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AAAS - AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science - 0 views

    The AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science, established in 2010, recognizes early-career scientists and engineers who demonstrate excellence in their contribution to public engagement with science activities. A monetary prize of $5,000, a commemorative plaque, complimentary registration to the AAAS Annual Meeting, and reimbursement for reasonable hotel and travel expenses to attend the AAAS Annual Meeting to receive the prize are given to the recipient. Nominee must be an early-career scientist or engineer in academia, government or industry actively conducting research in any scientific discipline (including social sciences and medicine).  "Early career" is defined as an individual who has been in his/her current field for less than seven years and pre-tenure or job equivalent. Post-doctoral students are eligible for this award. Nominee will have demonstrated excellence in his/her contribution to public engagement with science activities, with a focus on interactive dialogue between the individual and a non-scientific, public audience(s). Types of public engagement activities might include: informal science education, public outreach, public policy, and/or science communication activities, such as mass media, public dialogue, radio, TV and film, science café, science exhibit, science fair, and social and online media.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The objective of this FOA is to develop and implement a variety of activities that deploy U.S. technical expertise in areas such as strategic and policy planning and analysis, energy market analysis, energy modeling, workforce development, and technical analysis to prime markets for increased use of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies in South Africa and Saudi Arabia. Benefits to the U.S. include potentially increased exports of domestic clean energy technologies and services in rapidly expanding markets, as well as access to data on clean energy policy and program successes and challenges that can inform U.S. national and subnational policy development. DOE anticipates providing two awards totalling $900k (one $450k award for activities in South Africa; one $450k award for activities in Saudi Arabia). The awardees will implement these activities over a period of up to three years to accomplish the goals of this funding opportuni ty. This FOA directly supports the goals of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), International. The full Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is posted on the EERE Exchange website to be considered for award. The applicant must first register and create an account on the EERE Exchange website. A User Guide for EERE Exchange can be found on the EERE website afer logging in to the system. Information on where to submit questions regarding the content of the announcement and where to submit questions regarding submission of applications is found in the full FOA posted on the EERE Exchange website.

BLM OR/WA FY2018 Master Wildland Urban Interface Community Assistance - 0 views

    The National Fire Plan was implemented in 2001 to assist communities at risk from catastrophic wildland fires by providing assistance in the following areas: Provide community programs that develop local capability including; assessment and planning, mitigation activities, community/homeowner education and action plans and implement hazardous fuels reduction activities, including the training, monitoring or maintenance associated with such hazardous fuels reduction activities, on federal land, or on adjacent nonfederal land for activities that mitigate the threat of catastrophic fire to communities and natural resources in high risk areas; and enhance local and small business employment opportunities.

Workshops on Confronting Air Pollution at its Source - 0 views

    The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi (PAS New Delhi) seeks proposals for a project entitled "Workshops on Confronting Air Pollution at its Source." Through this project, a grantee will implement a series of workshops at the American Center for non-governmental organizations/actors who activities are contributing to the NCR's air quality problem, offering them guidance on how similar activities are conducted in the United States with considerably lower emissions of fine-particulate matter. After the three workshops are completed, the grantee will prepare a report for distribution to all participants at a final session in which the participants can also share any activities (and any results) arising from the workshops. The grantee should organize a total of three two-day workshops at the American Center in New Delhi. Each workshop should focus on one of the following themes - construction dust, crop rotation and vehicular movement (including road dust). Each workshop should have a minimum of 15 participants, and they should be selected based on their involvement in the activities that cause air pollution and who have leadership positions in their sectors, either de jure or de facto (e.g., large construction companies, head of farmer cooperatives, municipal agencies). The participants should be from the NCR region, except for the crop rotation workshop, which will be populated by agriculture sector leaders from Punjab and Haryana. The grantee will be responsible for recruiting and securing participation of American experts and resources persons - at least one for each workshop. PAS New Delhi will provide final approval of the American speakers.

BLM AK Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Community Fire Assistance - 0 views

    The National Fire Plan was implemented in 2001 to assist communities at risk from catastrophic wildland fires by providing assistance in the following areas: - Implement hazardous fuels reduction activities, including the training, monitoring or maintenance associated with such hazardous fuels reduction activities, on federal land, or on adjacent nonfederal land for activities that mitigate the threat of catastrophic fire to communities and natural resources in high risk areas; - Community programs that develop local capability including; assessment and planning, mitigation activities, - Community/homeowner education and action plans Enhance local and small business employment opportunities.

