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Carol Mortensen

Languages Online - Cartoon Story Maker - 0 views

  • Cartoon Story Maker Downloads... Information... Examples... Cartoon Story Maker v1.1 Windows XP, Vista & Windows 7(2.6MB) To install click on the link, select 'Run' (or 'Open'), and follow the prompts. Storyboard planning sheet (pdf 56kb). Plan your story first. Black and white master for photocopying. Help files (pdf 493kb). Print friendly version. A quick look at the Cartoon Story Maker Features Cartoon Story Maker in the classroom Installation and operation Version history Further information and help Help files Alignment with the VELS Other applications... Memory Game Maker Tetris Game Maker Matching Game Maker Sentence Game Maker Comprehension Task Maker Portal Maker Chinese Introductions ESL Phone call French My day in Paris My place At the chemist German My family Greek At the market At the cafe Indonesian At the market Phone call Italian Tour of Rome At the shop Running late Favorite pastimes Japanese Ordering a meal A quick look at the Cartoon Story Maker back to top... Features Make 2D screen based cartoon stories to illustrate conversations and dialogues. Stories can include an unlimited number of frames and are view frame by frame. Each frame can include: Images: Drag and drop library items onto the frame, or import your own digital photos or images saved from the web. Text bubbles: Select from a range text bubbles and information boxes. Drag and drop onto the frame and start typing! Text can be in any language and any script. Voice recordings: Add new voice recordings using the simple built in recording panel. You can also add recordings already saved on your computer. Stories are saved on your computer as HTML page (webpages), and can easily viewed by others on any computer using a web browser such as Internet Explorer. Stories can also be printed. Completed stories can also be loaded back into the Cartoon Story Maker and edited or added to.   A character from the image library sits infront of an imported background image found on the web. Features list character and background libraries import your own images text bubbles and information boxes accent key panel import voice recordings built in recorder to add your own voice recordings unlimited number of frames copy and paste frames preview
  • print function saved stories can be opened and edited copy and paste text from other documents help files (available online and included in the program) See the Help files for more details.
    "Features Make 2D screen based cartoon stories to illustrate conversations and dialogues. Stories can include an unlimited number of frames and are view frame by frame. Each frame can include: Images: Drag and drop library items onto the frame, or import your own digital photos or images saved from the web. Text bubbles: Select from a range text bubbles and information boxes. Drag and drop onto the frame and start typing! Text can be in any language and any script. Voice recordings: Add new voice recordings using the simple built in recording panel. You can also add recordings already saved on your computer. Stories are saved on your computer as HTML page (webpages), and can easily viewed by others on any computer using a web browser such as Internet Explorer. Stories can also be printed. Completed stories can also be loaded back into the Cartoon Story Maker and edited or added to. A character from the image library sits infront of an imported background image found on the web. Features list character and background libraries import your own images text bubbles and information boxes accent key panel import voice recordings built in recorder to add your own voice recordings unlimited number of frames copy and paste frames preview print function saved stories can be opened and edited copy and paste text from other documents help files (available online and included in the program) See the Help files for more details. "
Carol Mortensen

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 30 Web Sites to Teach You About Technology ... - 0 views

  • t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
    t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
Carol Mortensen

OKAPI!: Readability Statistics & CBA Reading Probe Generator - 0 views

    OKAPI! is a web-based application that allows you to enter a text sample and to format that sample as a set of Examiner and Student Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA) reading probes. The application also computes a readability index for the sample. OKAPI! can save you hours of work in creating correctly formatted CBA reading probes that include estimates of reading level. OKAPI! gives you a range of options. You can for example change the font-type and letter-size for the CBA probes. Additionally, you can specify that either the Spache or Dale-Chall Readability Formula be used to compute a passage's readability index.
Carol Mortensen

There's Something in the Air: Podcasting in Education (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • In a March 2005 podcast (, Jon Udell persuasively identified five major factors behind the explosive growth of podcasting and rich media authoring in general: Internet activity is pervasive. Broadband has grown very rapidly, which makes it far easier to “consume large media objects.” The multimedia personal computer can “more or less be taken for granted.” The “distinction between streaming and downloading of media content has begun to blur. . . . People can now have the experience of streaming while enjoying the simplicity . . . of downloading.” Finally, there is the iPod phenomenon and “the rapid adoption of portable MP3 playback devices”—up to eleven million devices in the United States alone. Udell calls the portable audio device “the new transistor radio” and points to the beginnings of a “renaissance of creative stuff happening.” Because this renaissance coincides with the Creative Commons phenomenon, traditional business models need not constrain the artist’s work.
    "In a March 2005 podcast (, Jon Udell persuasively identified five major factors behind the explosive growth of podcasting and rich media authoring in general: Internet activity is pervasive. Broadband has grown very rapidly, which makes it far easier to "consume large media objects." The multimedia personal computer can "more or less be taken for granted." The "distinction between streaming and downloading of media content has begun to blur. . . . People can now have the experience of streaming while enjoying the simplicity . . . of downloading." Finally, there is the iPod phenomenon and "the rapid adoption of portable MP3 playback devices"-up to eleven million devices in the United States alone. Udell calls the portable audio device "the new transistor radio" and points to the beginnings of a "renaissance of creative stuff happening." Because this renaissance coincides with the Creative Commons phenomenon, traditional business models need not constrain the artist's work."
Carol Mortensen

