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Carol Mortensen

Intel® The Museum of Me - 0 views

    Crate and explore a visual archive of your social life
Carol Mortensen

ALA | AASL Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning - 0 views

  • The "Top 25" Websites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. Media Sharing Digital Storytelling Manage and Organize Social Networking and Communication Curriculum Sharing Content Resources: Lesson Plans and More Content Collaboration
    The "Top 25" Websites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. Media Sharing Digital Storytelling Manage and Organize Social Networking and Communication Curriculum Sharing Content Resources: Lesson Plans and More Content Collaboration
Carol Mortensen

How to Use Twitter (and Why It's Not a Waste of Time) « Indiana Jen - 0 views

  • Oh Twitter… How misunderstood you are. You are the semi-colon of social media – people have an idea of your existence but many have not fully grasped your usefulness and beauty. I love twitter and find it immensely valuable for a myriad of reasons: yes, it can be a time waster, however, it can also be a news source, a way to gauge public sentiment, and even a research tool.
    "Oh Twitter… How misunderstood you are. You are the semi-colon of social media - people have an idea of your existence but many have not fully grasped your usefulness and beauty. I love twitter and find it immensely valuable for a myriad of reasons: yes, it can be a time waster, however, it can also be a news source, a way to gauge public sentiment, and even a research tool."
Carol Mortensen

WWW.History - 0 views

    "This feature is our annotated guide to the most useful websites for teaching U.S. history and social studies. We have carefully selected and screened each website for quality and provide a paragraph annotation that summarizes the site's content, notes its strengths and weaknesses, and emphasizes its utility for teachers. Information is provided on the type of website (Archive, Electronic Essay, Gateway, Journal, Organization, Syllabi/Assignments) and the type of resource (text, images, audio, and video). Browse sites by topic and time period or look through a list of some of our favorite sites on this page. The full search feature allows you to quickly locate WWW.History resources by topic, time period, keyword, or type."
Carol Mortensen

5 Strategies For 1 to 1 Classroom Management | 1 to 1 Schools - 0 views

    "You may have heard already that dig­i­tal lit­er­acy and increased tech­ni­cal capac­ity are crit­i­cal com­po­nents of the K-12 edu­ca­tion. I hap­pen to agree. The prob­lem is that pub­lic edu­ca­tion hasn't had suf­fi­cient means to put enough com­put­ing devices in the hands of stu­dents. Com­put­ers have been expen­sive and if you have had a com­puter lab that you could visit with your class once a week then you had more than most. Now with the evo­lu­tion of mobile plat­forms, net­books, tablets, and "Bring Your Own Tech­nol­ogy" pro­grams (like this one explained my @micwalker) there is a warm feel­ing in the edu­ca­tion com­mu­nity that mean­ing­ful 1 to 1 access in the class­room is pos­si­ble every­where. Teach­ers are excited, stu­dents are stoked, and tech­nol­ogy direc­tors are pet­ri­fied. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less includ­ing live streams from our class­rooms, social media at the hands of every learner, and every stu­dent becom­ing the smartest kid in school because she can search Google on her iPad. I am ener­gized that the promise of edu­ca­tional tech­nol­ogy - a world of con­nected learn­ing, col­lab­o­ra­tion, and cre­ative design to engage and impact stu­dent achieve­ment - may finally be mature enough to imple­ment in all classrooms."
Carol Mortensen

Twitter Icon | Free Buttons, Graphics and Twitter Backgrounds - 0 views

    Get More Followers NOW with Striking Icons & Twitter Backgrounds Well done! You've just found the best place on the net for fresh, striking graphics, created to boost your social networking presence and accelerate your twitter following. Choose from 100s of free twitter icons or twitter backgrounds, or enhance and promote your brand identity with a professional custom twitter design.
Carol Mortensen

: PBS LearningMedia - 0 views

  • PBS LearningMedia is a dynamic platform offering the best of public media content and produced specifically for PreK-16 teachers. With free access to over 14,000 high-quality resources tied to national standards, teachers can download, save and share exactly what they need for an inspired classroom experience
  • Click to see a collection of 14,000+ resources by subject area.ArtsEnglish Language ArtsHealth and Physical EducationMathematicsProfessional DevelopmentScienceSocial StudiesWorld Languages
  • Sign up is free and easy!
    PBS LearningMedia is a dynamic platform offering the best of public media content and produced specifically for PreK-16 teachers. With free access to over 14,000 high-quality resources tied to national standards, teachers can download, save and share exactly what they need for an inspired classroom experience. Sign up is 
Carol Mortensen

Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education - 0 views

    Sophia is the perfect place for anyone to share what they know. Whether an educator, tutor, professor, parent or subject expert, Sophia makes it easy to share your knowledge and make it available to anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
Carol Mortensen

Wakoopa - Discover software & games - 0 views

    Track your apps, Discover New Software, Share What You Use, Get updated by friends
Carol Mortensen

Colonial Life in Early America - 0 views

  • Learn What Daily Life was Like in Colonial Times, Colonial Life Trivia, How the Colonists Lived, What Foods the Colonists Ate, Facts about Colonial Occupations and Colonial Education on's Colonial Life Resource Page.
    "Learn What Daily Life was Like in Colonial Times, Colonial Life Trivia, How the Colonists Lived, What Foods the Colonists Ate, Facts about Colonial Occupations and Colonial Education on's Colonial Life Resource Page."
Carol Mortensen

facebook for educators - 0 views

  • Our commitment to you is to provide an easy way to stay updated as changes occur with Facebook.  We created this website to do just that, in addition to providing you with even more insights, guidance, and resources
    "Our commitment to you is to provide an easy way to stay updated as changes occur with Facebook. We created this website to do just that, in addition to providing you with even more insights, guidance, and resources."
Carol Mortensen

BonzoBox - It's Your Homepage - 0 views

    So what is BonzoBox? BonzoBox is an interactive web tool that allows people to build their own customized "BonzoBox" home page with links to their favorite websites.
Carol Mortensen

Group Photo Sharing - ZangZing - 0 views

    Zang Zang allows you to pull in photos from sites on the web (Facebook, Kodak, etc) and share. Others can contribute, as well.
Carol Mortensen

USTREAM, You're On. Free LIVE VIDEO Streaming, Online Broadcasts. Create webcasts, vide... - 0 views

    "Broadcast, watch, share, and discuss live events."
Carol Mortensen

Diigo Extensions for Browsers: A Must Have! - 0 views

    • Carol Mortensen
      These bad boys right here will make organizing your bookmarks and remembing ideas a breeze!  Don't you just love the sticky note option?  By the way, I can add these privately or publicly.
    • Carol Mortensen
      Got a smartphone, iPad, Tab, etc?  Diigo's got your back!
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