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U.S. EPA: Environmental Health Disparities Centers Kick-off Meeting Wed, Jul 20, 2016 a... - 0 views

    The Centers of Excellence on Environmental Health Disparities (EHD) research program is a collaborative effort supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that encourages basic, biological, clinical, epidemiological, behavioral and/or social scientific investigations of disease conditions that are known to be a significant burden in low socioeconomic and health disparate populations. The centers define environmental health disparities as inequities in illnesses that are mediated by disproportionate exposures associated with the social, natural and built environments. The kick-off meeting will feature presentations from each of the five funded centers highlighting their proposed research.

Countering Violent Extremism Grants - 0 views

    The FY 2016 CVE Grant Program supports programs, projects and activities that prevent recruitment or radicalization to violence by interrupting those efforts, building community-level resilience to them, and identifying the early signs of radicalization to violence and providing appropriate interventions through civic organizations, law enforcement or other entities. Community resilience in the CVE context means those communities where violent extremists routinely meet disinterest and opposition, recruitment attempts routinely fail, and communities know what tools and support are available to assist individuals that may be on a path towards violence.

OCLC/ALISE grants overview - 0 views

    The overall goal is to promote independent research, particularly work helping to integrate new technologies that offer innovative approaches, and research that contributes to a better understanding of the information environment and user expectations and behaviors.

Pragmatic Clinical Studies to Evaluate Patient-Centered Outcomes - Cycle 2 2016 | PCORI - 0 views

    PCORI seeks to fund pragmatic clinical trials, large simple trials, or large-scale observational studies that compare two or more alternatives for addressing prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or management of a disease or symptom; improving healthcare system-level approaches to managing care; communicating or disseminating research results to patients, caregivers, or clinicians; or eliminating health or healthcare disparities. Proposed studies must address critical clinical choices faced by patients, their caregivers, clinicians, or delivery systems. They must involve broadly representative patient populations and be large enough to provide precise estimates of hypothesized effectiveness differences and to support evaluation of potential differences in treatment effectiveness in patient subgroups.

OnPAR: Online Partners for Advancement of Research - 0 views

    Leidos will match high-scoring, unfunded National Institutes of Health (NIH) proposals with private biomedical foundations and/or industries seeking to fund promising research. Foundations will have access to peer-reviewed research proposals that directly relate to their funding priorities, industry will have access to a rich pipeline of early stage and translational research proposals that align with its priorities, while applicants with strong research proposals will be provided with a second opportunity to secure funding. The foundations, industries, applicants, and NIH all will benefit from this synergy.
MiamiOH OARS - 0 views

    With this Dear Colleague Letter, NSF is providing advance notice of a change in the eligibility of prospective applicants to the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) to allow the community to plan accordingly. Effective as of the 2017 competition (Fall 2016 deadlines), NSF will limit graduate students to only one application to the GRFP, submitted either in the first year or in the second year of graduate school. No change is made to the eligibility of undergraduates, of bachelor's degree holders without any graduate study, or of individuals who have had an interruption in graduate study of at least two consecutive years.

National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education - 0 views

    The purpose of the National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Resource Center will be to provide leadership, expert guidance, and resources to promote the value of and increase access to evidence-based self-management programs; and to serve as a national clearinghouse and disseminate resources and best practices to increase the capacity of states, aging, disability and public health networks and their partners to implement and sustain CDSME programs.

Basic Biopsychosocial Mechanisms and Processes in the Management of Chronic Conditions - 0 views

    This FOA seeks to stimulate basic inquiry into the mechanisms that influence people within their larger social contexts to manage one or multiple conditions over the lifecourse. Long-term goals are to increase knowledge of the individual and group processes that inform thought and behaviors that reinforce health and optimal wellbeing to enhance overall human health, reduce illness and disability, and lengthen life.

Research on Bias Crimes - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking research and evaluation related to bias crime perpetration and victimization. For this solicitation, NIJ is interested in a broad range of research that will address gaps in our ability to identify, assess, and understand the behavior of bias crime offenders or experiences of bias crime victims.

HawksNest: Miami University's crowdfunding platform - 0 views

shared by MiamiOH OARS on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    Together with University Advancement, the Office for the Advancement of Research & Scholarship (OARS) is rolling out an new crowdfunding platform called HawksNest. Through HawksNest, alumni, family, and friends of the university can directly support the research, scholarship, and service projects of Miami University students, faculty, and staff. This is how HawksNest works: * Any Miami University student, faculty, or staff member may complete an online application to have a project considered for funding. * An internal review team assesses applications and posts approved projects on HawksNest for a maximum of 45 days. * Potential donors visit the site to learn about and pledge funds to approved projects. * Once a funding goal has been met, the project can begin! * Project managers use the site to keep donors up-to-date with information on the project's progress.

SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships - 0 views

    The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) offers Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in two tracks: (i) Broadening Participation (SPRF-BP), and (ii) Interdisciplinary Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences (SPRF-IBSS). See the full text of the solicitation for detailed description of these tracks.

Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource (P2C) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to build research infrastructure to promote external collaboration with the medical rehabilitation community. The aim of this FOA is to create a national network of research cores that provide access to collateral expertise in biomedical, behavioral, engineering, and/or psychosocial fields that is particularly relevant to medical rehabilitation research. We are particularly interested in supporting infrastructure programs in clinical trial design, engineering and the environment, individualized medical rehabilitation and dynamic reassessment, and applied behavioral supports for rehabilitation research and healthy outcomes. However, other areas of expertise may be proposed provided they offer unique research opportunities and have potential for promoting medical rehabilitation research and improving outcomes for people with disabilities. In response to this FOA, applicants should propose a program of research resources and collaborative opportunities in a specific research domain. This may be accomplished through a workshops, written material, and websites, consultations, collaborations, and pilot funding. In addition, the research core may support activities within the grantee institution related to technique development, adaptation, and validation. To accomplish the aims of the FOA, applicants may propose collaborations to other institutional sites, provided that they cover the appropriate administrative and logistical issues.

