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Brian G. Dowling

Portfolio | Development Seed - 0 views

  • We work with organizations that have world-changing agenda and realize the potential of online tools to help them reach their goals. Our clients come to us looking to do more than simply build an online presence. They want to build communications tools that push the limits and make a concrete impact on their causes. Browse through our portfolio to see the work we have with our clients and learn about the comprehensive communications solutions we have built.
    These are the folks providing the online infrastructure for the Stand Up Take Action site and many others. The technical wizards behind the curtain. So much of what we strive to do would not be possible.
Brian G. Dowling

Zunia Presentation - 0 views

    Zunia demonstration page another online tool for collaboration and information exchange for global efforts like the Millennium Development Goals. Zunia is an online network for knowledge exchange among development professionals worldwide. Users from all over the world visit the portal to access news, events, best practices and publications on a wide range of development topics. Registration in Zunia is free and open to all. Users can stay informed on development issues, post information, get e-mail updates, create a professional profile and connect with peers.
Brian G. Dowling

Values and Vision | - 0 views

  • Values and Vision At CivicActions, we believe in aligning our work with our values. Every member of our team is committed to taking action in the world to make positive change. Here's a sample of the kinds of values we share and rely on to guide our work.
    Another example of an Online resource addressing the Millennium Development Goals.
Brian G. Dowling

Development Gateway : About - 1 views

    Another online resource that can be used in implementing the Millennium Development Goals. Development Gateway provides Web-based platforms that make aid and development efforts more effective around the world. It focuses on three areas where even small investments in information and communications technology can make a major difference:
Brian G. Dowling

David Cameron & Jeffrey Sachs: Educated women hold the key to ending poverty - Commenta... - 0 views

    First, the UK needs to meet our moral commitment to increase spending on aid to 0.7 per cent gross national income. But this investment has to go hand-in-hand with greater transparency, ensuring the money reaches the people who need it most. A Conservative government will create an independent aid watchdog and publish every item of aid spending online, so that the performance and impact of development policies are transparent to taxpayers in Britain and to people in the developing world.
    A British Conservative potential Prime Minister speaking of the Millennium Development Goals as a responsibility of his government. I made the point in my last blog post that the Millennium Development Goals resonate better everywhere than they do here in America.
Brian G. Dowling

BloggersUnite for Stand Up Take Action End Poverty Now! // Bloggers Unite - 0 views

    This is an official Online Event in support of the 3 day global Stand Up Take Action End Poverty Now event. For the past four years millions of people around the world have made the decision to be counted and "Stand Up and Take Action" demanding that world leaders end poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 189 world leaders made a promise at the United Nations Millennium Summit through he Millennium Declaration in 2000 adopting the MDGs as a roadmap to end poverty and its root causes. That promise is still unfulfilled by all but a few countries, including the United States.
Brian G. Dowling

dgCommunities - What is this site? - 0 views

  • dgCommunities is both a place to find knowledge resources focused on development issues and an interactive space where you can share your own work, participate in discussions, find people with similar interests and more. We have more than 36,000 members worldwide - and over half are in developing countries.
    Another online resource for international development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
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