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10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote - Education Series « Evernote Blogcast - ... - 0 views

  • Evernote is a great application for educators. It’s usefulness can range from planning a course to delivering a lesson plan to capturing feedback after class. I experimented with using Evernote while I was teaching courses at San Jose State University. It proved to be an excellent classroom companion. Here are some ways to use Evernote to achieve your teaching goals.
izz aty

TESL Malaysia » 10 Best YouTube Channels for English Language Teachers - 0 views

  • There are indeed vast amount of YouTube videos which can be used in the English language classrooms but teachers might not have the time to go through all of them. Students perhaps spend more time watching videos on YouTube than television these days. Here are 10 best YouTube channels for English language teachers, not only to be used as a teaching material but as a guidance to improve their teaching methodology. These channels contain videos of good quality for English language teaching. Of course, teachers still need to make sure that the videos are suitable with the lesson or tasks.
izz aty

Ice Breaker Ideas! - 0 views

  • In the Bag (submitted by Goodman Middle school @ WACA It's a Steal) This activity is one that isperformed without rehersal or preparation. The studenr relies on personal knowledge and experience to give a quick, impromptu speek to the groupc/class. Decorate a bag with the words "In The Bag" and make it look fun and creative. Copy phrases on strips of paper and place them in the bag. Students draw their topics from the bag and give a quick speech to the class. let each student pick a topic and remind them that they have 30 seconds or less to talk.
  • In the Bag (submitted by Goodman Middle school @ WACA It's a Steal) This activity is one that isperformed without rehersal or preparation. The studenr relies on personal knowledge and experience to give a quick, impromptu speek to the groupc/class. Decorate a bag with the words "In The Bag" and make it look fun and creative. Copy phrases on strips of paper and place them in the bag. Students draw their topics from the bag and give a quick speech to the class. let each student pick a topic and remind them that they have 30 seconds or less to talk. Examples of phrases that can be used as topics for a speech: Why students should never have homework An unusual animal The ideal age should be How to be happy My idea of a perfect day The worst type of pollution A fun way to travel The best bargain The best job in the world The greatest book ever written My favorite Olympic sport How to avoid doing the dishes How I view the future The worst habit to have How to clean a bedroom in ten minutes How to mess up a bedroom in five minutes The best place in the world to live A great gift The most important invention Something I couldn't live without
izz aty

englishOASIS - 0 views

    This blog is about sharing best practices in ELT and continuous personal and professional development.
izz aty

Teaching with songs - 0 views

    Here it is a list of songs with related activities to practise vocabulary, grammar, sounds, etc. Most of them are "popular" among our Spanish students and some others are old songs, but nice and useful.  Click here to go directly to the songs. They are arranged in alphabetical order according to the singers.
izz aty

Charts and Posters - 0 views

    Posters and printables for Math and Science references.
izz aty

Lesson Planning with - - 0 views

  • Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
  • Weighing the Evidence
  • In This Writer's Opinion
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  • Essay Writing
  • Engage Peers Outside the Classroom
  • Select-and-Fill-In (SAFI) Concept Maps
  • Extemporaneous Speech
  • Group Discussion Web
  • Informal Debate with "Devil's Advocate"
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate
  • Online Discussion
  • Rehearsed Speech
  • Role-Play Debate
  • Role Reversal and Compromise
  • Writing a Letter to a Political Figure
    Lesson Planning with
izz aty

Learning Theory - 0 views

    Understand how people learn and teach them by the ways they prefer - not how you prefer to teach (which is probably also your preferred learning style).
izz aty

ESL Cafe's Idea Cookbook - Convince me. - 0 views

    Sometimes I try to make use of new vocab and tell them to move as if they have just won a million dollars or are all drunk, hungover, are all police officers, wealthy ladies out shopping, and -my all time favourite- as if they can smell something terrible. Breaks the monotony and gives me a bit of a laugh. - Vanessa Pasini
izz aty

Using Pictures for Lessons | Junk Mail Catalogs: A Treasure-Trove for Language Teachers - 0 views

