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Patricia Gomez de Nieto

La gestión del derecho de autor en repositorios abiertos: relevamiento en uni... - 0 views

    En este trabajo se presenta el resultado de la etapa exploratoria, específicamente del relevamiento de universidades que mantienen repositorios institucionales en América Latina, España y Portugal, así como resultados separados para Argentina. Como finalidad el relevamiento procuró la detección de recursos políticos, legales, de capacitación y de asesoría que esas instituciones emplean para la gestión del derecho de autor en relación con los repositorios.
Patricia Gomez de Nieto

Propiedad intelectual: una creación del Estado - 2 views

    Un reportaje en español a Fernando Herrera, of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, en un video de 10 minutos. A escucharlo, interesante,
    Muy buena entrevista
Patricia Gomez de Nieto

Creación y retoque de imágenes con software libre - 1 views

    Cursos Abiertos de universidades IberoAmericanas de la red Universia Está dirigido a manejar una aplicación de software libre (GIMP), gratuita y multiplataforma, dedicada al tratamiento y creación de imágenes. Su dominio y disponer de nociones sobre resolución de imagen, formatos, etc. va a hacer que el uso del curso tenga que depender menos de otras personas y/o programas para disponer de imágenes para presentaciones, trabajos, páginas webs, etc. Fecha de inicio: 2 de septiembre de 2014 INSCRIPCIÓN ABIERTA Duración: 9 semanas (27 horas de estudio estimadas)

open access and compensation for content creators - 5 views

Isn't it a privilege to do the work? those who freely share their work will finaly succed over those who want to Combine their work with personal power. Remember Popper saying about scientists they...

open access module5 john willinsky okmooc mooc open knowledge publishing


The Rise of the Universities - 8 views

This is a terrific read. Who knew that the venerable ivory tower got its name as a result of a bar brawl!

module5 knowledge history

lenjomaydresden - 3 views

It increases the number of publications - but how about quality? I see too much rubbish in my field of expertise.

Open Science module5 publishing open access

Jamie F

Copyright Law in Canada: An Introduction to the Canadian Copyright Act - 0 views

A good reference for those who are exploring 'intellectual property' law, especially in Canada. This page covers Canada's history with The Copyright Act and its many revisions. http://www.maplelea...

#copyright #law #knowledge #module5 #protection #publicgood #MOOC

started by Jamie F on 21 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Propiedad Intelectual y Generación de conocimientos a partir de los documento... - 0 views

    Interesante para su consulta

Derechos de propiedad intelectual y desarrollo económico: Una perspectiva his... - 0 views

    Interesante para su consulta
Teresa Belkow

Spotify Can't Succeed if It Keeps Screwing Songwriters | WIRED - 2 views

    Further illustrating Dr. Willinskys point: Taylor Swift is a trendsetter. From her transition from country to pop, to her honest lyrics, she has ushered in a golden age for singer-songwriter appreciation and market power. This week, she made another bold move-she pulled all of her music from Spotify.
Jannicke Røgler

The Norwegian Electronic Health Library - information in English - English - Helsebibli... - 2 views

    "The Norwegian Electronic Health Library - information in English The Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( is a publicly funded online knowledge service for healthcare professionals and students in Norway. 02/01/2014 | Hans Petter Fosseng Prof. Magne Nylenna MD is editor-in-chief for the Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( Photo: Hans Petter Fosseng The Norwegian Electronic Health Library is accessed online through the website The website provides free access to point-of-care tools, guidelines, systematic reviews, scientific journals, and a wide variety of other full-text resources for health-care professionals and students."
    "The Norwegian Electronic Health Library - information in English The Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( is a publicly funded online knowledge service for healthcare professionals and students in Norway. 02/01/2014 | Hans Petter Fosseng Prof. Magne Nylenna MD is editor-in-chief for the Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( Photo: Hans Petter Fosseng The Norwegian Electronic Health Library is accessed online through the website The website provides free access to point-of-care tools, guidelines, systematic reviews, scientific journals, and a wide variety of other full-text resources for health-care professionals and students."

Dialnet, base de datos de revistas científicas - 2 views

Realmente dialnet en un recurso fundamental para todos los que nos dedicamos a docencia e investigación. Una iniciativa muy valiosa que hay que seguir promocionando

Module5 knowledge Open publishing mooc open access


CLACSO - Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales - 1 views

    Portal de Revistas de Ciencias Sociales a texto completo.
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