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أفواه معطره بذكر الله - 0 views

    قول الله تعالى {ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد{ ، ومن قول الله عز وجل يتضح ان الانسان يجب أن يراعي الله فيما يقول وان يكون كلامه في الخيرلينفع به أو لابعاد مكروها عنه فالله عز وجل مراقب لنا في كل وقت وسوف يحاسبنا علي كل قول يصدر منا . والصدق من أشرف الفضائل وهو صفه من صفات الانبياء , حيث قال نبينا محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم } زينة الحديث الصدق { و} من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيرًا أو ليصمت {فكان واجب علينا الأقتداء بالانبياء جميعا .

Misconceptions about Islam - 0 views

    Islam is the largest growing religion in the world and the second largest religion, right after Christianity. The history of the religion is of hundreds of years and people from time to time entered and embraced Islam because of the attractiveness in the religion. Let's put some light on this sacred religion and discuss the misconceptions about it. People have their own way of thinking and have their own perceptions. The need of time it to bring a change and show people the true and actual side of Islam. This blog will move around the misconceptions about Islam and how we can snub them and how we can change the discernment of individuals against Islam. Every religion has good and bad people and we should always look towards good to spread happiness and to avoid conflict. Islam is a prominent and well spread religion worldwide and it contains people of all kind. There were several incidents after which people and especially people of the west started thinking that Muslims are terrorists, extremists and merciless people like the incident of 9/11. This perception is wrong and we should not blame all the Muslims for this bizarre incident done by some ruthless people. Jihad is another issue and people do have misconceptions about it as well.

اجتهدوا في العبادات لإدراك ليلة القدر - 0 views

    إن هذه العشر الأخيرة من رمضان فرصة حقيقية لاختبار النفس فى التغيير نحو الأفضل والأحسن ، ليس من الصعب بتوفيق الله تغيير النفس وقطعها عما اعتادته لمن أخلص نيته و صدق فى عزيمته . وإن من الدلائل على التغيير ومظاهر الهمة وقوة العزيمة وضبط الإرادة فى هذا الشهر شهر الصبر، الاجتهاد فى العمل والإحسان فى هذه الأيام العشر تأسيا بالقدوة والأسوة نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقد جعل رمضان كله فرصة للاجتهاد كما خص العشر الأخيرة منه بإجتهاد أكبر ، تقول عائشة رضى الله عنها : "كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يجتهد فى رمضان مالا يجتهد فى غيره وكان يجتهد فى العشر الأواخر ما لا يجتهد فى غيرها" . وتسمو الهمة ويتجلى التوجه نحو التغيير حينما يجتهد العبد ليفوز بإدراك ليلة القدر، فيعمل ويتحرى فتسمو النفس وتعلو الرغائب للوصول إلى أسمى المراتب وأعلى المطالب ، توبة وإقلاع وعزم على الإصلاح والإحسان وتأملوا هذا الحديث العظيم وما فيه من الحث ووقفات المحاسبة ، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " رغم أنف رجل دخل عليه رمضان ثم انسلخ فلم يغفر له " صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. أروا الله من أنفسكم خيرا، صيام نهار وقيام ليل واعتكاف وقراءة قرآن وذكر وصدقات ودعاء ومحاسبة ومراجعة وندم وتوبة وعزم على فعل الخيرات " يا ب

The Night of Power; Laylat Al-Qadr and the Significance of this most precious night in ... - 0 views

    The Holy month, Ramadan is the month of discipline, worship, morality, praying, peace and pretty much every good moral that would ever come across your mind. During this month Muslims around the world spend the daylight hours in a complete fast. Muslims would spend this whole month in repentance and trying to become closer to Allah, Reading Qur'an, praying day and night asking for forgiveness and thanking God for all his blessings on us. The last ten Days in this Holy month Muslims indulge more and more into worshipping Allah and they seek and observe one special night that comes only once in a year and this night has a very special significance to all Muslims which is the Night of Power aka Laylat Al-Qadr.

