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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Travis Wilkins


Article(s): Self- and Peer-Assessment Online - 1 views

  • The instructor must explain expectations clearly to them before they begin.
    • Travis Wilkins
      While this seems obvious and upfront, I can recall some experiences in my undergraduate work where we were expected to complete a peer assessment and this was not at all clear.  It left our conversations to be very dull and not meaningful.  We focused on very superficial things and tried not to say things that would hurt the other's feelings.  If the expectations had been clear it would have made the process much more meaningful.
  • Portfolios
    • Travis Wilkins
      I see more and more reference to portfolios as students and schools move toward a 1:1 computing environment.  However, often I find that the purpose has not been clearly articulated, and the portfolio essentially becomes a collection of student work similar to the scrapbook that my mother made of my school work while growing up.  Placing the focus of the portfolio on either a self assessment of the process or product helps to provide a context and purpose for the practice.
  • • Encourages students to reflect on their role and contribution to the process of the group work
    • Travis Wilkins
      I feel that self assessment done well can be extremely valuable for our students.  It focuses the the process of self reflection and forces the student to constantly look back at the criteria listed for the work to be completed.
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  • “Professors in the trenches tend to hold their monopoly on evaluating their students’ work dearly, since it helps them control the classroom better by reinforcing their power and expertise,” supports a cognitive and instructor-focused learning orientation.
    • Travis Wilkins
      Unfortunately, this statement rings very true in my personal experience.  The focus of the professors often seems to be to protect their standing as the expert and power holder.  I often wonder if the constructivist centered work that is starting to take place in our K-12 institutions is impacting what is happening at the next level.
  • There are many options still to be explored. Time will tell.
    • Travis Wilkins
      With the growth of MOOCs as well as other online learning options I see this as an area that will certainly continue to change and grow over time.  While both peer and self assessment may offer specific challenges in the online course world, I do believe they can have a place in assessment.
  • critically review their own work with an eye for improvement.
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think this is a crucial point in the process of self-assessment.  the purpose must be viewed as a process for improvement.  If the objective is complete upon grading, the self - assessment will be of little value.

ollie_4-fall14: Article: Attributes from Effective Formative Assessment (CCSSO) - 1 views

  • close the gap between students’ current understanding and the desired goals.
    • Travis Wilkins
      Closing the gap between students' current understanding the desired goals is a great way to explicitly state the purpose of formative assessment.  It keeps the focus on the students, but also impacts the reflective teacher on how to proceed next to truly differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners.
  • keep track of how well their students’ learning is moving forward.
  • Learning progressions
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think another important piece to the learning progression is to involve the student in the tracking of this process and progress.   In the elementary classroom I found it common place for teachers to use good formative assessment, but the results and process were almost hidden from the students.  I found that by involving them in the process it had a greater impact on their understanding and sense of responsibility in the learning process.
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  • Self- and Peer-Assessment:
    • Travis Wilkins
      I see this as being a component of online learning that could be implemented and beneficial to the students.  I think that building the relationships in the class prior to peer assessment would be key to insuring the success in the online environment.
  • involving students in decisions about how to move learning forward
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think this is vital to the success and achievement of our students.  I struggle with what this looks like in the online environment.

ollie_4-fall14: Building a Better Mousetrap - 4 views

  • “Meaningfully” here means both consistently and accurately
    • Travis Wilkins
      When working on my second grade team we often spent time trying to calibrate the consistency and accuracy of our rubrics.  On district wide assessments we would determine the assessments and rubric and each score separately.  We would continue to do this and refine.  It was always very eye opening to see how different we would score the same writings.  The process was very important to the refining of the rubric to the point where it was able to be used consistently and accurately with similar results from all in the group.  It sounds like we will be doing a similar project this week for our course.
  • if they are shared with students prior to the completion of any given assignment.
    • Travis Wilkins
      In my teaching experience, I found that many teachers skipped the process of sharing the rubrics with students.  I felt that this was a huge missed opportunity with the children in our classroom.  However, thoughtout my teaching career this became more of a focus in our district and it was amazing to see the transformation in student ownership of work when they had the criteria as defined in the rubric shared with them prior to their work.  
  • others worry that doing so will encourage formulaic writing
    • Travis Wilkins
      This is an interesting point, and one that I had never really thought about.  I can say that in my 7 years in the 2nd and 3rd grade level classrooms that I did not find this to be much of a problem.  However, I can see how some secondary level rubrics could put more of an emphasis on number of words, spacing, requirements for number of arguments, etc. could lead to more of a formulaic style of writing.
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  • Feedback
    • Travis Wilkins
      Our team of teachers in both 2nd and 3rd grade found great benefit from conversations with students about the rubrics we were using.  It became easy to see how certain words of phrases in our rubrics were unclear to students, and how simple changes could make them more applicable and meaningful for our students.  I think the feedback process is vital in creating a quality rubric for students.

