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Maik G

Teaching With Technology Face-Off: iPhones vs. PC's - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of H... - 2 views

    Iphone vs. computer what works better ?
Inez D

Cellular Colleges: The Next Small Thing - 2 views

    Using iPhones to enhance the class room
Ben C

Microsoft's Project Natal Could Out-Wii the Wii - Techtonic Shifts Blog - - 2 views

    This site talks about the console wars between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Microsoft and Sony are planning on making devices for Playstation 3 and X-Box 360 respectively that are similar to the ones Nintendo has for their Wii.
Madison W

Six Emerging Technologies That Will Impact College Campuses - 2 views

    2010 Horizon Report list e-books and gesture-based computing among trends." charset="utf-8
Krysta M

Zosh - 2 views

shared by Krysta M on 24 Mar 10 - Cached
    Zosh application for iphones, it makes it to where you're able to sign important papers and fax it on the go.
torie bennett

Learning on the Holodeck - 2 views

    For entertainment in the classroom
Nicole Henderson

Augmented Reality - GE, Mini, EarthHour, Microsoft, and now - Make Your Own… - 2 views

    Shows inexpensive ways that educational organizations could use augmented reality
Joel Bruhart

Project White Card - 2 views

    developers of new augmented reality program for education
holly rossong

Smart wheelchairs: - 2 views

    This article presents a summary of the current state of the art and directions for future research.
Honor Moorman

Open Library (Open Library) - 2 views

shared by Honor Moorman on 03 Apr 10 - Cached
    One web page for every book ever published. It's a lofty, but achievable, goal. To build it, we need hundreds of millions of book records, a wiki interface, and people who are willing to contribute their time, effort to building the catalog. To date, we have gathered over 20 million records from a variety of large catalogs as well as single contributions, with more on the way.
Honor Moorman

s i x t h s e n s e - a wearable gestural interface (MIT Media Lab) - 2 views

    'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
Rory Court

Latest news on Mobile Technology - 2 views

    This site provides news on mobile technology
Honor Moorman

Top 6 Augmented Reality Mobile Apps [Videos] - 2 views

    A lot of excitement has been building around a category of iPhone and Android apps, most of which have yet to be approved or released. They are known as augmented reality apps. These applications combine virtual data into the physical real world by utilizing the iPhone 3GS or an Android phone's compass, camera, and GPS system. The result is that you can see things like the location of Twitter users and local restaurants in the physical world, even if they are miles away.
Bulldog Sharpie

Permanent Link to Sixth Sense technology is coming, Microsoft demos Surface-based NUI - 2 views

    Article discussing how gesture based technology is advancing.
Brittany H L

Bringing Ebooks to All of Us - Telegraph - 2 views

    iPads in the UK.
    will the introduction of the iPad really change how we read?
    Will iPads decrease the need for physical libraries?
Jakob K

definitionopencontent - 2 views

    What does "open" mean? The word has different meanings in different contexts. Our commonsense, every day experience teaches us that "open" is a continuous (not binary) construct. A door can be wide open, mostly open, cracked slightly open, or completely closed. So can your eyes, so can a window, etc.
    What does "open" mean? The word has different meanings in different contexts. Our commonsense, every day experience teaches us that "open" is a continuous (not binary) construct. A door can be wide open, mostly open, cracked slightly open, or completely closed. So can your eyes, so can a window, etc.
Steve Madsen

Microsoft Project Natal hands-on - 2 views

    My avatar has just experienced its first true taste of freedom, whacking a ball back and forth in a simple game called Ricochet guided only by the motion of my body.
    Microsoft's Natal Project
Taylor S

Horizon Report Wiki - 2010 Simple Augmented Reality - 2 views

    Simple Augmented 2010 Horizon Report
Alix R

Technology News: Privacy: The Trouble With Augmented Reality and Other Cool Tech - 2 views

    • Alix R
      this article brings up the downside of too much technology that could/will/is invading our privacy. It also mentions freedom of choice or customization. Most of the time when I thought of customization I thought of changing the color of something to My favorite color or re-writing something, or choosing how a teacher taught me to fit my learning style, etc... but this article brings up a valid point that collides new technology with privacy with customization. We are consumers and contributers to society should be able to choose what information we want shared with the world via facebook, twitter, Google Maps, etc. If augmented reality is going in a direction where it over lays our flickr photos onto the real world (Bing Maps) and allows us to view someones live video feed from the phone (Bing Maps) then we should chose whether we want that information shared or not....etc...
Nina B

mobile computing - 1 views

    explains about cell phones and surveys
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