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Carol Mortensen

ABCya! Kids Computer Activities | Math - Addition Practice - 0 views

  • Marble Math is a fun and educational activity for children learning addition. There are five different levels of addition and a fun bonus activity after each level. Children must score 70% or greater to advance to the next level. Audio helps children understand how to count and play the activity. Have fun with this addition activity!
Carol Mortensen

improve student presentation skills | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    "Do you find that students often struggle to put together effective oral presentations? To help students, try this activity as a way to provide feedback before the big speaking day. The four-corners activity can foster confidence in students while informing them about effective non-verbal/verbal delivery, audience needs, and how to craft effective speaking notes. "
Carol Mortensen

Classroom Ideas for Learning with an iPad - iPads for Learning - Department of Educatio... - 0 views

    Here are some classroom ideas for activities using a range of apps that teachers can try with their students. The activities are grouped into broad categories to provide a starting point however many of the apps can be used across a number of learning domains.
Carol Mortensen

Study Help Site - Teachers - 0 views

  • Teachers are often diverted from their teaching by tasks outside of the classroom. The Study Help Site provides a simple, on-line suite that helps teachers plan, organize and communicate all at the same time. As you write lesson plans, determine in-class activities and task students with outside assignments, the system automatically and simultaneously provides a free-form organization system and communicates with parents and students. It's simple and efficient. The Study Help Site will allow you more time and energy to focus on the best part of your job – TEACHING. See the Planning, Organizing and Communicating features in action and you'll see how easy it is use The Study Help Site. Or, Sign Up Now to begin simplifying some of your “non-teaching” tasks.
    Teachers are often diverted from their teaching by tasks outside of the classroom. The Study Help Site provides a simple, on-line suite that helps teachers plan, organize and communicate all at the same time. As you write lesson plans, determine in-class activities and task students with outside assignments, the system automatically and simultaneously provides a free-form organization system and communicates with parents and students. It's simple and efficient. The Study Help Site will allow you more time and energy to focus on the best part of your job - TEACHING. See the Planning, Organizing and Communicating features in action and you'll see how easy it is use The Study Help Site. Or, Sign Up Now to begin simplifying some of your "non-teaching" tasks.
Carol Mortensen

Welcome to PrimaryAccess - 0 views

  • PrimaryAccess is a suite of free online tools that allows students and teachers to use primary source documents to complete meaningful and compelling learning activities with digital movies, storyboards, rebus stories and other online tools.
    PrimaryAccess is a suite of free online tools that allows students and teachers to use primary source documents to complete meaningful and compelling learning activities with digital movies, storyboards, rebus stories and other online tools.
Carol Mortensen

Using Maps and Determine Locations (Interactive activity) - 0 views

    This interactive activity will help students become more familiar with maps and how they are used to determine locations. Excellent resource and support for student learning. Important terms and ideas are presented to further understanding!
Carol Mortensen

For Teachers - Poetry Archive - 0 views

  • These pages are designed to help you and your students to get the most out of the Poetry Archive. Here you will find a wealth of information, lesson plans and ideas for inspiring activities to bring poetry to life in your classroom.
    "These pages are designed to help you and your students to get the most out of the Poetry Archive. Here you will find a wealth of information, lesson plans and ideas for inspiring activities to bring poetry to life in your classroom."
Carol Mortensen

ALA | AASL Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning - 0 views

  • The "Top 25" Websites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. Media Sharing Digital Storytelling Manage and Organize Social Networking and Communication Curriculum Sharing Content Resources: Lesson Plans and More Content Collaboration
    The "Top 25" Websites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. Media Sharing Digital Storytelling Manage and Organize Social Networking and Communication Curriculum Sharing Content Resources: Lesson Plans and More Content Collaboration
Carol Mortensen

There's Something in the Air: Podcasting in Education (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • In a March 2005 podcast (, Jon Udell persuasively identified five major factors behind the explosive growth of podcasting and rich media authoring in general: Internet activity is pervasive. Broadband has grown very rapidly, which makes it far easier to “consume large media objects.” The multimedia personal computer can “more or less be taken for granted.” The “distinction between streaming and downloading of media content has begun to blur. . . . People can now have the experience of streaming while enjoying the simplicity . . . of downloading.” Finally, there is the iPod phenomenon and “the rapid adoption of portable MP3 playback devices”—up to eleven million devices in the United States alone. Udell calls the portable audio device “the new transistor radio” and points to the beginnings of a “renaissance of creative stuff happening.” Because this renaissance coincides with the Creative Commons phenomenon, traditional business models need not constrain the artist’s work.
    "In a March 2005 podcast (, Jon Udell persuasively identified five major factors behind the explosive growth of podcasting and rich media authoring in general: Internet activity is pervasive. Broadband has grown very rapidly, which makes it far easier to "consume large media objects." The multimedia personal computer can "more or less be taken for granted." The "distinction between streaming and downloading of media content has begun to blur. . . . People can now have the experience of streaming while enjoying the simplicity . . . of downloading." Finally, there is the iPod phenomenon and "the rapid adoption of portable MP3 playback devices"-up to eleven million devices in the United States alone. Udell calls the portable audio device "the new transistor radio" and points to the beginnings of a "renaissance of creative stuff happening." Because this renaissance coincides with the Creative Commons phenomenon, traditional business models need not constrain the artist's work."
Carol Mortensen

