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NIJ FY15 Research into the Use of Suicide Prevention and Intervention Strategies by Law... - 0 views

    The purpose of the NIJ Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants program is to encourage and support research, development, and evaluation to improve criminal justice policy and practice in the United States. With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for innovative, rigorous research to identify and characterize the suicide prevention and intervention strategies currently being used by law enforcement agencies in the United States and, potentially, elsewhere. NIJ is particularly interested in understanding the rationale for the adoption of a particular strategy and what evidence may exist regarding its efficacy.

NIJ FY15 Research on the Efficacy of Different Contraband Interdiction Modalities Used ... - 0 views

    The purpose of the NIJ Research, Evaluation, and Development Project Grants program is to encourage and support research, development, and evaluation to improve criminal justice policy and practice in the United States.With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research to identify the different interdiction modalities currently used by criminal justice agencies to keep contraband out of correctional facilities and what is known about their efficacy. An interdiction modality is considered to include both (1) the policies and practices that agencies use to prevent contraband from being brought into a facility as well as (2) those used to detect and remove contraband that may be in the facility. It also includes the statutes and regulations that govern how these modalities are applied.

BJA FY 15 Swift, Certain, and Fair Sanctions Program (SCF): Replicating the Concepts Be... - 0 views

    There are a multiple states, counties, cities, and tribes that are interested in implementing "Swift, Certain, and Fair" (SCF) models of supervision with offenders in the community. This interest has grown out of the potential promise that these SCF models have shown in effectively reducing recidivism and preventing crime. In particular, Hawaii's Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE) program has been shown to have promise, and as a result there is significant interest and activity in implementing models of supervision and other versions of the HOPE model which rely on swift, certain, and fair sanctions to improve the outcomes of individuals under community supervision.SCF approaches are intended to: (a) improve supervision strategies that reduce recidivism; (b) promote and increase collaboration among agencies and officials who work in community corrections and related fields to enhance swift and certain sanctions; (c) enhance the offenders' perception that the supervision decisions are fair, consistently applied, and consequences are transparent; and (d) improve the outcomes of individuals participating in these initiatives. Through this FY 2015 grant announcement, BJA will select multiple applicants to implement or enhance a HOPE model using SCF. Applicants selected under this announcement will work with BJA and its SCF training and technical assistance (TTA) partner to implement the model with fidelity.BJA is supporting this effort to enhance public safety, foster collaboration, and improve the outcomes of individuals under the supervision of community corrections. This program is funded under the Project HOPE appropriation (P.L. 113-235).

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on Children Exposed to Violence - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking multidisciplinary research and evaluation proposals related to childhood exposure to violence. Such violence may include children who are direct victims and/or bystanders or observers of various forms of violence in the home, school, or community, including but not limited to peer victimization, bullying, harassment, child maltreatment, domestic violence, and community violence. Other types of violence to which children are exposed may be addressed, with the exception of media violence (e.g., television and movie violence, music advocating aggression, and violent video games). In particular, NIJ seeks proposals that address justice system responses to children identified as being exposed to violence; polyvictimization and multisystem involvement; and resilience and help-seeking.

NIJ FY 15 Social Science Research on Implementation, Dissemination, and Translation - 0 views

    NIJ seeks proposals for funding projects to study how criminal justice practitioners use research in their decision-making processes and how they implement evidence-based programs or practices. NIJ proposes two distinct research activities under this solicitation. * Incorporating the Use of Research in Policy Decisions.* Implementation Studies.Applicants may apply to one or both sections of the solicitation; however, proposal titles should clearly identify the section of the solicitation for which the proposal is being submitted.

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for research and evaluation projects that support and inform federal, State, local and tribal criminal justice agencies and victim service providers in responding to the challenges that trafficking in persons (hereinafter "trafficking in persons," "human trafficking," or "trafficking") poses in their jurisdictions. NIJ is particularly interested in research responding to the following priority areas: * Fostering partnerships between researchers and trafficking survivors. * Evaluation of the Enhanced Collaborative Model Human Trafficking Task Forces. * Perception of human trafficking victimization in courts (judges, jurors, prosecutors). * The extent to which existing crime reporting and data systems capture the human trafficking victimization that occurs in a particular jurisdiction. * Trafficking and sex offender registries.