BLM OR/WA Wildland Urban Interface Master Funding Opportunity - 0 views

    The National Fire Plan was implemented in 2001 to assist communities at risk from catastrophic wildland fires by providing assistance in the following areas: Implement hazardous fuels reduction activities, including the training, monitoring or maintenance associated with such hazardous fuels reduction activities, on federal land, or on adjacent nonfederal land for activities that mitigate the threat of catastrophic fire to communities and natural resources in high risk areas; Community programs that develop local capability including; assessment and planning, mitigation activities, Community/homeowner education and action plans Enhance local and small business employment opportunities.

Gaza Household WASH Activity (GHW) - 0 views

    USAID's West Bank and Gaza Mission (USAID/WBG) is issuing this Funding Opportunity to solicit applications for Gaza Household WASH (GHW), a three-year Activity. The goal of Gaza Household WASH Activity (GHW) is to improve human health, environmental health, and livelihoods in vulnerable communities by increasing access to facilities and services for safe domestic water and improved sanitation. The activity intends to address the following priorities in Gaza that align with the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility (CMWU) and OCHA's Humanitarian Rapid Response Plan (2018-2020): 1. The provision of durable solutions to vulnerable communities, such as the establishment, extension or rehabilitation of water distribution networks and sanitation systems at the household and neighborhood levels. 2. Increase emergency WASH preparedness interventions to mitigate and reduce rainwater and sewage flooding risks in vulnerable communities. The geographic focus of all interventions will be in Gaza, and to the extent possible, in the Access Restricted Areas (ARAs), flood-prone areas, and areas exposed to environmental health risks in Gaza.

Re-entry to Active Research Program (RARE) (nsf18525) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) is conducting a Re-entry to Active Research (RARE) program to reengage, retrain, and broaden participation within the academic workforce. The primary objective of the RARE program is to catalyze the advancement along the academic tenure-track of highly meritorious individuals who are returning from a hiatus from active research. By providing re-entry points to active academic research, the RARE program will reinvest in the nation's most highly trained scientists and engineers, while broadening participation and increasing diversity of experience. A RARE research proposal must describe potentially transformative research that falls within the scope of participating CBET programs.

Re-entry to Active Research Program | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) and the Division of Chemistry (CHE) are conducting a Re-entry to Active Research (RARE) program to reengage, retrain, and broaden participation within the academic workforce. The primary objective of the RARE program is to catalyze the advancement along the academic tenure-track of highly meritorious individuals who are returning from a hiatus from active research. By providing re-entry points to active academic research, the RARE program will reinvest in the nation's most highly trained scientists and engineers, while broadening participation and increasing diversity of experience. A RARE research proposal must describe potentially transformative research that falls within the scope of participating CBET or CHE programs.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    To plan, manage, implement and monitor Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation and hazardous fuels activities as they occur within the Great Basin and Mojave ecosystems. The project is a continuation of the ESR Program with the BLM partner Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition (ENLC) which provides assistance in planning, managing, implementing, recording and documenting, and monitoring vegetation treatments for the hazardous fuels and emergency stabilization and rehabilitation (ES&R) activities. Emergency stabilization and rehabilitation projects are a result of wildfire activities and are generally funded for three years following the containment date of a wildland fire.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    To plan, manage, implement and monitor Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation and hazardous fuels activities as they occur within the Great Basin and Mojave ecosystems. The project is a continuation of the ESR Program with the BLM partner Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition (ENLC) which provides assistance in planning, managing, implementing, recording and documenting, and monitoring vegetation treatments for the hazardous fuels and emergency stabilization and rehabilitation (ES&R) activities. Emergency stabilization and rehabilitation projects are a result of wildfire activities and are generally funded for three years following the containment date of a wildland fire.

Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative - 0 views

    The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) announces an open competition for the support of projects through the Obama - Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative (OSI). Announced by the US and Indian governments, OSI aims to strengthen collaboration and build partnerships between American and Indian institutions of higher education. Accredited US post-secondary educational institutions meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501c(3) may submit proposals to support the program's goals of encouraging mutual understanding, facilitating educational reform, fostering economic development, and engaging civil society through academic cooperation with Indian post-secondary educational institutions.   Exchange activities may include but are not limited to curriculum design, research collaboration, team teaching, focused series of exchanges, seminars, among other activities. Activities should be designed to develop expertise, advance scholarship and teaching, and promote long-term ties between partner institutions.   Proposals in the following fields are eligible: Energy, Climate Change & Environmental Studies; Education & Educational Reform; Public Health; and Sustainable Development & Community Development.

Biophotonics - 0 views

    Biophotonics applies photonics technology to the fields of medicine, biology and biotechnology.  Basic research and innovation in photonics that is very fundamental in science and engineering is needed to lay the foundation for new technologies beyond those that are mature and ready for application in medical diagnostics and therapies.  Advances are needed in nanophotonics, optogenetics, contrast and targeting agents, ultra-thin probes, wide field imaging, and rapid biomarker screening.  Low cost and minimally invasive medical diagnostics and therapies are key goals. Examples of topics are: Macromolecule Markers - Innovative methods for labeling of macromolecules, new compositions of matter/methods of fabrication of multi-color probes such as might be used for marking and detection of specific pathological cells and push the envelope of optical sensing to the limits of detection, resolution, and identification Low Coherence Sensing at the Nanoscale - Low coherence enhanced backscattering (LEBS), n-dimensional elastic light scattering, and angle-resolved low coherence interferometry for early cancer detection (dysplasia) Neurophotonics - Studies of photon activation of neurons at the interface of nanomaterials attached to cells.  Development and application of biocompatible photonic tools such as parallel interfaces and interconnects for communicating and control of neural networks Micro- and Nano-photonic - Development and application of nanoparticle fluorescent quantum-dots; sensitive, multiplexed, high-throughput characterization of macromolecular properties of cells; nanomaterials and nanodevices for biomedicine Optogenetics - Employing light-activated channels and enzymes for manipulation of neural activity with temporal precision. 

RFA-HL-16-008: Short-Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Re... - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The goal of this NHLBI R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce in the mission areas of importance to NHLBI. To accomplish the stated goal, this funding opportunity announcement encourages the development of creative educational activities with a primary focus on Research Experiences.

BLM CO - Vegetation Management and Fuels Reduction. - 0 views

    This project/program is to restore and maintain healthy, productive ecosystems and wildlife populations through management activities. The project should include (but not limited to):  Commercial and non-commercial thinning of forests, Hand and mechanized treatment of vegetation to reduce hazardous fuel conditions and or improve habitats  Seeding of appropriate wildlife browse and forage species for habitat enhancement, and seeding for erosion and noxious weed control on sites disturbed by management activities. Seeding will be of native species unless science and experience have proven non-native, non-invasive species are more effective. Layout of treatment unit boundaries under the direct supervision of BLM staff. Prescribed fire may be part of the overall project. Federal agency personnel will serve as the lead partner for any prescribed fire planning and operations. All personnel used for prescribed fire operations will meet NWCG requirements
    This project/program is to restore and maintain healthy, productive ecosystems and wildlife populations through management activities. The project should include (but not limited to):  Commercial and non-commercial thinning of forests, Hand and mechanized treatment of vegetation to reduce hazardous fuel conditions and or improve habitats  Seeding of appropriate wildlife browse and forage species for habitat enhancement, and seeding for erosion and noxious weed control on sites disturbed by management activities. Seeding will be of native species unless science and experience have proven non-native, non-invasive species are more effective. Layout of treatment unit boundaries under the direct supervision of BLM staff. Prescribed fire may be part of the overall project. Federal agency personnel will serve as the lead partner for any prescribed fire planning and operations. All personnel used for prescribed fire operations will meet NWCG requirements

Disaster Resilience in the Compact Nations (RESILIENCE) - 0 views

    The Disaster Resilience in the Compact Nations(RESILIENCE) is a five-year USAID activity that aims to improve the localcapacity to prepare for, respond to, and reconstruct after natural disasters.The activity will expedite delivery of emergency and reconstruction assistancein the event of natural disasters in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)and Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI). In meeting this objective, USAID willwork closely with the Department of Environment, Climate Change, and EmergencyManagement (DECCEM) in FSM, and the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO)in RMI. The activity has three components. Component One is centered onincreasing the disaster preparedness and management capacity of local communities and host governments, particularly DECCEM and NDMO.Component Two is centered on maintaining pre-positioned assets and operationalreadiness to provide multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance. Finally, ComponentThree is focused on organizing a package of culturally-appropriatereconstruction assistance in the event of declared disasters.