PA-15-086: Development of Novel and Emerging Technologies to Support Zebrafish Models f... - 0 views

    There is a need to develop technologies that support research using zebrafish models of biomedical value. The zebrafish has become increasingly important as a biological resource, because of its small size, short generation time, easy manipulation of embryos and optical transparency. This animal model is used to study aspects of gene structure and function that can be directly related to human genetics and disease. Zebrafish are also important for studies in diverse disciplines, including pharmacology, toxicology, neurobiology, behavior and developmental biology. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) encourages applications from small business concerns (SBCs) for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects that propose innovative research and development of technology, including reagents and high throughput equipment, to support different aspects of the creation, detection, identification and characterization of zebrafish models of human disease and preservation of genetic stocks.

NOT-OD-15-134: Request for Information (RFI): Strategies for Simplifying NIHs Grant App... - 0 views

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) seeks input on the restructuring of the NIH grant application instructions. We invite comments from any interested parties. We encourage feedback from PD/PIs, Administrative Offices, Offices of Sponsored Programs, Systems Administrators, and any other parties that rely on our application submission information.

NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Enhancing Diversity in Biomedical Data Science (R25) - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on research experiences and curriculum development.

Health and Human Performance Research Summit (4/28-30/15) - 0 views

    The HHPR Summit is an international meeting supporting human systems research held in Dayton, Ohio with the objective of linking defense and academic research to the commercial domains. The Summit is a forum to generate research knowledge and ideas, recruit and retain key organizations and researchers in the human systems domain, and link research to entrepreneurial outcomes, and diffuse information.

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on White-Collar Crime and Public Corruption - 0 views

    NIJ is seeking proposals for social and behavioral science research and program evaluations that inform efforts to detect, investigate, prosecute, and otherwise combat and prevent white-collar crime and public corruption. NIJ is particularly interested in proposals for research related to public corruption.

Health and Human Performance Research (HHPR) Summit - 0 views

    The first Health and Human Performance Research (HHPR) Summit is upcoming April 28-30, 2015 in Dayton, Ohio. We are on target to have more than 200 attendees, 75+ posters, and 12 breakout sessions discussing the topics of the summit. More than 75 participants from Federal Research labs will be presenting and participating in the event and it is a great opportunity for our Ohio Academic Institutions to create relationships and understand the objectives of these researchers. As such, we have an interest in ensuring Ohio universities and research institutions are represented in this event to increase the funding which is attracted to our State. We would like to extend an invitation to your institution to participate in the Summit through poster presentations and/or attending the Summit. Designed to provide networking opportunities for researchers and industry to connect through a focus on exploring commercializing opportunities in Science and Technology within the health and human performance domain; the HHPR Summit is also intended to further develop the research relationships with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and support the commercialization within Ohio. It is important to us as we look to the strategies we are undertaking as a state to ensure the major universities and research institutions have an opportunity to play a major role in this relationship. Details of the Summit follows: The HHPR Summit is an international meeting supporting human systems research held at the Dayton Convention Center in Dayton, Ohio April 28-30, 2015 with the objective of linking defense and academic research to the commercial domains. The Summit is a forum to generate research knowledge and ideas, recruit and retain key organizations and researchers in the human systems domain, and link research to entrepreneurial outcomes, and diffuse information.

Autism Intervention Research Network on Behavioral Health (AIR-B) - 0 views

    This cooperative agreement will establish and maintain an interdisciplinary, multicenter research forum for scientific collaboration and infrastructure building, which will provide national leadership in research designed to improve the behavioral, mental, social, and/or cognitive health and wellbeing of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities. As authorized by Section 399BB of the Autism CARES Act, the research network will determine the evidence-based practices for interventions to improve the behavioral health of individuals with ASD and other developmental disabilities, develop guidelines for those interventions, and disseminate information related to such research and guidelines. The AIR-B Network will be one of two HRSA-supported research networks that will provide national leadership in research to advance the evidence base on effective interventions for children and adolescents with ASD and other developmental disabilities, with AIR-B having a focus on addressing behavioral health and wellbeing. As directed by the FY 2015 Congressional Appropriations for HRSA's Autism CARES Act programs, HRSA is broadening the scope of this funding opportunity to reflect an additional emphasis on addressing disparities in effective interventions and treatment and access to care experienced by underserved minority and rural communities. In particular, applicants should consider diverse ethnic/racial, cultural, linguistic, socioeconomic, and geographic (e.g., rural/urban, tribal) populations for whom there is little evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions, or for whom access to effective treatments is limited. Applicants should include plans to conduct multi-site research protocols on innovative treatment models, including the use of telehealth networks, to improve behavioral health interventions and treatment for ASD in underserved minority and rural communities. It is expected that the AIR-B Netwo

RFA-DA-15-014: Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study - Coordinating Cente... - 0 views

    The Collaborative Research on Addiction at the NIH (CRAN) - composed of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and - along with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) intend to jointly fund the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study Consortium using the cooperative agreement award mechanism.  The objective of the consortium is to establish a national, multisite, longitudinal cohort study to prospectively examine the neurodevelopmental and behavioral effects of substance use from early adolescence (approximately age 9-10) through the period of risk for substance use and substance use disorders.
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