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Civic Education Home Stay Small Grants Program - 0 views

    The United States Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, acting through the Office of Public Affairs, is pleased to announce a Notice of funding opportunities for two types of Civic Education programs that address school segregation or other problems that divide students along ethnic lines. These projects should advance Education for Democracy and Hhelp remove obstacles to integration in education. Small grants competition will support projects designed explicitly as home-stay exchange programs to contribute to democracy and human rights education with interaction and the development of tolerance between the ethnically, religiously and geographically diverse communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the core exchange program activities, the mandatory requirement is a component of family engagement in which participants will stay in the homes of fellow participants from different ethnic or religious backgrounds, and engage in volunteer projects in both communities. Priority will be given to innovative programs that bring together youth (ages 12-24) from communities across ethnic, geographical, and administrative lines and engage large number of youth in community improvement activity in each host town. Detailed budget should be expressed in USD, with a maximum amount of $20,000.

FY17 Empowered Communities for a Healthier Nation Initiative - 0 views

    The purpose of the HHS OMH is to improve minority health and the quality of health care minorities receive and to work to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities, including through awarding grants and cooperative agreements with organizations in communities of color to develop specific efforts to improve the health status of racial and ethnic minorities. To support HHS Secretary Price’s three priorities, combating opioid abuse, childhood and adolescent obesity, and serious mental illness , OMH is supporting initiatives to reduce significant health disparities impacting minorities and/or disadvantaged populations through the implementation of evidence-based strategies with the greatest potential for impact. Opioid Abuse Deaths from drug overdoses, driven by prescription and illicit opioid overdoses, have been identified as a significant public health crisis in the United States.

The Ronald W. Burkle Foundation - 0 views

    The Foundation supports programs that strengthen international understanding, foster worker's rights, empower underserved communities, nurture the arts and architecture, engage children in learning and advance scientific research.

NEH Summer Stipends | OARS - Miami University - 0 views

    Proposals and reference letters must be submitted to NEH electronically through by September 29, 2016. However, only the two individuals nominated by Miami may submit a proposal. To provide time for the internal review and the electronic submission process the internal deadline for proposals is 5:00 p.m., Monday, August 15, 2016.

Fulbright U.S. Distinguished Chair in Applied Public Policy (Sponsored by Flinders Univ... - 0 views

    The Distinguished Chair in Applied Public Policy sponsored by Flinders University and Carnegie Mellon University Australia is designed to increase the awareness of the field of applied public policy in Australia, and to promote comparative and collaborative research between Australia and the United States.

Fulbright U.S. Distinguished Chair in Cultural Competence (Sponsored by the National Ce... - 0 views

    Cultural competence lays down the foundations for a socially just global consciousness and culturally diverse, respectful worldviews, grown through the development and processing of core values, knowledges, behaviours and actions. Its principles and praxis have germinated through the work of Indigenous and culturally diverse scholars, health professionals, peoples and groups whose work has been based upon a human rights agenda focused on equity and justice.

Yellowstone/Urban Youth Engagement Project - 0 views

    The objective of this Task Agreement is to support and stimulate work and/or education and training opportunities for young adults through collaborative participation

AHRQ National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grant (T32) - 0 views

    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) will award National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grants (T32) to eligible domestic institutions to enhance predoctoral and postdoctoral research training and ensure that a diverse and highly trained workforce is available and committed to the generation, translation and dissemination of new scientific evidence and analytical tools that will be used to improve health care delivery in the United States. Research training programs will incorporate didactic, research and career development elements to prepare individuals for careers that will have a significant impact on the health care needs of the Nation.

Small Business Adminstration - 0 views

    A microenterprise development organization or program (or group or Collaborative thereof) such as a non-profit Community Development Financial Institution or similar entity, that has a demonstrated record of delivering microenterprise services to disadvantaged entrepreneurs or An Intermediary (as defined in Section 8.1) which has experience in delivering technical assistance to disadvantaged entrepreneurs; or A microenterprise development organization or program (as defined in Section 8.1)that is accountable to a local community, working in conjunction with a State or local government or Indian Tribe; or An Indian tribe acting on its own, if it can certify that no private organization or program referred to in paragraph in paragraphs (1) exists within its jurisdiction. Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes, 50%. Expected Number of Awards: SBA anticipates issuing approximately 35 awards under this Announcement.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    The purpose of this program is to support USAID's goal of promoting inclusive development through the establishment of an umbrella Empowerment and Inclusion Solicitation and Management mechanism (EISM). In particular, EISM will focus on reducing risks to and reinforcing the capacities of communities, NGOs, and governments to provide services, to protect and promote the rights of vulnerable and marginalized populations as defined earlier in this document, and to expand access to opportunities that support their full participation in society.

OSERS: OSEP: Technical Assistance and Dissemination To Improve Services and Results for... - 0 views

    The purpose of this priority is to fund a cooperative agreement to establish and operate a national center to provide technical assistance (TA) directly to States, educational service agencies (ESAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and charter management organizations in those States to help create the conditions necessary for educators to make full and sustained use of instructional and leadership practices supported by evidence (as defined in this notice). Because they are an essential part of this effort, the Center will also provide this TA to other Department-funded TA centers and to organizations that prepare district superintendents. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 84.326K.

