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vbarney on 22 Sep 15Link 2: Although this website is made by Indiana University to answer common questions that students have, we believe it is still a very useful site to help understand the difference between a Google Custom Search (GCS) and a Google Site Search (GSS).
Link 3: This website is great to take a look at if you do not quite understand why Google Custom Search Engine (GCSE) is so beneficial. On the page you will see the top ten reasons for why you should use this awesome Google feature. #lessonplan #tutorial
Link 4: Do not understand how this applies to your lesson plan? Well, this is the link for you. It tells why it is important for students as well as telling how to share and collaborate your different search engines. If there's anything you need to know about GCSE in your classroom, it is here. #lessonplan #searchengine
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