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avivajazz  jazzaviva

Guqin or Qin Music of China : Music Beyond the Strings : - 0 views

    the musical brilliance of the qin tradition lies in the pieces as composed and reinterpreted by generations of performers, not in the kind of modal, melodic, or harmonic theory we see used so successfully elsewhere.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Hard Bop & Modal Jazz | Discography for Playlist Creation Inspiration! - 0 views

    Album listings for inspiration in playlist creation....
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Iranian Classical Music :: An Introduction - 0 views

    Characteristics The following characteristics are shared between Iranian and other Central Asian music: * The music is mainly monophonic, with each instrument in an ensemble following one melodic scheme. * The music is based upon a modal system; with each mode engendering different melodic types, called gushehs in Farsi. The execution of the melodic types are left up to the musician. * The use of microtones divides the scales into more than twelve semi-tones. * A priority is given to ornamentation. * There are a number of substantial pauses in each piece. The following are characteristics which distinguish Persian music from other Central Asian music: * Melodies are concentrated on a relatively narrow register. * Melodic movement occurs by conjunct steps. * Emphasis is on cadence, symmetry, and motivic repetition at different pitches. * Rhythmic patterns are kept simple. * The tempo is often rapid, and the ornamentation is dense. * Vocal parts are often decorated with Tahrir, a vocal ornamentation similar to yodeling. * Also, Iranian music is unique in the Middle Eastern tradition in that the different melodic phrases, or gushes are supposed to model the rhythmic stamp and melodic pattern of poetry.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Raga Exchange :: Music of India :: Perspectives on Dhrupad - 0 views

    Dhrupad was structured originally around the poetic and melodic- rhythmic material from the tradition of devotional music practiced in the Vaishnava temples. Its entry into a secular environment paved the way for the acceptance of appropriate changes in poetic content, and mode of presentation.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Swaras Ragas and Rasas--The Path of Indian Music :: Steven Landsberg - 0 views

    Swara, the Sanskrit word for tonal center, forms the fundamental basis for the Indian path of music. Although it is difficult to be precise about the etymological meaning, there are references elucidating 'swara' as a tone which can shine or resonate by itself.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Turkish music is a fusion of classical art music, folk songs, Ottoman military music, I... - 0 views

    Today, Turkish music is a fusion of classical art music, folk songs, Ottoman military music, Islamic hymns and the norms of western art music. Classical Turkish music is the courtly music of the Ottoman sultans that is an offspring of the Arabic and Persian traditions. This music is not written down in scores; with only the maquam, which is a similar pattern of major-minor scale system, being marked down. Improvisation (taksim) is a traditional variation technique
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