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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Andrea Compton


ollie_4: Article: Attributes from Effective Formative Assessment (CCSSO) - 4 views

  • timely feedback should be based on the learning goal and criteria for success.
  • the reason the steps were incorrect.
    • Andrea Compton
      This is not a process that happens quickly. It takes lots and lots of good modeling by the instructor to create an environment safe enough for students to feel comfortable receiving as well as accepting good feedback.

ollie_4: Building a Better Mousetrap - 1 views

  • , it maintains the traditional gap between what the teacher knows and what the student knows
  • When instructors do not explicitly delineate the qualities of thought that they are looking for while grading, they reduce learning to a hit or miss endeavor, where “assessment remains an isolated […] activity and the success of the learner is mostly incidental”
  • Rubrics can be designed to measure either product or process or both; and, they can be designed with dimensions describing the different levels of that “deep learning” so valued in WAC programs.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • college faculty need a shared vocabulary and a basic understanding of how rubrics operate.
  • it maintains the traditional gap between what the teacher knows and what the student knows
  • mostly
  • 1withholding
  • 1some rubrics
  • you should consider your purpose and audience.

ollie_4: Educational Leadership: The Quest for Quality--article - 5 views

  • etter instructional decision
    • Andrea Compton
      I wish this were the case. So often I work with schools that are giving multiple forms of assessments in an attempt to insure that students are learning the core material and will do well on the Iowa Assessment only to find that the teachers have no idea how to interpret the scores and data they receive from the tests. This leads to no instructional decisions being made for the student after taking the tests and the testing being nothing but a waste of time.
  • it is not capable of informing the student about the next steps in learning.
    • Andrea Compton
      This is so true!! Unless a teacher provides feedback in some way - whether in a conference style or a written style - the student will have no idea how to improve. Too often high school students receive a composition paper back with a letter grade and no comments or only spelling corrections underlined. This does not help the student to know what it is that was done poorly - other than the spelling - or how to improve on the next paper. I firmly believe that even papers that are considered to be "A" papers need to have feedback given - what was done well, what areas might the student extend themselves in next time, what areas could be better even though they were sufficient for this assignment.

ollie1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 3 views

    • Andrea Compton
      I believe it is so important for a teacher to constantly evaluate the data being collected in their "classroom" - whether it's an assignment or journaling, etc - to evaluate if the instructional strategies that they are using to teach the course are actually helping the students to learn or causing more confusion! It is only by analyzing the data collected from the students in various forms that a teacher can truly know if their methods are helping the students learn and if they are not, by changing those strategies or methods so that the information is more accessible/understandable to the student. Teaching is only truly effective if the students are also learning!
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation (Varvel IV.A, ITS 3.b)
    • Andrea Compton
      I wish ALL teachers would do this, including middle school and high school teachers!! I feel it is so important to make sure students know what they are going to be learning in a course and the expectations of how they will be learning the material presented. Otherwise, students are going in blind to the reality of what the course is all about and how they will be expected to learn the information.
  • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies
    • Andrea Compton
      A teacher is only teaching if the students are learning! I believe it is so important for a teacher to look at their class data (coursework) to determine if the students are learning or able to learn the material being presented. If all the students or a majority of them are failing, it's probably not the students fault as much as it is the teachers. Teachers need to be open to changing their instructional strategies based on the needs of the students, and if the students are not learning then it's time for a change!!
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