নির্যাতিত রোহিঙ্গাঃ আমরা কি করলাম (Oppressed Rohingas: what did we do) - 0 views

    আল জাজিরা টেলিভিশনের একটি বার্মা বিষয়ক প্রোগ্রামে সে দেশের মুসলিম নিধন এবং নিষ্পেষণ এর উপর একটা ধারণা দেয়া পূর্বক এর অতীত এবং বর্তমান পরিস্থিতির তুলনা মূলক একটা পর্যালোচনা করা হয়। সেই বিষয়বস্তুর সার-সংক্ষেপ অনেকটা এমন; ১৭০০ শতকের সময় এশিয়ার বিখ্যাত বাণিজ্য নগরী বলে পরিচিত আরাকানের এমরায়ুক ইউ শহরের স্বাধীন সুলতান ছিলেন একজন মুসলমান। তাহলে ইতিহাস সাক্ষ্য দেয়, রোহিঙ্গা ও দেশটির অন্য আদিবাসী মুসলমানরা মিয়ানমারে ভুঁইফোড় অথবা উড়ে আসা অধিবাসী নয়। তাদেরও সমৃদ্ধ অতীত রয়েছে। এর বিপরীতে গত কয়েক দশক ধরে লাখ লাখ চীনা শরণার্থী আস্তানা গেড়েছে দেশটিতে। শুধু বৌদ্ধ হওয়ায় তাদের সাত খুন মাফ করেছে মিয়ানমার সরকার। ধর্মের সম্প্রীতি মিশে গেছে স্থানীয় জনগণের সঙ্গে। এর বিরুদ্ধে কখনও কোন বিদ্রোহ তৈরি হয়নি। কিন্তু নিজ দেশে পরবাসী জীবনযাপন করছে

Syuhada Mosque, a Monument of Independence - 0 views

    Syuhada Mosque has a historical meaning to Muslim in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta region. It was built on August 17, 1950 as a monument of Indonesian Muslim struggle for independence. Instead of building statue or monument for the fifth anniversary of Indonesia's independence, they built a mosque which is more useful for the people. Now, this mosque has an important role in order to provide Islamic learning in the region beside and as a symbol of Islamic architecture.

Battle of Karbala - 0 views

    The Battle of Karbala took place on 10 Muharam i.e. (10 Oct, 680) in Karbala. First group was a small group of relatives and companions of Mohammad's (SAWW) grandson Hazrat Husain (R.A). Second group was yazid's group of large military force and Umayyad Caliph. 10 day period is held every year in muharram by sunni and shia, and called Ashura. If we see the political background of battle of Karbala, we can see it is started from the assassination of Hazrat Usman (R.A) and rebels occupied city of Madina. Then Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib was elected as the fourth Caliph.

Othman Ebn Affan (5) - 0 views

    Othman Ebn Affan became a valued man. Especially after Al Hijra because of his good behaviors and his good manners, in addition to his situations that clearly illustrate his love to Islam and Muslims. His value and position among Muslims continued to grow day by day, especially that the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him trusted him very much and considered him a main pillar for the Muslim society. One day Muslims planned to go for Umrah in Makkah and the men gathered for this purpose. When Muslims arrived to the boarders of Makkah, its people refused to let Muslims enter the city to perform Umrah. The Prophet told Omar Ebn Al Khattab "go to the leaders of Makkah and tell them that Muslims came for Umrah and not for a war", but Omar Ebn Al Khattab replied "O Prophet, you know I would do anything you say, but you know how much the people of Makkah hate me, so if I entered Makkah, they will kill me instantly and I won't be able to deliver your massage. I suggest that you send Othman Ebn Affan."

Perbincangan Dengan Teman Non Muslim di Indonesia (Bagian 2) - 0 views

    Masih berbekal rasa ingin tahu tentang pendapat dari non Muslim di Indonesia terkait toleransi antar umat beragama, saya lakukan perbincangan kedua. Teman saya ini, sebut saja Sekar, merupakan non Muslim beragama Hindu. Sekar sendiri berasal dari Bali, tapi tinggal di Jogja sejak kecil dan sekarang pindah ke Bali karena pekerjaan. Agama Hindu merupakan minoritas di Indonesia, tapi merupakan agama mayoritas di Bali. Dalam diskusi ini kami membicarakan tentang kehidupan beragama di Indonesia, dan bagaimana pendapatnya tentang hidup di Indonesia sebagai non Muslim yang mana menjadi kelompok minoritas dalam hal agama.