Weather Vortex Main Page - 0 views

    "Weather is a set of all the phenomena occurring in a given atmosphere at a given time. Weather phenomena lie in the hydrosphere and troposphere. Weather refers to current activity, as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, "weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth."
Carol Mortensen

Pete's Power Point Station - A Collection of FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format fo... - 0 views

    "FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format & Free Interactive Activities for Kids "
Carol Mortensen

PowerPoint Templates for Teachers - The Classroom - 0 views

    Premade and ready-to-go timesaving templates for activities in the classroom!
Carol Mortensen

Vyew Online Collaboration - 0 views

    "Vyew allows you to meet and share content in real-time or anytime. Upload images, files, documents and videos into a room. Users can access and contribute at anytime. Why use Vyew? It's easy - no installations. It's compatible - PC, Mac, Linux, powerpoints, documents, images, videos, mp3's, flash files. It's FREE! - Our free version is free forever. Unlimited use with up to 10 people. What's the catch? It's ad supported. Conferencing features - whiteboarding, video conferencing, screen sharing, Voice-over-IP. Collaboration features - continuous rooms are always saved and always-on. Contextual discussion forums, voice-notes, track and log activity. Take A Tour Sign Up Free Log In Join a Meeting Learn More: FAQs Product Pricing Product Comparison Chart Complete Feature List Enterprise Appliance What people are saying I've used other prohibitively expensive online meeting software and this beats their pants off in ease of use/price/features. -Joel, Vyew Customer Recent News/Articles New changes to Vyew (Aug 1, 2011) New changes to Vyew (May 10, 2011) Crafting a Clear Message (online presentations) Vyew featured in Google Chrome's Web Store Better (Online) Presentations in 5 Steps Vyew 4 - Open to the Public Vyew 4.0 Interface Overview "
Carol Mortensen

Squishy Circuits - 0 views

    "Squishy circuits are a project from the Thomas Lab at the University of St. Thomas. The goal of the project is to design tools and activities which allow kids of all ages to create circuits and explore electronics using play dough. conductive dough, insulating dough and building circuits model Thank you to the University of St. Thomas School of Engineering, the University of St. Thomas Young Scholars Program, and the 3M Foundation for supporting the undergraduate students working on this project. How To Conductive Dough"
Carol Mortensen

David Jakes Presentation Resources - 140 Characters and Beyond: Extend Your Use of Twitter - 0 views

shared by Carol Mortensen on 19 Jul 11 - Cached
  • Do you want to know what I had for breakfast?  How bad traffic is in Chicago rush hour?  Of course not!  But by now, you've probably have had a chance to try out Twitter and engage in the actual conversations that can help you become an active member of an always-on learning network.  This session will help you extend and add value to your Twitter experience by demonstrating a variety of new Twitter tools that can serve to create a more comprehensive and capable platform for learning.  Leave the session with an understanding of how to enlarge the affordances of Twitter and how to make it an essential part of your practice.
Carol Mortensen

Free Puzzlemaker | Discovery Education - 0 views

  • Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your own word lists
    Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. Create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, and more-using your own word lists
Carol Mortensen

ESL: English as a Second Language Resources for Teachers and Students - 0 views

    "A Fun Place to Learn English as a Second Language!" The benefits of learning English as a second language in a user-friendly environment are very valuable and will be greatly utilized in future communication experiences
Carol Mortensen

: PBS LearningMedia - 0 views

  • PBS LearningMedia is a dynamic platform offering the best of public media content and produced specifically for PreK-16 teachers. With free access to over 14,000 high-quality resources tied to national standards, teachers can download, save and share exactly what they need for an inspired classroom experience
  • Click to see a collection of 14,000+ resources by subject area.ArtsEnglish Language ArtsHealth and Physical EducationMathematicsProfessional DevelopmentScienceSocial StudiesWorld Languages
  • Sign up is free and easy!
    PBS LearningMedia is a dynamic platform offering the best of public media content and produced specifically for PreK-16 teachers. With free access to over 14,000 high-quality resources tied to national standards, teachers can download, save and share exactly what they need for an inspired classroom experience. Sign up is 
Carol Mortensen

Free Spelling Games And Activities For Kids - By - 0 views

    The Absolutely Free And Totally Fun Way To Improve Your Spelling.  helps to dramatically improve your students ability to learn and retainspelling words. OVER 6,600 WORDS TO PRACTICE WITH
Carol Mortensen - Learn Words - English Dictionary - 0 views

    Welcome to, the quickest, most intelligent way to improve your vocabulary.Regardless of your education level or age, will help you to master the words that are essential to academic and business success.
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