Department of Health and Human Services - 0 views

    The Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) in the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announces the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 funds authorized under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, Pub. Law 107-252, Title II, Subtitle D, Part 5, section 291 (42 United States Code (U.S.C.) 15461). Provisions under this section provide for the award of grants for Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) to assist Protection and Advocacy Systems (P & As) in promoting full participation in the electoral process for individuals with disabilities, including registering to vote, casting a vote, and accessing polling places; developing proficiency in the use of voting systems and technologies as they affect individuals with disabilities; demonstrating and evaluating the use of such systems and technologies by individuals with disabilities (including blindness) in order to assess the availability and use of such systems and technologies for such individuals; and providing T/TA for non-visual access. (At least one recipient must provide T/TA assistance in this area.)

Opportunities for Social Research on History; Youth Centered Education and Programming - 0 views

    The National Alliance of Faith and Justice (NAFJ) is committed to raising consciousness and developing strategies common to the NPS â¿¿ through education, training, compassion, and service â¿¿ in addressing some of societyâ¿¿s most pressing social justice issues. NAFJ shares the love of NPS for our nationâ¿¿s natural and cultural inheritance, dedication to its stewardship in perpetuity, and through this work, devotion to perpetuating a civil democratic society. By helping youth and adult populations understand the correlation between history and todayâ¿¿s policies, challenges, and victories, NAFJ is uniquely designed and qualified to serve as a partner to plan and implement educational initiatives that increase the access and use of public lands and historic landmarks by diverse and underrepresented youth for academic enrichment and success.

Call for Proposals: Immigration and Immigrant Integration | RSF - 0 views

    One of the oldest foundations in America, the Russell Sage Foundation was established by Margaret Olivia Sage in 1907 for "the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States." In its early years, the foundation undertook major projects in low-income housing, urban planning, social work, and labor reform. The foundation now dedicates itself exclusively to strengthening the methods, data, and theoretical core of the social sciences as a means of diagnosing social problems and improving social policies.

Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Progra... - 0 views

    This program supports research and extension projects that have robust collaborations to increase the participation of women and underrepresented minorities from rural areas in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields that are relevant to USDA priorities identified by the Secretary: (i) Promotion of a safe, sufficient, and nutritious food supply for all Americans and for people around the world; (ii) Sustainable agricultural policies that foster economic viability for small and mid-sized farms and rural businesses, protect natural resources, and promote value-added agriculture; (iii) national leadership in climate change mitigation and adaptation; (iv) Building a modern workplace with a modern workforce; and (v) Support for 21st century rural communities. 

Diversity and Inclusion Grants | OARS - Miami University - 0 views

    As part of broader university-wide diversity and inclusion efforts, the Office of the President and the Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship (OARS) have issued a special call for proposals to conduct research, scholarship, or creative activities in the areas of social justice, human rights, diversity, and inclusion. Proposals may be submitted in any of these areas, but must address a scholarly question that will lead to testable objectives or measurable outcomes.

A Community Thrives grants - 0 views

    A Community Thrives is a new approach to social impact programs that was developed through a collaboration across the entire USA TODAY NETWORK. While most initiatives designate funds or give support to great charities, we're going to instead fund and support great ideas. The volunteering begins with you pitching your creative solutions to solving our communities' most critical needs.


    The Bureau of Human Resources, Office of Recruitment, Examination and Employment (HR/REE), of the US Department of State announces a funding opportunity for one assistance award to conduct all programmatic, financial and administrative activities for the 2018 Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship Program and the Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program. The Rangel program is one of the Department of State's premiere diversity recruitment programs and fundamental to increasing the representation of diverse groups in the U.S. Foreign Service. The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship Program provides financial assistance towards completion of a master's degree followed by a five year service commitment in the Foreign Service of the Department of State. The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six week academic summer program which serves as an important State Department Foreign Service recruiting tool.

Entertainment Software Association Foundation - Scholarship Program - 0 views

    In 2007 the ESA Foundation established a scholarship program to assist women and minority students who are pursuing degrees leading to careers in Computer & Video Game Arts.

NIJ FY17 W.E.B. DuBois Program of Research on Race and Crime - 0 views

    The W.E.B. Du Bois Program furthers the Department's mission by advancing knowledge regarding the confluence of crime, justice, and culture in various societal contexts. It supports research on the intersections of race, offending, victimization, and the fair administration of justice for both juveniles and adults. This solicitation seeks investigator-initiated proposals to conduct research on topics linked to race and crime in violence and victimization, crime and prevention, and justice systems (policing, courts, community and institutional corrections). For FY2017, NIJ is particularly interested in research on homicide and other violence in minority communities, and criminal court topics. Funding categories include: 1) W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars who are advanced in their careers; and 2) W.E.B. Du Bois Fellows who are early in their careers.
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