RFI-South Asia Enhancing Growth and Development through Energy (South Asia EDGE) - 0 views

    The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) India is offering an engagement opportunity with interested organizations to provide comments, opinions, and recommendations related to an upcoming activity called South Asia Enhancing Growth and Development through Energy (South Asia EDGE). This activity aims to improve the delivery of affordable, secure, reliable and sustainable energy services through expanded, transparent and efficient energy markets across South Asia. USAID/India is soliciting written feedback and intends to host a multi-stakeholder consultative meeting on March 19, 2019, with interested stakeholders from the private sector, governmental agencies, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, and other sector experts to provide comments to refine the South Asia EDGE activity and its approach. This Request for Information (RFI) is issued solely for information and planning purposes. It does not constitute a request for proposal/application/quotation, an invitation for bids or solicitation, and any proposals/applications submitted in response to this request will not be considered.

BOEM FY 2019 Alaska Coastal Marine Institute - 0 views

    The Environmental Studies Program (ESP) of the BOEM is offering a cooperative agreement opportunity through the University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute (CMI) to units within the University of Alaska system that have the ability to conduct research in topics that serve the public interest of safe and environmentally sound energy production and meet the goals of the BOEM. The general types of studies that may be funded include scientific studies for better understanding marine, coastal or human environments affected or potentially affected by offshore oil and gas or other mineral exploration and extraction on the outer continental shelf (OCS); modeling studies of environmental, social, economic, or cultural processes related to OCS oil and gas activities in order to improve scientific predictive capabilities; experimental scientific studies for better understanding of environmental processes, or the causes and effects of OCS activities; projects which design or establish mechanisms or protocols for sharing data or information regarding marine or coastal resources, or human activities to support prudent management of oil, gas and marine mineral resources; and synthesis studies of scientific environmental or socioeconomic information relevant to the OCS oil and gas program. The most relevant geographic areas are potential OCS oil and gas lease areas off Alaska, including the Beaufort Sea, the Chukchi Sea, Cook Inlet, and the northern Gulf of Alaska. Following the submission of letters of intent (LOI) from the University of Alaska, the BOEM, in discussion with representatives from the State of Alaska, have selected the LOI topics listed below for development of full proposals.

Acer Access and Development Program - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), requests applications for the Acer Access and Development Program (Acer). AMS will competitively award grants to eligible applicants for projects that support the efforts of States, tribal governments, and research institutions to promote the domestic maple syrup industry through activities associated with: promotion of research and education related to maple syrup production; promotion of natural resource sustainability in the maple syrup industry; market promotion for maple syrup and maple-sap products; encouragement of owners and operators of privately held land containing species of trees in the genus Acer-to initiate or expand maple-sugaring activities on the land; or to voluntarily make the land available, including by lease or other means, for access by the public for maple-sugaring activities. Eligible applicants include States, tribal governments, and research institutions. This announcement provides information about the eligibility criteria for applicants and projects, and the application forms and associated instructions needed to apply for an award.

Navigating the New Arctic Community Office NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    NSF invites proposals to establish a Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO). Launched in 2016, NNA has been building a growing portfolio of research and planning grants at the intersection of the built, social, and natural environments to improve understanding of Arctic change and its local and global effects. Each NNA-funded project is responsible for its own performance, including its core research and broader impacts. However, an NNA community office is required to coordinate the activities of funded NNA projects; engage new PIs; and promote research, education, and outreach activities. The NNA-CO will also provide centralized representation of ongoing NNA activities to the broader scientific community and the public. The lead PI of the successful NNA-CO proposal will serve as the Office Director and will work with the research community to develop and implement appropriate communication networks and support for investigators, stakeholders, and research teams pursuing NNA research. NNA research is inherently convergent, seeking new knowledge at the intersection of the natural, built, and social environments. NNA research also inherently involves diverse stakeholders, from local to international. The NNA-CO will need to demonstrate the ability to work with these types of research teams and audiences.
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