NIJ FY 15 Data Resources Program: Funding for Analysis of Existing Data - 0 views

    NIJ, in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), is seeking proposals under the Data Resources Program (DRP) for original research using existing data available from the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) and other public sources. NACJD houses quantitative and qualitative data from research funded by these three agencies. The data are made available online at no cost as downloadable, machine-readable files. Copies of documentation, such as user guides and codebooks, are also available at no charge. NACJD is maintained by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan and is supported by NIJ, BJS, and OJJDP. Highest priority will be given to research that addresses compelling crime and criminal justice questions involving juvenile and adult populations, and that uses NIJ, BJS, or OJJDP data at NACJD.

OJJDP FY2015 Bridging Research and Practice Project To Advance Juvenile Justice and Safety - 0 views

    This project will develop research-to-practice resources to advance the understanding, translation, and application of research and research-based strategies across four primary components of the juvenile justice system: (1) prevention and diversion, (2) community-based alternatives to placement, (3) detention and secure confinement, and (4) reentry. The intent of this project is to assist OJJDP, practitioners, and researchers with the translation and dissemination of research findings to be more understandable, useful, and strategically targeted. This project will collect and analyze current research findings on effective juvenile justice practices and develop innovative and easily accessible, consumable resources and tools for juvenile justice practitioners, administrators, and policymakers. The project will assist OJJDP in identifying and synthesizing relevant research into actionable, evidence-based practice tools to improve public safety and the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system.

Research on Bias Crimes - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking research and evaluation related to bias crime perpetration and victimization. For this solicitation, NIJ is interested in a broad range of research that will address gaps in our ability to identify, assess, and understand the behavior of bias crime offenders or experiences of bias crime victims.

Encouraging Innovation: Field-Initiated Programs Concept Paper - 0 views

    The program is targeted to receive application from organizations to develop and implement new and innovative strategies that better enable local criminal justice systems to prevent and respond to emerging and chronic crime problems that affect many communities in the United States. Proposals will be aimed at addressing a gap in the current base of knowledge about responding to and or preventing crime and be developed or implemented in a way that allows other communities or organizations to learn from and potentially replicate the approach. Applications must be either innovative and or strategic in nature.
    The program is targeted to receive application from organizations to develop and implement new and innovative strategies that better enable local criminal justice systems to prevent and respond to emerging and chronic crime problems that affect many communities in the United States. Proposals will be aimed at addressing a gap in the current base of knowledge about responding to and or preventing crime and be developed or implemented in a way that allows other communities or organizations to learn from and potentially replicate the approach. Applications must be either innovative and or strategic in nature.

Faith and Community-Based Youth Violence Prevention Training and Technical Assistance - 0 views

    OJJDP invites proposals to broker, coordinate, and provide relevant training and technical assistance to organizations representing all faith traditions and to community-based institutions that are engaged with or seeking to engage with the three youth violence prevention initiatives: Â"Defending Childhood, National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, and Community-Based Violence Prevention Program- OJJDP is funding in 39 sites nationwide.
    OJJDP invites proposals to broker, coordinate, and provide relevant training and technical assistance to organizations representing all faith traditions and to community-based institutions that are engaged with or seeking to engage with the three youth violence prevention initiatives: Â"Defending Childhood, National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, and Community-Based Violence Prevention Program- OJJDP is funding in 39 sites nationwide.

Countering Violent Extremism and Interfaith Programming in Tanzania - 0 views

    DRL seeks to mitigate tensions between communities and address drivers of marginalization that exacerbate religious tensions and may contribute to conditions that could lead to violent extremism in Tanzania.
    DRL seeks to mitigate tensions between communities and address drivers of marginalization that exacerbate religious tensions and may contribute to conditions that could lead to violent extremism in Tanzania.

