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Benchmarks of Realistic Scientific Application Performance of Large-Scale Computing Sys... - 0 views

    NSF is interested in supporting activities by the NSF Cyberinfrastructure community in the analysis of existing benchmarks, and in the development of new benchmarks, that measure real-world performance and effectiveness of large-scale computing systems for science and engineering discovery. Research, development, and use of performance benchmarks in high-performance computing (HPC) has been active for over 20 years, as evidenced by the development of LINPACK and the emergence of the TOP500 list in the early 1990s, followed by the development of the HPC Challenge Benchmark and the current HPCG effort ( There have been efforts to provide benchmarks that include real applications, such as the SPEC High Performance Computing Benchmarks (, the Blue Waters SPP suite (, and the NERSC SSP ( Recent efforts have sought to broaden the set of relevant benchmarks to more effectively cover performance under different application environments such as data-intensive analysis (e.g., Graph500). Energy efficiency has also emerged in recent years as a relevant and increasingly important area of measurement and profiling for HPC systems (e.g., Green500). In addition to HPC, the Big Data community has gained interest in benchmarking; reference approaches to measuring and characterizing system performance for large-scale data analysis hardware and software systems remains an area of research, development, and community discussion (e.g., on the Big Data Top 100). Industry and academe have convened an ongoing series of workshops and meetings on the topic of Big Data benchmarking ( Given the emergence of inference-based computing, the growing role of data analysis, changes in scientific workflow du

Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need - 0 views

    This program provides fellowships, through academic departments and programs of IHEs, to assist graduate students with excellent records who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue the highest degree available in their course study at the institution in a field designated as an area of national need.

Benchmarks of Realistic Scientific Application Performance of Large-Scale Computing Sys... - 0 views

    NSF is interested in supporting activities by the NSF Cyberinfrastructure community in the analysis of existing benchmarks, and in the development of new benchmarks, that measure real-world performance and effectiveness of large-scale computing systems for science and engineering discovery.  


    This BAA employs the Sense-Assess-Augment paradigm to accelerate research and development of technologies capable of detecting/assessing human performance. This BAA focuses on identifying, developing, characterizing, and accelerating sensing technologies that can be utilized to assess the physiological, cognitive, and psychological states of human operators. It is also anticipated that these technologies will be implemented into fieldable systems. Research will have an emphasis on developing technologies capable of detecting & sensing physiological, biomarker, and behavioral metrics which are or can be correlated with human state/performance. An emphasis will also be placed upon the development, integration, miniaturization, initial operational test and evaluation, and verification and validation of human-centric multi-sensor suite designs. Research focusing on the manufacturing of nano-biomaterial sensors are of particular interest. Research may also focus on developing and implementing empirically-based models, frameworks, and novel evaluation capabilities, to identify assessment linkages to performance. Initial testing & evaluation and verification and validation of the developed technologies is vital to ensure appropriate and proper performance in laboratory and operational-type settings. Relevant USAF application domains include Air, Special Operations, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, Remotely Piloted Aircraft, and Cyber Operations, as well as training applications as afforded by Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) environments.

SaTC EAGERs Enabling New Collaborations - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation is announcing its intentions to build upon the success of previous Early Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGERs) in the area supported by the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program (see solicitation 14-599: [1] and to accept additional EAGER proposals that encourage novel interdisciplinary research resulting from new collaborations between one or more Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) researchers and one or more Social, Behavioral and Economic Science (SBE) researchers. (Research teams with a history of collaborating together should instead submit directly to the SaTC solicitation.) The proposed research should fit both the Trustworthy Computing (TWC) and the Social, Behavioral and Economic (SBE) Sciences perspectives within the SaTC solicitation.

Simons Foundation Invites Applications for Theoretical Computer Science Awards | RFPs |... - 0 views

    The Simons Foundation is accepting applications for the Simons Award for Graduate Students in Theoretical Computer Science program from graduate students with an outstanding track record of research accomplishments. The annual program is designed to identify and support these students and enable them to pursue collaborations with their peers and more senior researchers. Awards provide up to $24,000 a year for two years. Awardees must be a graduate student for the duration of the award. Each award will provide up to $8,500 a year for the awardee to use at his/her discretion (e.g., travel to summer research locations or to conferences, equipment, books, personal computer); up to $9,000 a year for summer salary support; $2,500 a year to help enhance the research atmosphere of the awardee's department; and $4,000 to the institution for administrative expenses.

