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Smart and Connected Health (SCH) (nsf13543) - 0 views

    The goal of the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) Program is to accelerate the development and use of innovative approaches that would support the much needed transformation of healthcare from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive, proactive, evidence-based, person-centered and focused on well-being rather than disease. Approaches that partner technology-based solutions with biobehavioral health research are supported by multiple agencies of the federal government including the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The purpose of this program is to develop next generation health care solutions and encourage existing and new research communities to focus on breakthrough ideas in a variety of areas of value to health, such as sensor technology, networking, information and machine learning technology, decision support systems, modeling of behavioral and cognitive processes, as well as system and process modeling. Effective solutions must satisfy a multitude of constraints arising from clinical/medical needs, social interactions, cognitive limitations, barriers to behavioral change, heterogeneity of data, semantic mismatch and limitations of current cyberphysical systems. Such solutions demand multidisciplinary teams ready to address technical, behavioral and clinical issues ranging from fundamental science to clinical practice.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program. This solicitation features two mechanisms for support of student research: (1) REU Sites are based on independent proposals to initiate and conduct projects that engage a number of students in research. REU Sites may be based in a single discipline or academic department or may offer interdisciplinary or multi-department research opportunities with a coherent intellectual theme. Proposals with an international dimension are welcome. (2) REU Supplements may be included as a component of proposals for new or renewal NSF grants or cooperative agreements or may be requested for ongoing NSF-funded research projects.

Grants | Administration for Children and Families - 0 views

    The Office of Planning Research and Evaluation (OPRE) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) plans to invite applications to support the development, implementation, and ongoing operations of a Data Center to support family self-sufficiency research and activities (Center). This Center would serve as a hub to support the development of state and institutional capacity for data collection, linkage, and where necessary, storage in order to provide access to high quality data to practitioners and policymakers in family self-sufficiency programs and research. 
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters - US National S... - 0 views

    Hazards SEES seeks research projects that will productively cross the boundaries of the atmospheric and geospace, earth, and ocean sciences; computer and information science; cyberinfrastructure; engineering; mathematics and statistics; and social, economic, and behavioral sciences. Successful proposals will integrate across these multiple disciplines to promote research that advances new paradigms that contribute to creating a society resilient to hazards. Hazards SEES intends to transform hazards and disaster research by fostering the development of interdisciplinary research that allows for appropriately targeted data collection, integration, and management; modeling (including predictive models for real-time decision making); visualization and simulation; data analytics and data-driven discovery; real-time sensing; cross-cutting knowledge development; and synthesis of applicable models and theory. 
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Cyber-Enabled Sustainability Science and Engineering - US National ... - 0 views

    Computational approaches play a central role in understanding and advancing sustainability.  CyberSEES supports research on all sustainability topics that depend on advances in computational areas including optimization, modeling, simulation, prediction, and inference; large-scale data management and analytics; advanced sensing techniques; human computer interaction and social computing; infrastructure design, control and management; and intelligent systems and decision-making. Additionally, the widespread, intensive use of computing technologies also introduces sustainability challenges and motivates new approaches across the lifecycle of technology design and use.

Campus Cyberinfrastructure - Network Infrastructure and Engineering Program (CC-NIE) (n... - 0 views

    The "Campus Cyberinfrastructure - Network Infrastructure and Engineering (CC-NIE)" program invests in improvements and re-engineering at the campus level to support a range of data transfers supporting computational science and computer networks and systems research. The program also supports Network Integration activities tied to achieving higher levels of performance, reliability and predictability for science applications and distributed research projects. Two types of CC-NIE awards will be made. Data Driven Networking and Infrastructure for the Campus and Researcher awards will be supported at up to $500,000 total for up to 2 years. Network Integration and Applied Innovation awards will be supported at up to $1,000,000 total for up to 2 years.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - United States-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science - US Nationa... - 0 views

    The United States-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science (USICCS) program is a joint program of NSF and the United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF).  The program supports research projects that develop new knowledge in the areas of theory of computing; algorithm design and analysis; design, verification, and evaluation of software systems; and revolutionary computing models based on emerging scientific ideas.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Announces Aligning Forces for Quality Games to Generate ... - 0 views