Muslim Athletes Success not Restricted by Hijab - 0 views

    The presence of Muslim Athletes especially women in various sports could provide a lot of public opinion and a debate because of the use of hijab can affect a sports game. The doubt use of hijab for Muslim Athletes denied the existence of Muslim women athletes, which capably made history after earning a gold medal in the sport run. In Islam, use of hijab serves to cover the nakedness of a woman when confronted with the opposite sex who is not Mahram. Therefore, it can say that the veil is necessary for a woman in a dress and not a religious symbol. Close the genitals are the most basic instincts and one of the distinguishing characteristics of humans and animals.

Obama Is Muslim - 0 views

    There is much controversies and rumors about the religion of the president Obama. These rumors are in the air since his presidential elections. Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories-allegations that he secretly follows a non-Christian religion, he has more sympathies for Muslim and give less favor to Israel, and that -have been suggested ever since Barack Obama began his campaign to become President of the United States in 2007. One In Six Americans Believe Obama Is Muslim according to the recent poll. This result is surprising because he denied many times that he is not a Muslim. Zainab Al-Suwaij, executive director of the American Islamic Congress, expressing surprise over the persistent number of American voters (16 percent) by saying that President Obama denied 100 times that he is not Muslim then still people believe that he is Muslim.

Asesinatos musulmanes continúan en Birmania: ¿Cómo resolver el conflicto? - 0 views

    Después de la muerte atroz de los musulmanes rohingya de Birmania hay mucho aumento de los conflictos políticos en Birmania, el presidente de Birmania Thin Sein dijo que la población 800.000 rohingya se debe poner en los campamentos y enviado a través de la frontera con Bangladesh. Mientras que en Bangladesh dijo a los tres organismos internacionales de ayuda el jueves, no para ayudar a miles de musulmanes rohingyas que han huido a Bangladesh para escapar de la violencia en la vecina Birmania. Ha habido informes de palizas del ejército, actos de intimidación y asesinatos extrajudiciales de los rohingya, que son musulmanes. Décadas de la discriminación han dejado los apátridas rohingya, y son vistos por las Naciones Unidas como una de las minorías más perseguidas del mundo. El papel de líder de la oposición también es muy desalentador. Aung San Suu Kyi, la líder de la oposición se niegan a criticar al presidente, Thein Sein, un general ex militares, para aprobar las políticas que podían ser vistos como una recomendación de la limpieza étnica han causado consternación en particular.

The Controversy of Hijab in France - 0 views

    The controversy of Hijab is the hottest topic in France nowadays. The controversy was also erupted some years back but died down soon. However, this time the government seems committed to impose ban on wearing Hijab for Muslim women especially in schools and offices. The government has also shown its concerns for wearing Veils in different public places for security concerns. The justification given by the French government in support of alleged ban is that it is against the secular values of France. To prove this justification the government also imposed ban on wearing crosses or skull caps for Christian and Jews. If we analyze the act of French government keeping ourselves neutral, it is fairly against the basic freedom rights of the people. Every person has a right to wear whatever he or she likes then how a government can dictate people what to wear and what to not. As far as the justification about secularism concerns, the aspect of basic rights of freedom is far superior to so called secular indications, if the people are not free to enjoy freedom then the secularism is of no use. Moreover, if we look at the scriptures of all the major religions we would reach to a conclusion that Hijab is not the identity of mere Muslim women but all the major religions direct women to wear Hijab. Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam all talk about Hijab. So how can we go against the beliefs of billions of people around the world, going against the desires of billions just to serve the vested interests and illogical justifications of a few politicians are absolutely rubbish, senseless and ridicules.

Omar Ebn Al Khattab (13) - 0 views

    En essayant de continuer la lecture du personnage de Sayedna Omar Al Khattab et je continue de découvrir plus à propos de sa grandeur et beaucoup à apprendre de lui. Son amour pour Allah a fait de lui un homme unique, qui a toujours eu quelque chose à donner à l'Islam et aux Musulmans. Sayedna Omara passé chaque jour de sa vie de Musulman à essayer de se rapprocher du pardon de Allah, et travaillait dur pour être un vrai Musulman et suivre tous les enseignements mentionnés dans le Coran.

