Biological Measures for Prognosing and Monitoring of Persistent Concussive Symptoms in ... - 0 views
MiamiOH OARS on 11 Feb 20This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is aimed at discovering, characterizing the selectivity and sensitivity, and externally validating biological measures to be used for assessing, prognosing, and monitoring recovery of adolescents who either clinically present with or are at risk for developing prolonged/persistent concussive symptoms following exposure to repetitive head impacts and/or concussion. Resultant biological measures should be incorporated into risk stratification algorithms to inform clinical care and patient stratification for future clinical trials. A critical feature of this FOA includes the broad sharing of clinical, neuroimaging, physiological, and biospecimen data to further advance research in the area of persistent concussive symptoms in early and middle adolescent (EMA; ages 11-17 years old) populations.