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4 Ways Mobile Tech Is Improving Education - 5 views

  • The phones have also helped create a teaching style that the faculty refer to as “mobile-enhanced inquiry-based learning” — combining mobile phones and a learning theory that teaches through experimentation and questioning
    • Tero Toivanen
      Oppimista kokeilemisen ja kyseenalaistamisen kautta -> Näkymättömän oppimisen paradigma
  • In many ACU classes, one component of mobile implementation is lecture podcasts, which allow students to consume much of the information typically delivered in the classroom on their own time and in their own dorm rooms.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Ajasta ja paikasta riippumatonta oppimista -> Näkymättömän oppimisen paradigma
  • The result thus far is BioBook, a device-agnostic, peer-written, node-driven text. In other words, it’s like Wikipedia on steroids.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Oppijat tuottavat itse oppimateriaalia -> Näkymättömän oppimisen paradigma

The Flip: End of a Love Affair « Wright'sRoom - 6 views

  • As I shifted my classroom from teacher-centred to student-centred, my students began to do lots of their their own research. Sometimes this resulted in them teaching each other. Sometimes they created a project with the knowledge they were acquiring. But the bottom line was that their learning had a purpose that was apparent to them, beyond simply passing the unit exam.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Luokassa siirryttiin opettajakeskeisyydestä oppijakeskeisyyteen. Oppijat alkoivat opettamaan toisiaan, he loivat projekteja... Oppiminen muuttui heille merkitykselliseksi... tässähän toteutuu paljon niistä ajatuksista, joista olemme puhunneet tässäkin ympäristössä. Näkymätön oppiminen alkaa muuttua näkyväksi :-)
  • I helped them learn to learn. I prompted them to reflect on their thinking and learning, while at the same time I shared my own journey as a learner. I helped them develop skills such as using research tools, finding and evaluating sources, and collaborating with their peers. My goal as a teacher shifted from information-giver and gatekeeper to someone who was determined to work myself out of a job by the time my students graduated.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Opettaja muuttuu informaation välittäjästä oppimisen asiantunijaksi ja fasilitoijaksi... Yes!
  • As this shift occurred, the flip simply disappeared from our classroom. It took almost a year for me to notice it was gone. Instead, our classroom had become a place where students discovered and shared their own resources, while engaging in projects with each other. There was no need for me to assign video homework or create portable lectures. It all happened during class.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Käänteinen luokkahuone (Flipped Classroom) kuihtui pikku hiljaa pois, sillä sitä ei enää tarvittu... 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Lest anyone think we were able to do this because we learn in a high-tech school, that’s not the case. We weren’t a 1:1 classroom. We used whatever devices my students had, which often was a couple of iPads, a few computers, and student cell phones. There were students who didn’t have a device, so other students shared. We made it work and everyone learned.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Laitteet eivät olleet ratkaisuna tässäkään tapauksessa, vaan tapa oppia ja jakamisen kulttuuri. Eikö kuullostakin tutulta ;-) 
  • I dislike the idea of giving my students homework
    • Tero Toivanen
      Olen tästäkin asiasta samaa mieltä. Jos oppija ovat jo oppineet asian, niin miksi siitä pitäisi vielä antaa läksyjä? Tärkeintä on kuitenkin oppiminen.
  • Recently I’ve been reading Alfie Kohn’s book The Homework Myth.
    • Tero Toivanen
      Tämäkin kirja pitää laittaa lukulistalle :-)
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