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Carol Mortensen

RTI Tools : Popular Response to Intervention Links - 0 views

shared by Carol Mortensen on 08 Oct 11 - No Cached
    Top 10 Websites for RTI
Carol Mortensen

OKAPI!: Readability Statistics & CBA Reading Probe Generator - 0 views

    OKAPI! is a web-based application that allows you to enter a text sample and to format that sample as a set of Examiner and Student Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA) reading probes. The application also computes a readability index for the sample. OKAPI! can save you hours of work in creating correctly formatted CBA reading probes that include estimates of reading level. OKAPI! gives you a range of options. You can for example change the font-type and letter-size for the CBA probes. Additionally, you can specify that either the Spache or Dale-Chall Readability Formula be used to compute a passage's readability index.
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