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YouTube - The Learning Analytic Critic - 0 views

    Just one of the many videos coming through this year's NetGenEd project. This is one of the most clear explanations of learning analytics that I've seen.

Canvas Analytics - 0 views

    I'm impressed with the learning analytics that are in the Instructure Canvas offering. Instructure canvas is open source - you can download and use for free but if you host in the cloud, you can host through Instructure. They have just launched a K12 offering and the simple streamlined look and integration with social media has this on the top of my list as we look at an LMS for our school. WE don't have a lot of money but want simple and robust and I'm impressed with what I see. I had a call with the founder. 

RoadwayToLA - Net Gen Ed Project - 0 views

    Another cool video on Learning Analytics. "Roadway to LA"

New ELI 7 Things... Explores First-Generation Learning Analytics | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    Learning analytics are underused but will be one of the most important tools in our online toolbox. Once we grasp the importance of these, we will be demanding more and more intelligence on behalf of the learning analytics that we use to support elearning, apps, and all of the things our students use as part of their learning toolbox. Reports from Educause

Learning Analytics: EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    Learning analytics presentation (a trend from the Horizon 2011 report) from George Siemens.

Ebooks Get the Respect They Deserve at 'Download the Universe' - Rebecca J. Rosen - Tec... - 0 views

    A community of writers and scientists are reviewing and discussing scientific ebooks at Download the Universe. eBooks aren't where they are going to be. I'm toying with the idea of producing my own ebook after this next project because I haven't really seen what I think is possible in an ebook but have already storyboarded my own private thoughts in this area. This is a fascinating once in history experience to be part of a major trend as books evolve from paper to ebook. I'm excited! Take a look. "e-readers have opened up a period of great innovation in how we convey and consume "books," but, as of yet, these new products have not met with the sorts of rigorous and routine reviews that new printed books receive. But a new project, Download the Universe, aims to change that. Led by a set of some of the top science writers in the country -- including Carl Zimmer, Steve Silberman, and Atlantic contributor David Dobbs -- the site aims to provide reviews of new straight-to-ebook science books."

Preconference #1: Playing the Past: Gaming, History, and Technology | WebWise - 1 views

    This workshop session at WebWise 2012 shows that museums are looking at gamifying just like everyone else. Anything to increase engagement. Whether you like it or not, it is time for some serious scholarly research. "Last year, Nielsen Research found that online games overtook personal email to become the second most heavily used internet activity behind social networks. While most museum and library professionals aren't aiming to create the next FarmVille or Angry Birds, games have the potential to be meaningful learning tools and prompt real-world action."

Foldit, crowdsourcing, and labor. - Slate Magazine - 1 views

    I know that some are saying that we can't gamify education. But what happens when problems become a game and we compete to find answers? This article talks about foldit and how crowdsourcing has become a possibility for something that can work when it becomes a game. This is a great read for those exploring how we will use games in education. I would suggest that this is an approach that we could use. ". Foldit, a novel experiment created by a group of scientists and game designers at the University of Washington, had asked the gamers-some still in middle school and few boasting a background in the sciences, much less microbiology-to determine the how proteins would fold in the enzyme. Within hours, thousands of people were both competing against (and collaborating with) one another. After three weeks, they had succeeded where the microbiologists and the computers had failed. "This is the first example I know of game players solving a long-standing scientific problem," David Baker, a Foldit co-creator, wrote at the time."

Google to Sell Heads-Up Display Glasses by Year's End - - 0 views

    It is likely we will be asking for Google Glasses for Christmas. These will be android based glasses that we will wear that include 3G and 4G data connection including sensors and GPS detectors. Prepare for a new form factor -- motion and the human eye, we may not be using tablets at all.

Youth APPLab | HASTAC - 1 views

    This is a winner in the digital media badges for lifelong learning competition. "In the Youth APPLab, middle and high school students in the District of Columbia design software and mobile apps in an after-school program that supplements their formal learning in computer science. They conceive, develop and co-create their own Android Apps. Ultimately, students and their apps will compete for internships with technology-based startup companies in and around the DC area."

badges | HASTAC - 0 views

    This is an example of how tagging is so helpful. If you're following the open badge movement, you can look at the HASTAC badges tag on their website and stay up to date.  For netgened students, badges relate to game based learning as they are part of gamifying learning: a trend that will continue to influence education. 

What is Gamification? | - 1 views

    This wiki is about the gamification of websites including those in education. The entire wiki is dedicated to this technique. This was also one of the trends in the 2012 HOrizon Report.

The Littlest Schoolhouse - Magazine - The Atlantic - 1 views

    This article is one people still point to when discussing personalizing learning for students. It is a great op-ed in the Atlantic. Software customizes the learning process so that students learn in ways that help them and progress at their own pace. 

Horizon Report 2012 Higher Education Edition - 1 views

    The 2012 Horizon Report from the Educause site

Microsoft Tag-Example Resource on E-Safety | Ray Chambers - 2 views

    Ray Chambers is a UK teacher doing some fascinating things with Microsoft products like Kinect and Microsoft Tag. I love this lesson plan that links with literacy, creative writing, digital citizenship. You can do this lesson yourself to see how it works. (Another great lesson plan I found on the TES site. A very global site for sharing and finding resources.)

Watch The Full Program | Digital Nation | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

    Good lead-in/introduction to the NetGenEd project

Avatars - LiveBinder - 0 views

    A livebinder full of avatar ideas to use instead of photos for students
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