IUSE/Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments - 0 views

    The NSF Engineering (ENG) Directorate is launching a multi-year initiative, the Professional Formation of Engineers, to create and support an innovative and inclusive engineering profession for the 21st Century.  Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE) refers to the formal and informal processes and value systems by which people become engineers.  It also includes the ethical responsibility of practicing engineers to sustain and grow the profession.  The engineering profession must be responsive to national priorities, grand challenges, and dynamic workforce needs; it must be equally open and accessible to all.

Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability - 0 views

    Computing systems have undergone a fundamental transformation from the single-processor devices of the turn of the century to today's ubiquitous and networked devices and warehouse-scale computing via the cloud. Parallelism is abundant at many levels. At the same time, semiconductor technology is facing fundamental physical limits and single processor performance has plateaued. This means that the ability to achieve predictable performance improvements through improved processor technologies alone has ended. Thus, parallelism has become critically important. The Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability (XPS) program aims to support groundbreaking research leading to a new era of parallel computing. Achieving the needed breakthroughs will require a collaborative effort among researchers representing all areas -- from services and applications down to the micro-architecture -- and will be built on new concepts, theories, and foundational principles. New approaches to achieve scalable performance and usability need new abstract models and algorithms, new programming models and languages, new hardware architectures, compilers, operating systems and run-time systems, and must exploit domain and application-specific knowledge. Research is also needed on energy efficiency, communication efficiency, and on enabling the division of effort between edge devices and clouds.

United States-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science (USICCS) - 0 views

    The United States-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science (USICCS) program is a joint program of NSF and the United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). The program supports research projects that develop new knowledge in the areas of theory of computing; algorithm design and analysis; design, verification, and evaluation of software systems; and revolutionary computing models based on emerging scientific ideas.

Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences: Investigator-initiated research projects - 0 views

    The Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) supports quantitative, predictive, and theory-driven fundamental research and related activities designed to promote understanding of complex living systems at the molecular, subcellular, and cellular levels. MCB is soliciting proposals for hypothesis-driven and discovery research and related activities in four core clusters: Molecular Biophysics Cellular Dynamics and Function Genetic Mechanisms Systems and Synthetic Biology MCB gives high priority to research projects that use theory, methods, and technologies from physical sciences, mathematics, computational sciences, and engineering to address major biological questions.  Research supported by MCB uses a range of experimental approaches--including in vivo, in vitro and in silico strategies--and a broad spectrum of model and non-model organisms, especially microbes and plants. Typical research supported by MCB integrates theory and experimentation.  Projects that address the emerging areas of multi-scale integration, molecular and cellular evolution, quantitative prediction of phenome from genomic information, and development of methods and resources are particularly welcome.

US NSF - Dear Colleague Letter: Sustaining CISE Research Infrastructure (nsf15007) - 0 views

    Through its CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI) program (NSF 14-593 -, the NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) supports world-class research infrastructure enabling focused research agendas in computer and information science and engineering. The CRI program funds both the creation of new infrastructure as well as the enhancement of existing infrastructure.

Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI): Instrument Acquisition or Development (ns... - 0 views

    The Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) serves to increase access to shared scientific and engineering instruments for research and research training in our Nation's institutions of higher education, not-for-profit museums, science centers and scientific/engineering research organizations. The program provides organizations with opportunities to acquire major instrumentation that supports the research and research training goals of the organization and that may be used by other researchers regionally or nationally. Each MRI proposal may request support for the acquisition (Track 1) or development (Track 2) of a single research instrument for shared inter- and/or intra-organizational use. Development efforts that leverage the strengths of private sector partners to build instrument development capacity at MRI submission-eligible organizations are encouraged.

Computer and Network Systems (CNS) - 0 views

    CISE's Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) supports research and education projects that develop new knowledge in two core programs: Computer Systems Research (CSR) program; and Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) program. Proposers are invited to submit proposals in three project classes, which are defined as follows: Small Projects - up to $500,000 total budget with durations up to three years; Medium Projects - $500,001 to $1,200,000 total budget with durations up to four years; and Large Projects - $1,200,001 to $3,000,000 total budget with durations up to five years.