Ramadan - 0 views

    Ramadan is known everywhere because this is the famous activities of Muslim. Muslim celebrates this in the ninth month of Muslim calendar and Muslims are required to fast during this date. The fast is about not eating, drinking and some avoid marital relations from dawn until sunset. Of course, in this time Muslims are very much said to worship and have some reading on Holy Qur'an. There are some effects when you worship Ramadan. Here's some. It is shown that effects of worship in the month Ramadan remain upon the end of the year. Also, practises of any virtue is a good idea,

Masjid Kampus UGM - 0 views

    Masjid Kampus UGM literally means Campus Mosque of UGM (University of Gadjah Mada), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This picture is the first floor interior, a semi-open space for multifunctional purpose. This mosque is one of the landmarks in the campus area, as well as in the region. TheIslamic architecture style is pretty much adapted to Javanese architecture, as Yogyakarta is the central of Javanese culture.

Cómo los musulmanes beneficio utilizando Taywid mientras recita CORÁN - 0 views

    Tajweed se refiere a la pronunciación adecuados cada vez que un musulmán recita el Sagrado Corán que se deriva de la lengua árabe. Ser un conjunto de principios, informar a la gente sobre cómo se debe leer el Corán. Para obtener una perspectiva de tajweed, un individuo debe estar dispuesto a tener un conocimiento de sus principios. Los 8 principios que rigen Taywid son los siguientes; El fruto principio-Este principio evita que un individuo a cometer errores pequeños en la pronunciación, mientras que él o ella recita el Corán, porque muchas personas cometen este error. Precedencia principio-Esta regla se refiere a las palabras de Allah en el Corán y debido a esto, este principio es el más importante de todos los demás. Los musulmanes deben tratar lo mejor posible para comprender la palabra de Alá, cuando leen el Corán. Principio-que la formación incluye a todos los hadices, así como todas las palabras que se mencionan en el Corán y todos los musulmanes deben aprender de sus enseñanzas.


    Islam is a monotheistic religion that was also the religion of Abraham, which was brought by the Quran. In Islam all Muslims believe in one supreme God and nothing can be compared to His greatness and our purpose as Muslims is to serve and love God. Islam concludes all the faiths that were brought by the prophets who were before like Jesus, Moses and Abraham and they have maintained the original revelation but Quran is the final revelation of Allah. All Muslims are requested to have adverse knowledge in the religion of Islam so that it becomes easier for us to know what God expects from us. There are various ways to learn Islam as an adult.

History of Kashmir India Conflict - 0 views

    India and Pakistan partitioned in 1947. With that partition Kashmir was also partitioned with a major of two-thirds going to India and a third going to Pakistan. The basis for Kashmir India Conflict were laid when the ruler of princely state of Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh, was also given the right to decide to merge with India or Pakistan or to remain independent within certain boundaries. Although the ruler of Kashmir was a Hindu the population was of Muslims. On partition, Pakistan expected Jammu and Kashmir to be annexed to it because of majority of Muslim population. Kashmir India Conflict rise to heights when in October 1947, some Muslim activist from western Kashmir and tribals from Dir entered Kashmir. They have the intention to free it from the cruel Dogra rule and rulers. Maharaja Hari Singh was not able to withstand the invasion and he decided to sign the instrument of Accession to India on 25 October, 1927. After annexation of Kashmir to India, some Pakistani tribesman and

The Real Causes of Indo-Pak Tension - 0 views

    Today the Indo-Pak region is known as the biggest security threat for global peace; it is in fact the most disastrous nuclear flash point of the world. There are a number of causes responsible for the continuous tension between the two nuclear states. The causes can include the Kashmir dispute, Water issues, border issues, Muslims' Massacre in India, Siachen dispute, terrorism and many others. However, keeping ourselves neutral if we look at the real root cause of the Indo-Pak dispute, we will come to a conclusion that basically it is the mentality of the military in both the countries which is the biggest obstacle in the way of peace. The two countries could have resolved most of their disputes peacefully in the past but it was the typical mindset of the military that acted as the biggest hurdle on every occasion.
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