    Developed game applications must be designed to encourage participants to compete or collaborate to improve personal health while simultaneously contributing to the overarching goal of maximizing their community's health. The winner will receive $100,000. The second- and third-place winners will receive $50,000 and $25,000, respectively.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Cyber-Physical Systems - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - 0 views

    The goal of the CPS program is to develop the core system science needed to engineer complex cyber-physical systems upon which people can depend with high confidence. The program aims to foster a research community committed to advancing research and education in CPS and to transitioning CPS science and technology into engineering practice. By abstracting from the particulars of specific systems and application domains, the CPS program aims to reveal cross-cutting fundamental scientific and engineering principles that underpin the integration of cyber and physical elements across all application sectors.  To expedite and accelerate the realization of cyber-physical systems in a wide range of applications, the CPS program also supports the development of methods, tools, and hardware and software components based upon these cross-cutting principles, along with validation of the principles via prototypes and test beds.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace - US National Science Foundation ... - 0 views

    Cyberspace has transformed the daily lives of people for the better. The rush to adopt cyberspace, however, has exposed its fragility and vulnerabilities: corporations, agencies, national infrastructure and individuals have been victims of cyber-attacks. In December 2011, the National Science and Technology Council with the cooperation of NSF has advanced a broad, coordinated federal strategic plan for cybersecurity research and development to "change the game," check the misuses of cyber technology, bolster education and training in cybersecurity, establish a science of cybersecurity, and transition promising cybersecurity research into practice.  This challenge requires a dedicated approach to research, development, and education that leverages the disciplines of mathematics and statistics, the social sciences, and engineering with the computational and information sciences.

High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Building a More Inclusive Computing Envi... - 0 views

    The NSF's vision for Advanced Computing Infrastructure (ACI), which is part of its Cyberinfrastructure for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21), focuses specifically on ensuring that the science and engineering community has ready access to the advanced computational and data-driven capabilities required to tackle the most complex problems and issues facing today's scientific and educational communities. To accomplish these goals requires advanced computational capabilities within the context of a multilevel comprehensive and innovative infrastructure that benefits all fields of science and engineering. Previous solicitations have concentrated on enabling petascale capability through the deployment and support of a world-class High Performance Computing (HPC) environment. In the past decade the NSF has provided the open science and engineering community with a number of state-of-the art HPC assets ranging from loosely coupled clusters, to large scale instruments with many thousands of computing cores communicating via fast interconnects, and more recently with diverse heterogeneous architectures. Recent developments in computational science have begun to focus on complex, dynamic and diverse workflows. Some of these involve applications that are extremely data intensive and may not be dominated by floating point operation speed. While a number of the earlier acquisitions have addressed a subset of these issues, the current solicitation emphasizes this even further.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals concerning techniques and tools for demonstrating the absence of backdoors and other hidden malicious functionality in the software and firmware shipped on commodity Information Technology (IT) devices.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    Software is an integral enabler of computation, experiment and theory and a primary modality for realizing the Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21) vision, as described in Scientific discovery and innovation are advancing along fundamentally new pathways opened by development of increasingly sophisticated software. Software is also directly responsible for increased scientific productivity and significant enhancement of researchers' capabilities. In order to nurture, accelerate and sustain this critical mode of scientific progress, NSF has established the Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation (SI2) program, with the overarching goal of transforming innovations in research and education into sustained software resources that are an integral part of the cyberinfrastructure. SI2 is a long-term investment focused on catalyzing new thinking, paradigms, and practices in developing and using software to understand natural, human, and engineered systems. SI2's intent is to foster a pervasive cyberinfrastructure to help researchers address problems of unprecedented scale, complexity, resolution, and accuracy by integrating computation, data, networking, observations and experiments in novel ways.

