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Vicki Davis

Google Reader Extension » Labs.PostRank - 0 views

    Post Rank extensions for Google Chrome and Safari are cool. You have to be careful that you don't JUST read the highly ranked posts but if you have only time for a quick read, it is useful.
Vicki Davis

2011 Horizon Report | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    The horizon report is out and will be the subject of our NetGenEd Project this year. Current trends: Time to adoption: One Year or Less * Electronic Books * Mobiles Time to adoption: Two to Three Years * Augmented Reality * Game-based Learning Time to adoption: Four to Five Years * Gesture-based Computing * Learning Analytics
Vicki Davis

YouTube - The Learning Analytic Critic - 0 views

    Just one of the many videos coming through this year's NetGenEd project. This is one of the most clear explanations of learning analytics that I've seen.
Vicki Davis

Canvas Analytics - 0 views

    I'm impressed with the learning analytics that are in the Instructure Canvas offering. Instructure canvas is open source - you can download and use for free but if you host in the cloud, you can host through Instructure. They have just launched a K12 offering and the simple streamlined look and integration with social media has this on the top of my list as we look at an LMS for our school. WE don't have a lot of money but want simple and robust and I'm impressed with what I see. I had a call with the founder. 
Vicki Davis

The Littlest Schoolhouse - Magazine - The Atlantic - 1 views

    This article is one people still point to when discussing personalizing learning for students. It is a great op-ed in the Atlantic. Software customizes the learning process so that students learn in ways that help them and progress at their own pace. 
Vicki Davis

Ebooks Get the Respect They Deserve at 'Download the Universe' - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic - 0 views

    A community of writers and scientists are reviewing and discussing scientific ebooks at Download the Universe. eBooks aren't where they are going to be. I'm toying with the idea of producing my own ebook after this next project because I haven't really seen what I think is possible in an ebook but have already storyboarded my own private thoughts in this area. This is a fascinating once in history experience to be part of a major trend as books evolve from paper to ebook. I'm excited! Take a look. "e-readers have opened up a period of great innovation in how we convey and consume "books," but, as of yet, these new products have not met with the sorts of rigorous and routine reviews that new printed books receive. But a new project, Download the Universe, aims to change that. Led by a set of some of the top science writers in the country -- including Carl Zimmer, Steve Silberman, and Atlantic contributor David Dobbs -- the site aims to provide reviews of new straight-to-ebook science books."
Vicki Davis

Preconference #1: Playing the Past: Gaming, History, and Technology | WebWise - 1 views

    This workshop session at WebWise 2012 shows that museums are looking at gamifying just like everyone else. Anything to increase engagement. Whether you like it or not, it is time for some serious scholarly research. "Last year, Nielsen Research found that online games overtook personal email to become the second most heavily used internet activity behind social networks. While most museum and library professionals aren't aiming to create the next FarmVille or Angry Birds, games have the potential to be meaningful learning tools and prompt real-world action."

Tablet PCs for Classroom Use - 1 views

    How could the tablet increase learning in a classroom?

Four to Five Years: Learning Analytics « 2011 Horizon Report - 1 views

  • Learning analytics promises to harness the power of advances in data mining, interpretation, and modeling to improve understandings of teaching and learning, and to tailor education to individual students more effectively. Still in its early stages, learning analytics responds to calls for accountability on campuses across the country, and leverages the vast amount of data produced by students in day-to-day academic activities. While learning analytics has already been used in admissions and fund-raising efforts on several campuses, “academic analytics” is just beginning to take shape
    horizon report
    This website shows how Learning Analytics can help in different things, like School, and technology
    This is the horizon report that the whole project is based on.

Learning Analytics - 45 Resources | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • According to the 2011 Horizon Report, learning analytics refers to “the interpretation of a wide range of data produced by and gathered on behalf of students in order to assess academic progress, predict future performance, and spot potential issues.” Below are articles, presentations and seminars that further discuss the growing use of learning analytics in higher education and the benefit student’s gain from it.
    Site with 45 resources regarding learning analytics. Includes publications, presentations and podcasts.
    More learning analytics information
    This is a vast bounty of learning analytics resources.
Vicki Davis

Media publishers finally fight Apple's evil subscription empire | VentureBeat - 0 views

    I find this is ironic that the publishers are calling Apple the "evil empire." And so it begins the echoes of a complete publishing industry turnover. Like the music industry ten years a go, great opportunity is born out of great turmoil. Futures of whole companies and industries will be decided in the next year. "I humbly implore all media companies who read this - downtrodden newspaper editors, heads of publishing houses, and CEOs of media businesses: don't listen to Apple, Google, or Yahoo. Join the Rebellion. Help us save journalism.
Alex Gustafson - 0 views

    Its a bit long, but gives good comparisons between the boring education standard and how video games are starting to become a bigger influence.

Game-Based Learning - 1 views

  • make sure that learning the material is essential to scoring and winning.
  • Immerses them in the material so they learn more effectively
  • Work out how to give students points for accomplishing certain goals in a lesson plan
    It tells a realistic way to incorporate games into learning, whether they be video games or not.
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