EdTech Toolbox: Ultimate Web 2.0 List - 0 views

  • place to share e-learning and Web 2.0 tools for education. Computers and laptops in education are important only when used with good pedagogy. Digital content and creation is an important part of the process for educators in the 21st century
    "A place to share e-learning and Web 2.0 tools for education. Computers and laptops in education are important only when used with good pedagogy. Digital content and creation is an important part of the process for educators in the 21st century."
Carol Mortensen

Google+ For Educators - 0 views

  • Understanding And Using Google+ In The Classroom And Beyond
  • Understanding And Using Google+ In The Classroom And Beyond
    Google+ For Educators
Carol Mortensen

Microsoft WorldWide Telescope Web Client - 0 views

    Allows you to use your computer as a virtual telescope!
Carol Mortensen

Twitter Icon | Free Buttons, Graphics and Twitter Backgrounds - 0 views

    Get More Followers NOW with Striking Icons & Twitter Backgrounds Well done! You've just found the best place on the net for fresh, striking graphics, created to boost your social networking presence and accelerate your twitter following. Choose from 100s of free twitter icons or twitter backgrounds, or enhance and promote your brand identity with a professional custom twitter design.
Carol Mortensen - 0 views

    Generate a help URL so friends and family can send you instant screen recordings to help trouble shoot computer issues.
Carol Mortensen

Doceri - The Interactive Whiteboard for iPad. - 0 views

    Doceri™ is a revolutionary iPad software suite for classrooms, conference rooms, and auditoriums - any place where you give presentations, teach, or collaborate. In a nutshell, Doceri is the ultimate tool for presentations and lessons. Through the Doceri Remote iPad app and Doceri Desktop software, you can control a computer (Mac or Windows), easily launch any document or application, and annotate over them at any time. You can save drawings and play them back in the future allowing even better presentations to be created from your existing PowerPoint or Keynote slideshows. If you just want to use it as a whiteboard, you can create any handwritten/drawn content on any background of your choice. And with additional room control hardware, Doceri can even be used as the remote control for projectors, DVD players, and all other audiovisual devices in your room. Doceri is the presentation control that you've always wanted!
Carol Mortensen

Why You Need PowerPoint 2010 for Rapid E-Learning » The Rapid eLearning Blog - 0 views

  • PowerPoint 2010 has built on that success and added a lot of features that will make the production process that much more efficient.  I can’t cover everything in a single post, so I am going to share five of the features I use most when creating elearning content with PowerPoint 2010.
Carol Mortensen

The 5 Best Math Apps for the iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch - 0 views

  • Try these great math apps the next time you are looking for a new way to challenge your children with their number work. These apps are tried and tested classroom tools and would be a great addition to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. They are aimed at kids between 5 and 12 years old, but grown ups can have just as much fun testing their brains with one of these innovative games.
    Try these great math apps the next time you are looking for a new way to challenge your children with their number work. These apps are tried and tested classroom tools and would be a great addition to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. They are aimed at kids between 5 and 12 years old, but grown ups can have just as much fun testing their brains with one of these innovative games.
Carol Mortensen

Edistorm: Online Sticky Note Collaboration - 0 views

  • Online Sticky Note Collaboration Add, discuss and organize ideas from multiple locations before, during and after (or instead of) your meetings. Build a storm using Edistorm Templates or leverage your existing business processes. Measure results with instant voting and reporting. No software to install. Works on any web browser, iPad™, iPhone™ or SMART Board™.
Carol Mortensen

The Complete Educator's Guide to Using Skype effectively in the classroom | The Edublogger - 0 views

    "Increasingly, educators globally are transforming their classroom using Skype to create powerful, authentic, motivating learning experiences for their students. PDF version of the Skype guide From connecting with classrooms in other locations to learning about each others' culture to connecting with content experts - educators are extending learning beyond classroom walls. So how do you use Skype effectively with your class?"
Carol Mortensen

The 35 best web 2.0 classroom tools chosen by you - 0 views

    We scoured hundreds of responses and have come up with the following list. The following tools have not been verified and are simply based on the number of times each was mentioned on Twitter during this hashtag discussion.
Carol Mortensen

My StoryMaker : Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - 0 views

    Innovative and creative. Fun, interactive storymaking site for kids!
Carol Mortensen

Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones - Prey - 0 views

    "Prey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, and free for anyone to use. And it just works. "
Carol Mortensen

Group Photo Sharing - ZangZing - 0 views

    Zang Zang allows you to pull in photos from sites on the web (Facebook, Kodak, etc) and share. Others can contribute, as well.
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