ACM History Committee: 2013 Grants for Research in ACM History - 0 views

    The Association for Computing Machinery History Committee is preparing groundwork for a special ACM history workshop in 2014. Aiming at the workshop, we will support research projects related to ACM's professional and educational activities and/or to ACM's rich institutional history including its organization, publications, SIG activities, and conferences. We may also consider support for wider synthetic projects, analyzing existing research on ACM and outlining themes to illuminate ACM's nearly seven-decade history. We will support up to four projects with awards of up to $4,000 each. Successful candidates may be of any rank, from graduate students through senior researchers. All awardees must be willing to present their work to a two-day ACM History Committee-sponsored workshop, to be held during the spring or early summer of 2014. Workshop travel, lodging, and meals will be paid by ACM History Committee, in addition to this project award.

Charles Babbage Institute Arthur L. Norberg Travel Fund - 0 views

    The Arthur L. Norberg Travel Fund provides short-term grants-in-aid to help scholars with travel expenses to use archival collections at the Charles Babbage Institute. Each year we plan to award two or more $750 grants. The Charles Babbage Institute (CBI) is an internationally recognized research center and archives focused on the history of information technology. CBI conducts major research projects; publishes books and articles; and collects, processes, and provides open public access to the most diverse and extensive collection of archival materials on computing, software, and networking in the world. CBI collections include the records of corporations, technical and trade associations, personal papers, industry publications, oral histories, photographs, film/video, and an extensive reference library. The Norberg Travel Fund is named for CBI's founding director, Arthur L. Norberg, and is funded by generous gifts from his friends and colleagues.

Google Invites Grant Applications for Computer Science Education Workshops | PND | Foun... - 0 views

    Google is accepting applications for funds from its CS4HS (Computer Science for High School) program, which is intended to promote the teaching of computer science and computational thinking in the high school and middle school curriculum. Grants are awarded to universities and colleges in support of hands-on workshops to train K-12 teachers in how best to incorporate computer science into their curriculum. Grants support two- to three-day workshops for local high school and middle school computer science teachers. The workshops incorporate informational talks by industry leaders and discussions on new and emerging CS curricula at the high school and middle school level.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Accepting Applications for Collaborative Research Travel Grants... - 0 views

    Eligible applicants are postdoctoral fellows and faculty at degree-granting institutes in the United States or Canada. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, statistics, or engineering and be interested in investigating research opportunities in the biological sciences. Biologists holding a doctorate degree at the time of application who are interested in working with physical scientists, mathematicians, engineers, chemists, statisticians, or computer scientists to incorporate their ideas and approaches to answering biological questions are eligible to apply.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) utilizes the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) award mechanism to support the development of highly engaging cognitive training interventions delivered through computers and/or gaming platforms that are targeted to the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, autism and/or HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND), with the goal of improving real-world functioning of patients. This initiative specifically supports small businesses with development and commercial experience in the entertainment software industry to partner with clinical neuroscientists experienced with cognitive training.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation - SSE & SSI - US N... - 0 views

    The SI2 program includes three classes of awards: 1. Scientific Software Elements (SSE): SSE awards target small groups that will create and deploy robust software elements for which there is a demonstrated need that will advance one or more significant areas of science and engineering. 2. Scientific Software Integration (SSI): SSI awards target larger, interdisciplinary teams organized around the development and application of common software infrastructure aimed at solving common research problems. SSI awards will result in a sustainable community software framework serving a diverse community. 3. Scientific Software Innovation Institutes (S2I2): S2I2 awards will focus on the establishment of long-term hubs of excellence in software infrastructure and technologies, which will serve a research community of substantial size and disciplinary breadth.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    Sophisticated electronic microsystems can now be made at such low cost that they are increasingly pervasive throughout the battlefield and large numbers can be widely proliferated and used for applications such as distributed remote sensing and communications. However, it is nearly impossible to track and recover every device, resulting in unintended accumulation in the environment as well as subsequent unauthorized use. DARPA seeks innovative proposals to address this pervasive challenge by developing electronic systems capable of physically disappearing in a controlled, triggerable manner. The goal of the Vanishing Programmable Resources (VAPR) BAA is to develop and establish a basis set of materials, components, integration, and manufacturing capabilities to undergird this new class of electronics. See the full DARPA-BAA-13-23 document attached.
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