ollie_4-fall14: Educational Leadership: The Quest for Quality--article - 13 views

  • Clear Purpose
    • Travis Wilkins
      While in the classroom this was a constant struggle when working with many of the assessments that we were being asked to give to students.  Often we as teachers were not sure of the purpose of the assessments we were being asked to give.  While this did not mean that the assessments were not worthwhile, the lack of communication and development of teacher understanding was a big problem.  On some levels I think we are currently seeing similar miscommunication in schools that are for the first time implementing FAST or another DE approved assessment with their students.  I have spoken with teachers that have little or no context to the different tests within the FAST program and therefore are unaware of the purpose.  This does not mean that they are poor assessments or not worth the time - we know differently.  However, without a clear purpose the information gained from the assessment might easily be lost.
  • Who is the decision maker?
    • Travis Wilkins
      This is another area of confusion that I have experienced in the classroom.  As schools started to implement IDM, then RTI, and now MTSS many assessments and interventions started popping up at the elementary level.  Often there was confusion as to what the results of these assessments and interventions would mean, and who would make the decisions.  Having a clear understanding of who will be making the decisions and insuring that those individuals have the background knowledge and understanding to make these decisions is crucial.
    • Travis Wilkins
      This is another area of confusion that I have experienced in the classroom.  As schools started to implement IDM, then RTI, and now MTSS many assessments and interventions started popping up at the elementary level.  Often there was confusion as to what the results of these assessments and interventions would mean, and who would make the decisions.  Having a clear understanding of who will be making the decisions and insuring that those individuals have the background knowledge and understanding to make these decisions is crucial.
  • What Assessments Can—and Cannot—Tell Us
    • Travis Wilkins
      This is a component of assessments that I think has flown under the radar for too long.  In my experience in the classroom, we were often inundated with mounds of data that we had been given very little training or time to understand what it could or could not tell us about our students.   Rather than data bing used for decisions for which they were not suited, it was more common for the data to be collected and never used.
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  • Effective Communication of Result
    • Travis Wilkins
      This was something that we often struggled with as classroom teachers.  We were collecting more and more data that had the potential to tell us great things about our students, however, the format or system in place did not allow great opportunities to communicate this information with parents.  If we had better system processes in place I think that many of the parents in the community would have been thrilled with the work we were doing.  However, some of our systems limited the communication of results in a timely manner.  While the teachers saw the connection to learning, their were times where I felt the parents did not understand the work we had been doing with their students.

Paper for the web | Padlet - 0 views

    This is a great site for collaboration.  The site can be used as a blank wall or as a running stream similar to Today's Meet.

ollie1-cohort7: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think it is essential that the learning outcomes, targets, and expectations are clearly explained, stated, and communicated to the online participants.  This not only sets the stage for learning, but also provides a roadmap for the work that is to be completed.  The online learning environment can feel isolated at times.  Knowing the outcomes and expectations can help to put new and experienced students at ease.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a
    • Travis Wilkins
      I think that this will be one of the most important yet challenging parts about facilitating an online course.  Insuring that the course is designed to encourage collaboration and interaction in all three of theses areas without making the course cumbersome and overly time consuming could be a challenge.  The use of forums and wikis would seem like to two tools that could easily aid in making this possible.  However, at times I feel that forums turn into posts that are done due to obligation and become a contrived conversation and interaction.
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