Research and Evaluation in Support of the Recommendations of the President's Task Force... - 0 views

    NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research on policing to improve policing practices and public safety at the State, local, and tribal levels. In 2015, a task force was created by President Barack Obama to examine the current state of policing in the United States. In response to a number of high profile events across the nation involving the police, the panel provided recommendations on promising policing practices that police could adopt as effective crime fighting strategies that would also strengthen trust and confidence in the police among community residents that they serve. The panel identified a number of reforms or Âœpillars that were viewed as vital to improving current police practices. In response to the recommendations and action items proposed by the task force, NIJ is interested in research in the following topical areas: 1. Research and Evaluation of Strategies to Build and Strengthen Police-Community Relationships 2. Research and Evaluation of Police Training 3. Research and Evaluation on Officer Wellness and Safety 4. Research and Evaluation on Police Technology 5. Research on Crime Scene Investigations: Triaging Evidence
    NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research on policing to improve policing practices and public safety at the State, local, and tribal levels. In 2015, a task force was created by President Barack Obama to examine the current state of policing in the United States. In response to a number of high profile events across the nation involving the police, the panel provided recommendations on promising policing practices that police could adopt as effective crime fighting strategies that would also strengthen trust and confidence in the police among community residents that they serve. The panel identified a number of reforms or Âœpillars that were viewed as vital to improving current police practices. In response to the recommendations and action items proposed by the task force, NIJ is interested in research in the following topical areas: 1. Research and Evaluation of Strategies to Build and Strengthen Police-Community Relationships 2. Research and Evaluation of Police Training 3. Research and Evaluation on Officer Wellness and Safety 4. Research and Evaluation on Police Technology 5. Research on Crime Scene Investigations: Triaging Evidence

Research and Evaluation on Institutional Corrections - 0 views

    The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks innovative research proposals to empirically assess pressing issues in institutional corrections. Interested applicants should submit proposals that address any of the three categories below. NIJ anticipates that up to $8 million may become available for awards under this solicitation. 1. Advancing science: Responding to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Report, “The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences.” 2. Understanding the use of restrictive housing. a. An examination of the use of restrictive housing in state and/or federal prisons. b. Assessing the use of restrictive housing in jails. c. Understanding the impact of restrictive housing on the mental health of inmates and staff in prison and how working in restrictive housing varies from working in the general population. d. A review of step down programs available in restrictive housing environments in U.S. prisons and jails. 3. An examination of correctional officer safety and wellness: The impact of fatal and non-fatal work-related injuries on the corrections institution.
    The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks innovative research proposals to empirically assess pressing issues in institutional corrections. Interested applicants should submit proposals that address any of the three categories below. NIJ anticipates that up to $8 million may become available for awards under this solicitation. 1. Advancing science: Responding to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Report, “The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences.” 2. Understanding the use of restrictive housing. a. An examination of the use of restrictive housing in state and/or federal prisons. b. Assessing the use of restrictive housing in jails. c. Understanding the impact of restrictive housing on the mental health of inmates and staff in prison and how working in restrictive housing varies from working in the general population. d. A review of step down programs available in restrictive housing environments in U.S. prisons and jails. 3. An examination of correctional officer safety and wellness: The impact of fatal and non-fatal work-related injuries on the corrections institution.

Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Maximizing State Reforms - 0 views

