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Matti Narkia

White button mushrooms appear to boost immune function - Tufts Journal: Briefs: Healthy... - 0 views

    White button mushrooms appear to boost immune function It appears that a little fungus may be good for what ails you. That's the conclusion of a new study that found that eating white button mushrooms may boost the immune system and protect against infection. If the research, done on animals, translates to people, it could raise the health-benefit profile of the fungus, which also contains high concentrations of the super-antioxidant ergothioneine, which protects cells from damaging free radicals. "This is the first published study showing the effect of white button mushrooms on immune function," Dayong Wu, a scientist in the Immunology Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts and lead author of the study, published in the June issue of the Journal of Nutrition, told The research also suggests that the mushroom may boost both innate and acquired immune system health. The innate immune system, the one you're born with, is the body's first line of defense. The acquired immune system revs up if a pathogen makes its way past the innate system and customizes the immune response to target the invader.
Matti Narkia

Sloan-Kettering - Shiitake Mushroom - 0 views

    Shiitake mushroom, native to East Asia, is cultivated worldwide for its purported health benefits. The fresh and dried forms of the mushroom are commonly used in East Asian cooking. It is also valued as an anticancer agent. Lentinan (1,3 Beta-D-glucan), a polysaccharide isolated from Shiitake, has been well studied and is thought responsible for its beneficial effects. It was shown to have anticancer effects in colon cancer cells (1), which may be due to its ability to suppress cytochrome P450 1A enzymes that are known to metabolize pro-carcinogens to active forms
Charles Reyes

Mushrooms As Part of a Healthy, Nutritious Diet - 0 views

    There's actually more to mushrooms than most people think- rich in potassium, copper and anti-oxidants, they can cut the risks of several cancers as well as high blood pressure and heart disease.
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