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Ibraghimova Irina

Money makes you reveal more - 1 views

module1 privacy

started by Ibraghimova Irina on 07 Sep 14
  • Ibraghimova Irina
    I have read and taught a lot about online privacy for health professionals and patients for the last years. But for this task I tried to find something different / and this peace of research seems to be interesting.
    several studies have demonstrated that short-term gains and possible monetary rewards make people risk disclosing information. "Given the malleability of privacy preferences and the ubiquitous monetary cues in daily lives, the authors measured the contextual effect of reminding people about money on their privacy disclosure preferences." The results od the experiment showed that " results imply that not only do short-term rewards make people trade-off personal security and privacy, but also mere exposure to money increases self-disclosure". It is something that all have to remember when visiting such sites and providing our personal information.

    Front Psychol. 2013; 4: 839.
    Published online Nov 11, 2013. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00839
    Money makes you reveal more: consequences of monetary cues on preferential disclosure of personal information

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