    BJA, in a public/private partnership with The Pew Charitable Trusts, launched the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) in 2010 as a multistaged process in which a jurisdiction reduces unnecessary incarceration, increases the cost-effectiveness of its criminal justice system and reinvests savings into high-performing public safety strategies.  JRI jurisdictions reinvest these cost savings into high-performing initiatives that make communities safer. In addition to reducing prison populations, justice reinvestment encourages states to embrace a culture of greater collaboration, data-driven decisionmaking, and increased use of evidence-based practices. While the full impact of justice reinvestment reforms is not yet known, the policies enacted in JRI states hold great promise to reduce prison populations, achieve substantial cost savings, and avert future growth.  However, many of the states found similar factors driving populations and costs for example, parole and probation revocation rates; sentencing policies and practices that favored incarceration of low-risk offenders over alternatives and that resulted in long lengths of stay; insufficient or inefficient community supervision, services, and support; and parole system processing delays and denials. The policy responses to these issues also overlapped, sharing themes of evidence-based practices and data-driven decisionmaking, including risk and needs assessments; accountability measures such as performance and outcome measure reporting; earned credits to encourage compliance with conditions of community supervision; sentencing changes; swift, certain and fair responses to technical probation and parole violations, mandatory post-incarceration supervision requirements; problem-solving courts; streamlined parole processes and expanded parole eligibility; and re-entry programs to reduce recidivism.
    BJA, in a public/private partnership with The Pew Charitable Trusts, launched the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) in 2010 as a multistaged process in which a jurisdiction reduces unnecessary incarceration, increases the cost-effectiveness of its criminal justice system and reinvests savings into high-performing public safety strategies.  JRI jurisdictions reinvest these cost savings into high-performing initiatives that make communities safer. In addition to reducing prison populations, justice reinvestment encourages states to embrace a culture of greater collaboration, data-driven decisionmaking, and increased use of evidence-based practices. While the full impact of justice reinvestment reforms is not yet known, the policies enacted in JRI states hold great promise to reduce prison populations, achieve substantial cost savings, and avert future growth.  However, many of the states found similar factors driving populations and costs for example, parole and probation revocation rates; sentencing policies and practices that favored incarceration of low-risk offenders over alternatives and that resulted in long lengths of stay; insufficient or inefficient community supervision, services, and support; and parole system processing delays and denials. The policy responses to these issues also overlapped, sharing themes of evidence-based practices and data-driven decisionmaking, including risk and needs assessments; accountability measures such as performance and outcome measure reporting; earned credits to encourage compliance with conditions of community supervision; sentencing changes; swift, certain and fair responses to technical probation and parole violations, mandatory post-incarceration supervision requirements; problem-solving courts; streamlined parole processes and expanded parole eligibility; and re-entry programs to reduce recidivism.

Enhancing Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships: Smart Suite Training & Technical Assist... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FY 2016 Smart Suite Training & Technical Assistance Program competitive grant announcement is to select one provider to deliver a wide range of training and technical assistance (TTA) services to researchers and practitioners in BJA's Smart Suite programs. These services will focus on the researcher-practitioner partnerships and be implemented in coordination with BJA and other Smart Suite TTA partners. Services will include, but are not limited to, training sessions; partnering with an interdisciplinary team of subject matter experts (researchers and practitioners); developing original web content; developing products to promote continuous learning within the Smart Suite community; collaborating with other Smart Suite TTA partners; and providing remote guidance on problem analysis, solution development, data analysis, evaluation methodology, and producing "real-time" products and resources for strategic decision-making. The services provided should enhance the quality and outcomes of all of the Smart Suite programs.
    The purpose of this FY 2016 Smart Suite Training & Technical Assistance Program competitive grant announcement is to select one provider to deliver a wide range of training and technical assistance (TTA) services to researchers and practitioners in BJA's Smart Suite programs. These services will focus on the researcher-practitioner partnerships and be implemented in coordination with BJA and other Smart Suite TTA partners. Services will include, but are not limited to, training sessions; partnering with an interdisciplinary team of subject matter experts (researchers and practitioners); developing original web content; developing products to promote continuous learning within the Smart Suite community; collaborating with other Smart Suite TTA partners; and providing remote guidance on problem analysis, solution development, data analysis, evaluation methodology, and producing "real-time" products and resources for strategic decision-making. The services provided should enhance the quality and outcomes of all of the Smart Suite programs.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking investigator-initiated proposals to conduct research that examines criminal justice tools, protocols, and policies concerning drug trafficking, markets and use, and the effects of drug legalization and decriminalization on law enforcement, applicable to State, tribal and local jurisdictions. Proposals must address one of two criminal justice activities: drug intelligence and community surveillance, or criminal investigation and prosecution. In addition, NIJ has identified three drug research priorities: Marijuana and cannabis products; Heroin and other opioids (including diverted prescription drugs); and Novel psychoactive substances (also known as synthetic drugs).
    NIJ is seeking investigator-initiated proposals to conduct research that examines criminal justice tools, protocols, and policies concerning drug trafficking, markets and use, and the effects of drug legalization and decriminalization on law enforcement, applicable to State, tribal and local jurisdictions. Proposals must address one of two criminal justice activities: drug intelligence and community surveillance, or criminal investigation and prosecution. In addition, NIJ has identified three drug research priorities: Marijuana and cannabis products; Heroin and other opioids (including diverted prescription drugs); and Novel psychoactive substances (also known as synthetic drugs).

Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Programming in the Greater Maghreb - 0 views

    he State Department Bureau of Near East Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC) seeks single-country or regional project proposals for its Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP) program in the North Africa/Maghreb region; proposals focusing on Tunisia are particularly encouraged. Proposals designed to support Libya cannot be considered at this time. The TSCTP is the U.S. Government's primary vehicle to support the long-term capacities of countries in West and North Africa to address the threat from violent extremist groups, including al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Da'esh). TSCTP aims to take a comprehensive approach to counterterrorism by undertaking development, civil society and community-related activities to reduce radicalization and recruitment into violent extremism and as related to foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs). This solicitation is focused on TSCTP's countering violent extremism efforts. NEA/AC will consider proposals that promote the below countering violent extremism (CVE) objectives in the Maghreb: 1. Building community resilience and providing positive alternatives to communities, particularly youth, vulnerable to radicalization and recruitment by violent extremists to become FTFs and/or local fighters; 2. Strengthening partner government and civil society will and capacity to counter violent extremism including the radicalization and recruitment of FTF at local, sub-regional, and regional levels; 3. Countering violent extremist messaging and narratives, especially messaging targeting FTFs.
    he State Department Bureau of Near East Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC) seeks single-country or regional project proposals for its Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP) program in the North Africa/Maghreb region; proposals focusing on Tunisia are particularly encouraged. Proposals designed to support Libya cannot be considered at this time. The TSCTP is the U.S. Government's primary vehicle to support the long-term capacities of countries in West and North Africa to address the threat from violent extremist groups, including al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Da'esh). TSCTP aims to take a comprehensive approach to counterterrorism by undertaking development, civil society and community-related activities to reduce radicalization and recruitment into violent extremism and as related to foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs). This solicitation is focused on TSCTP's countering violent extremism efforts. NEA/AC will consider proposals that promote the below countering violent extremism (CVE) objectives in the Maghreb: 1. Building community resilience and providing positive alternatives to communities, particularly youth, vulnerable to radicalization and recruitment by violent extremists to become FTFs and/or local fighters; 2. Strengthening partner government and civil society will and capacity to counter violent extremism including the radicalization and recruitment of FTF at local, sub-regional, and regional levels; 3. Countering violent extremist messaging and narratives, especially messaging targeting FTFs.

Community Corrections: Technology Research, Development and Evaluation to Improve Super... - 0 views

    With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for funding for research, development, and/or evaluation projects to explore the ability of mobile device technologies to help enable adult correctional systems more effectively supervise increased numbers of persons under community supervision. Related to this, NIJ is also interested in exploring the potential of mobile device-based solutions to provide an improved means to locate and track offenders under community supervision in areas with cellular coverage.
    With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for funding for research, development, and/or evaluation projects to explore the ability of mobile device technologies to help enable adult correctional systems more effectively supervise increased numbers of persons under community supervision. Related to this, NIJ is also interested in exploring the potential of mobile device-based solutions to provide an improved means to locate and track offenders under community supervision in areas with cellular coverage.

W.E.B. DuBois Program of Research on Race and Crime - 0 views

    With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for the W.E.B. Du Bois Program of Research on Race and Crime. The program seeks to advance knowledge regarding the confluence of crime, justice, and culture in various societal contexts. This year, NIJ seeks applicants for two funding categories: 1) W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars- those who are advanced in their careers and seek to conduct research that advances the study of race and crime and 2) W.E.B. Du Bois Fellows- those who are early in their careers and seek the opportunity to elevate their research ideas to the level of national discussion.
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