  • Teachers can easily use junk mail catalogs to create a picture file and then design lessons based on the pictures. This article briefly explains the benefits of using pictures, offers some suggestions for using pictures from junk mail catalogs, and describes three lesson plans
  • Pictures are a great incentive for language production and can be used in many ways in the classroom. "Specifically, pictures contribute to: interest and motivation; a sense of the context of the language; a specific reference point or stimulus" (Wright 19)
  • The lesson plans discussed below are for speaking, grammar, and writing activities
    Focus on Speaking/Writing:          This is for students at beginning and intermediate levels. The objective is to practice asking and answering questions. Each student needs one picture. (Pictures of people from various ethnic, economic, age, and gender groups are particular]y useful. Fashion catalogs are good sources of such pictures.) The procedure is as follows: First, as a class, have the students generate a list of interview questions. Write them on the board. Then distribute the pictures to the students. Tell them they will become the person in their picture. The students must create a biography for that person. Give the students time to think. Next, divide the students into pairs. Tell them to take turns interviewing each other, using the questions generated earlier. Students should give answers based on the identities they created for the person in their picture. As a follow-up, students can write a one-paragraph biography of their person. Focus on Grammar: This works well with intermediate-level students. The objective is to practice using comparatives and superlatives. The materials needed are sets of pictures--one set per student--which show similar objects; e.g.,a set that shows different kinds of shoes, a set that shows different kinds of hats, or watches, or cars, etc. The directions for the activity are: Give one set of pictures to each student. Tell students they should use comparatives and superlatives (which have been taught prior to doing this activity) to describe the objects in their pictures. They should write as many sentences as possible. When students have finished writing, they should form small groups and read their sentences to each other. 'They should check for errors, both spoken and written, and discuss whether they agree or disagree with the statements made about the objects in the pictures. This activity also lends itself to a discussion of culture--for example, if the pictures present items of clothing, teachers can
izz aty

Clines in language teaching | Recipes for the EFL classroom - 0 views

    "Clines can be very effective in conveying and clarifying language, giving a very visual representation of meaning. They highlight shades of meaning, they are efficient and can cut down on teacher talking time. They also provide students with a good record of language to take home."
izz aty

Omar, Hussin, Siraj 2013 Teaching Approach for Autism Students: A Case in Malaysia - 0 views

  • This paper presents the findings of a case study conducted in Malaysia to identify teaching approaches applied by the teachers during the process of teaching pupils with Autism
  • This study was carried out by interviews with two teachers who teach Autism students in Special Education classes and a teacher who teaches Autism students in an Inclusive classroom.
izz aty

SIRIUS network | Sweden: How to support inclusive education in a school where 99% of st... - 0 views

  • 99 percent of the 800 students at the school Ronnaskolan in Södertälje, a city southwest of Stockholm, are pupils with a migrant background.
  • most of them born in Syria and Iraq, the numbers of new arrivals remain high: at least one fifth of the students has been living in Sweden for less than two years
  • A situation that can easily exceed school capacities, especially when considering that many pupils do not speak Swedish when arriving at school, have experienced war and expulsion in their country of origin or come from a low socio-economic background
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  • Ronnaskolan has been remarkably successful in preparing its students for secondary education and providing quality education
  • When she started working for the school, only about half of the pupils were able to transition to secondary education, which in Sweden starts in grade 10. Two years later, already 76 percent of pupils had the sufficient grades to move up to higher education. Asked how such an “at risk” student population can perform that well, the prinicpal explained how the school was able to steadily improve their educational outcomes.
  • To ensure that slower learners receive the support they need without at the same time under-challenging other pupils, Ronnaskolan has introduced a two-teacher model. This means that in most classes two teachers are present to respond to the different needs of pupils
  • Convinced about the value of learning with and from each other, they stopped putting newly arrived students in a separate preparatory class. Instead, everyone is taught together in the same classroom to avoid segregation from the start.
  • this process begins with defining concrete goals and having a clear idea of what the school should look like in the future
  • it does slow down teaching sometimes, Axelsson Kihlblom assures that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks; it sends a strong message that every student is equally valuable and that the school has high expectations and confidence in their newcomers
  • Newly arrived children then also follow one full day of learning Swedish as a second language
  • In regular meetings with both the student and his or her parents, teachers discuss the pupil’s goals and jointly work on a step-by-step plan on how to achieve them
  • the school offers individual support for underperforming pupils
  • the school is also cooperating with the municipality, health care facilities and social services
  • Furthermore, the school has been working towards diversifying their staff and mostly employs teachers with a migrant background themselves.
    "Ronnaskolan "
izz aty

Inclusion of preschool children with autism in Sweden: attitudes and perceived efficacy... - 0 views

  • This pilot study examined the relations among preschool teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with autism and perceived self-efficacy, as well as demographic characteristics such as teachers' work experience and educational background. The cohort consisted of 21 participants who had degrees in preschool education and worked with children with autism in general preschool/kindergarten settings in central Sweden.
  • In general, findings revealed that preschool teachers held positive attitudes towards children with autism,
  • teachers showed neutral attitudes towards the inclusion of children with autism into general preschool classrooms
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  • this was significantly related to the number of credits in special education taken during pre-service education
  • No relations were found between teachers' perceived self-efficacy and attitudes towards inclusion, although a relationship was found between participation in in-service training and efficacy to make decisions.
izz aty

No child left behind: (Relative) equity in Finnish schools -  Inside classroo... - 0 views