ROSES 2014: Computational Modeling Algorithms and Cyberinfrastructure - 0 views

    This ROSES-2014 NRA (NNH14ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences, including, but not limited to: theory, modeling, and analysis of SMD science data; aircraft, scientific balloon, sounding rocket, International Space Station, CubeSat, and suborbital reusable launch vehicle investigations; development of experiment techniques suitable for future SMD space missions; development of concepts for future SMD space missions; development of advanced technologies relevant to SMD missions; development of techniques for and the laboratory analysis of both extraterrestrial samples returned by spacecraft, as well as terrestrial samples that support or otherwise help verify observations from SMD Earth system science missions; determination of atomic and composition parameters needed to analyze space data, as well as returned samples from the Earth or space; Earth surface observations and field campaigns that support SMD science missions; development of integrated Earth system models; development of systems for applying Earth science research data to societal needs; and development of applied information systems applicable to SMD objectives and data. Awards range from under $100K per year for focused, limited efforts (e.g., data analysis) to more than $1M per year for extensive activities (e.g., development of science experiment hardware). The funds available for awards in each program element offered in this ROSES-2014 NRA range from less than one to several million dollars, which allows selection from a few to as many as several dozen proposals depending on the program objectives and the submission of proposals of merit. Awards will be made as grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and inter- or intraagency transfers, depending on the nature of the proposing organization and/or program requirements. The

Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems - 0 views

    The Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems (CCSS) program is intended to spur visionary systems-oriented activities in collaborative, multidisciplinary, and integrative research. CCSS supports systems research in hardware, signal processing techniques, and architectures to enable the next generation of cyber-physical systems (CPS) that leverage computation, communication, and algorithms integrated with physical domains. CCSS offers new challenges at all levels of systems integration to address future societal needs. CCSS supports innovative research and integrated educational activities in micro- and nano-systems, communications systems, and cyber-physical systems. The goal is to design, develop, and implement new complex and hybrid systems at all scales, including nano, micro, and macro, that lead to innovative engineering principles and solutions for a variety of application domains including, but not limited to, healthcare, medicine, environmental monitoring, communications, disaster mitigation, homeland security, transportation, manufacturing, energy, and smart buildings. CCSS also supports integration technologies at both intra-and inter-chip levels, new and advanced radio frequency (RF), millimeter wave and optical wireless and hybrid communications systems architectures, and sensing and imaging at terahertz (THz) frequencies.

Operations Research - 0 views

    The OR program supports fundamental research leading to the creation of innovative mathematical models, analysis, and algorithms for optimal or near optimal decision-making, applicable to the design and operation of manufacturing, service, and other complex systems. In addition to the traditional areas of Operations Research which includes discrete and continuous optimization as well as stochastic modeling and analysis, new research thrusts include simulation optimization and self-optimizing systems that can observe, learn, and adapt to changing environments.

New F&A rates negotiated with federal government | OARS Research News - 0 views

    In September, Miami received notice from the government that our new F&A rates are: 44.5% for On Campus Organized Research 44.0% On Campus Sponsored Instruction 39.0% On Campus Other Sponsored Activities 26.0% Off Campus All Programs These rates are effective beginning September 1, 2014. Awards received beginning in September and all proposal submissions going forward will be required to use the new rates.

CUR 2015 Conference Grants - 0 views

    The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is pleased to offer a limited number of conference grants. These grants will be used to subsidize the cost of attendance for individuals to attend either CUR Dialogues 2015: Climbing the Ladder to Funding Success: Diverse Sources, Diverse Pathways or Undergraduate Research Programs: Building, Enhancing, Sustaining. Nominees are asked to provide contact and demographic information, a statement of expenses, a statement describing financial need, and a statement on expected outcomes from attending the conference. Historically under-represented groups and first-time attendees will be given priority. The review committee will work to ensure awardees represent a diverse subset of the applicants, specifically across discipline/CUR Division and geographic location. Awardees will receive the conference grant as a rebate after their confirmed participation in the conference, and the submission of reimbursement paperwork.

NSF 14-600 Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships (nsf14600) - 0 views

    The Science and Technology Centers (STC): Integrative Partnerships program supports innovative, potentially transformative, complex research and education projects that require large-scale, long-term awards. STCs conduct world-class research through partnerships among academic institutions, national laboratories, industrial organizations, and/or other public/private entities, and via international collaborations, as appropriate. They provide a means to undertake significant investigations at the interfaces of disciplines and/or fresh approaches within disciplines. STCs may involve any area of science and engineering that NSF supports


     A primary focus is on developing algorithms and prototyping products for combined use of data from Landsat and Sentinel-2toward global land monitoring. However, we also welcome proposals combining Landsat with other sources of moderate resolution data, such as IRS and/or CBERS. Proposals fusing optical sensor data as listed above with radar observations such as from Sentinel-1, as well as those pursuing innovative use of thermal infrared data to improve LCLUC monitoring, are also welcome. The ultimate goal is to develop multisensor methods based on increased temporal-spatial coverage and measurement spectral diversity to advance the virtual constellation paradigm for midresolution land imaging 
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