel
      These are vital to know since when you (see below) are ready to assess these, it is important to link the correct type of  target with the type of assessment/s that is/are best for assessing the target.
  • Reasoning targets
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  • Performance skill targets
  • Product targets
    • Lorilee Hamel
      I was unable to see the figures on this page regardless of the browser that I used. FYI.
  • Selecting an assessment method that is incapable of reflecting the intended learning will compromise the accuracy of the results.
  • This key ensures that the assessor has translated the learning targets into assessments that will yield accurate results. It calls attention to the proper assessment method and to the importance of minimizing any bias that might distort estimates of student learning.
    • Lorilee Hamel
      This information aligns the assessment with the type of target that  is being assessed.
  • Specific, descriptive feedback linked to the targets of instruction and arising from the assessment items or rubrics communicates to students in ways that enable them to immediately take action, thereby promoting further learning.
    • Lorilee Hamel
      I became very adept over the years as a writing teacher (and eventually began applying it to my teaching in general--reading and social studies) at descriptive feedback. I am an advocate and proponent because I have seen that feedback instead of scores/marks promotes learning. 
  • The goal of a balanced assessment system is to ensure that all assessment users have access to the data they want when they need it, which in turn directly serves the effective use of multiple measures.
    • Lorilee Hamel
      Our district is really moving in the direction of standards-based assessment and reporting. This really does present to all stakeholders the specific and most important data---how well is each student meeting the standards of the Iowa Core?
  • In such an intentionally designed and comprehensive system, a wealth of data emerges. Inherent in its design is the need for all assessors and users of assessment results to be assessment literate—to know what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate uses of assessment results—thereby reducing the risk of applying data to decisions for which they aren't suited.
    • Lorilee Hamel
      This really should be taught in pre-service courses--but is not. And now that the information exists--I wonder why it isn't taught. Why aren't new/pre-service teachers entering the workforce with this information in their tool box?

Instructional Strategies for Online Courses - 0 views

    This website gives an overview of several instructional strategies recommended by the Illinois Online Network. They are good ideas but very broad in the explanation. Very much an overview.

Rubric for Online Instruction - 0 views

    This is a rubric that covers a lot of the areas in summation that we learned about in the Moodle Course.

ollie1christensen: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 6 views

  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • Lorilee Hamel
      As with any is vital in both the formative and summative forms for determining the efficacy of your instruction and the learning of the student.
  • communicates evidence of learning
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives
    • Lorilee Hamel
      The first most important step to successful instruction--know where you want the students to go!!

ollie1christensen: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

    • Lorilee Hamel
      The "Learner Objectives" are similar to what would be expected in any class: online or otherwise. And are vital to ensuring quality instruction.
  • (K-12) • Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
    • Lorilee Hamel
      The inclusion of the online literacy skills, especially use of technology is a tricky one. One of the admonitions that we face as educators is the reminder that, for example, in an English literature course how much of my instruction should be on the application of a software program or online tool? Should any of my instruction time be taken up with instruction on those 21st century technology components or should it only be used in an English literature classroom IF the student know how to use it and no class/instructional time needs to be used up on the technical aspect of a project or learning demonstration?
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • All resources and materials used in the course are appropriately cited and obey copyright and fair use.
  • Information is provided to students, parents and mentors
    • Lorilee Hamel
      This new learning opportunity MUST include the method of informing and including all major educational stakeholders.
  • timely and frequent feedback about student progress based on the learning targets
  • foster mastery and application of the material and a plan for monitoring that interaction.
  • Student evaluation strategies are aligned with course goals and objectives, representative of the scope of the course and clearly stated.
  • Specific and descriptive criteria, including rubrics,
  • Ongoing and frequent assessments
    • Lorilee Hamel
      Inclusion of many opportunities for formative assessment of the student's understanding and abilities as well as clearly coordinated summative assessments is vital!
    Here are my ideas about the Online Course Standards proposal.

The Mind Tools Full Toolkit - 0 views

    Love this site for gaining ideas and support for group facilitation
    Tons of ideas for group facilitation.

7 Secrets to Effective Online Collaboration - 0 views

  • one needs a strong and charismatic leader
  • be devoted to the idea, product or project, and committed to one another’s success
    • Lorilee Hamel
      At times, however, you have no choice about your team. Those are the times that collaboration becomes very challenging and the position of the team leader becomes a dance.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Articles
    Ideas for organizing my team for online collaboration.
    Just getting some ideas for organizing and planning my independent project: Vyew.
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