  • not only is Finland a top performer in all three subjects tested in PISA, they manage to do so while making schooling equitable.
  • The aim of day-care is to support balanced growth, development and learning as well as promoting the personal well-being of all children, which means that by the time they start formal school at age 7, Finnish children that would have been behind developmentally at age 5 have had the time and the support to catch up. 
  • In Finland, although there is no formal education until age 7, most students attend preschool at 6, and day-care is available to all children under this age. This day-care is provided by the local authority in over 90% of cases, and its cost is dependent on the size and income of the family (bigger families pay less per child, and low income families pay nothing). 
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  • all classes are mixed ability.
  • high expectations of all students, and these are to meet the objectives set out in the national curriculum.
  • These mixed ability classes would be difficult for teachers to handle if it weren't for three things: thorough teacher education - teacher training includes a significant focus on differentiation and how to support students at all levels;small class sizes - the estimated average size is 14.1 (although some research suggests class size doesn't affect student performance); anda well staffed student support system - special teachers that provide in class support and take out small groups are qualified teachers with further qualifications in special education.
  • There are two types of special classes. The type described above is called the E class, and there is one in each year. These classes are smaller than the others, and they have the same teacher for most subjects (who should be a qualified teacher with an extra qualification in special needs, but in practice these are in short supply). Students can move in and out of this class, but in practice they usually stay there for most subjects, occasionally joining another class if they have a strength in a particular area.
  • Those with severe or specific special needs still attend mainstream school, but are in a class of their own somewhere in the district. Each school has its own specialism. This may mean travelling a little while to get there, as only one or two schools will have an autistic class for example. 
  • There isn't really special provision for gifted students
  • brighter students help struggling students in class which enhances their own understanding
  • if students are motivated, you can't stop them learning - gifted students will take the books and teach themselves (one of the teachers who told me this had four degrees but had come from a tiny school in the countryside).
  • Finland has only small differences in performance between schools (a measure closely associated with equality), and most students go to their local schools (to age 15).
  • Selection only happens in two situations: where students are applying to language emersion schools (and the student has to speak the language to a certain level), and where students are applying for a certain class in a school that is the school's specialism, such as Music or Sports (these classes have the same basic curriculum with additional Music or Sports lessons). There are no grammar schools, and very few private schools (and even these have to follow the national curriculum).
izz aty

10 questions to understanding PISA results | The EDifier - Center for Public Education - 0 views

  • The rhetoric pertaining to the quality of our public schools is certainly going to be amplified tomorrow, with critics lamenting how the results show our public schools are in dire straits while others will argue the results are meaningless
  • an assessment of reading, math, and science literacy given every three years to 15-year-old students in public and private schools in about 65 countries.
  • international institution Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) coordinates the development and administration of PISA worldwide
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  • PISA is one of the few tools we have to compare the outcomes of high school students internationally.  PISA provides valuable information on how prepared high school students are for postsecondary success whether in the workplace, career training, or higher education.
  • PISA is designed to measure how well students can apply their knowledge to real-world situations. To measure such skills, the test items on PISA are primarily “constructed response,” meaning the test-taker has to write their answers to the questions, and there are few multiple-choice items.
  • Every industrialized country now educates all their students, including language minority, special needs and low-performing students. Every country that participates in PISA must adhere to strict sampling rules to ensure the country’s results are nationally representative of all 15-year-old students. Indeed, the decision to test secondary students at age 15 was made in part because young people at that age are still subject to compulsory schooling laws in most participating nations, which provides more assurance that PISA will capture the broadest sample.
  • OECD reports statistically significant differences in performance between nations, which is a more accurate way to look at PISA rankings than a straight listing of average scores.
  • Does PISA measure the effectiveness of public school systems? Not completely, for three reasons: 1) PISA results are representative of the performance of all 15-year-olds in participating countries including those  attending private schools; 2) PISA makes no attempt to isolate schools from outside factors such as poverty or high proportions of non-native language speakers that may have an impact on  performance —such factors are important to include in the mix when evaluating the effectiveness of each country’s schools; and 3) No single measure can incorporate every outcome we expect from our public schools
  • look at how much time other countries give teachers for professional development, how much they pay their teachers, how much time teachers spend in the classroom, how much flexibility exists at the local level, how special needs students are taught, and how much time students spend in school.
  • see PISA results as an opportunity to assess if best practices in teaching and learning in other countries can also work for secondary schools here in the U.S.
  • just because a high-performing or high-gaining country does something does not mean it will work in U.S. schools.
  • Many analysts observe that poverty has a greater impact on student performance in the U.S. than elsewhere. For one thing, the U.S. has the highest child poverty rates among industrialized countries. For another, students in the U.S. who live in poverty tend to have less access to resources that research consistently shows impact student achievement, including highly effective teachers, access to rigorous curriculum, and high quality pre-k programs.
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