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Paul Beaufait

Workshop Tool in Moodle - 0 views

    Clear and detailed tutorial for creating Moodle workshop activities (Moodle version, unspecified). Christensen, Laura. (2007). Moodle Workshop Guide. Retreived February 13, 2013, from
Paul Beaufait

Moodle Learning Management System | UNSW Teaching Gateway - 1 views

    "This page provides support for staff using Moodle 2 at UNSW. Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) is open-source learning management software for producing internet-based courses and websites" (Overview, ¶1, 2013.02.27).
Paul Beaufait

Michelle Moore - Teaching with Moodle: Best Practices in Course Design - YouTube - 3 views

    "Uploaded on Nov 3, 2011 [c. vers. 1.9-2.0] In this session, Michelle Moore explores and discusses the common features of good Moodle courses and work to bring together what we know about 'best practices' in Moodle course development" (About, retrieved 2013.02.25).
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Course: Moodle for Teacher (M4T) Introductory Course - 1 views

    Join the next 2-week Moodle course for teachers on September 15 an learn about and practice the resources, activities and blocks available on Moodle 2.2.3:
Maria Rosario Di Mónaco

A Brief Tour of Moodle 2.0 - YouTube - 3 views

    Videos highlighting differences between Moodle 1.9 and 2.0
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Moodle MOOC 2 - 4 views

Learn about transpersonal development and how to Moodle 2.5 at Moodle MOOC 2

Moodle 2.5 MOOC Transpersonal

started by Dr. Nellie Deutsch on 19 Sep 13 no follow-up yet

Training Video: Making Moodle More Interactive - 1 views

    A great follow-on by R. Stannard on how to add content and "see" Moodle from the students' point of view. Includes students' content-uploads, using chats and forums, etc.
Paul Beaufait

Course: Multimedia Interactive Learning Applications - 2 views

    Matt Bury's Moodle offers "...[a] range of games and activities for universities, colleges, schools, businesses and other organisations to license" (deck, 2012.11.29).
marian payel

language lab - 1 views

language lab moodle for teaching languages esl

started by marian payel on 19 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Paul Beaufait

CALL Newsletter - March 2012: Moodle Reader Gains Traction - 2 views

    "MoodleReader allows students to prove that they have done their reading via a short quiz of 10 randomized questions. If they pass the quiz, they are rewarded with the book cover added to their stamp collection on their MoodleReader page" (¶4, 2012.03.30).
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Integrating Technology for Active Life-long Learning (IT4ALL) - 5 views

    Please checkout the new layout of my Moodle website and add your feedback.
Paul Beaufait

NanoGong - Home - 2 views

    "NanoGong is an applet that can be used by someone to record, playback and save their voice, in a web page" (What is NanoGong, ¶1, 2012.06.18).
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