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Ron King

Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) - 0 views

    Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) is an independent, non-partisan research center based at Stanford University, the University of California - Berkeley, and the University of Southern California. PACE seeks to define and sustain a long-term strategy for comprehensive policy reform and continuous improvement in performance at all levels of California's education system, from early childhood to post-secondary education and training. PACE bridges the gap between research and policy, working with scholars from California's leading universities and with state and local policymakers to increase the impact of academic research on educational policy in California.
Ron King

Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize - Philip Treisman (NCTM Conference) - 0 views

    NCTM has committed itself to equity, with many of us working toward a new generation of mathematics-savvy citizens and STEM professionals representing our diverse population. We need to take stock of the record and take action from the state house to the classroom, so that our vision becomes reality and our hopes for our students are realized. Philip "Uri" Treisman is professor of mathematics and of public affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, where he directs the Charles A. Dana Center. He is a senior adviser to the Aspen Institute's Urban Superintendents' Network and recently served on the 21st-Century Commission on the Future of Community Colleges. He was named a MacArthur Fellow in 1992 for his work on nurturing minority student achievement in college mathematics and 2006 Scientist of the Year by the Harvard Foundation of Harvard University for his outstanding contributions to mathematics. In all his work, Treisman advocates for equity and excellence in education for all children. Philip Uri Treisman Charles A. Dana Center, University of Texas at Austin

Study in Canada - Find Colleges and Universities - 1 views

    Interested to Study in Canada? Know more details on Colleges & Universities, Cost of Study, Cost of Living, Student Visa Requirements in Canada and more.
Ron King

John Hattie - Visible Learning - 0 views

shared by Ron King on 13 Mar 13 - No Cached
    Part 1 of edited highlights of a talk given by John Hattie who has led a team at Auckland University, New Zealand which compares the effect on learning of over 100 classroom interventions. This section looks at methods with negative, or very low effect sizes. Hattie points out that most educational debate is about things which do not really work well
Ron King - 0 views

    When my first born headed off to first grade, 21 years ago, she held my hand as we walked down the hallway of Will Rogers Elementary School in the Houston Independent School District. We walked into Ms. Miner's room and Meredith's steps grew more hesitant. This wasn't the University of Houston Child Care Center, the place she had gone for years while I was a doctoral student at UH. This place looked different - bigger, more official. There were big-kid desks pushed together in clusters. And though there were centers, they were not the dress-up center or the cooking center or nap center or water play center of the Child Care Center.
Ron King

Teaching along the Edge - 0 views

    A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to serve as a discussant after a group of panelists, all teachers in the "spring" of their careers (even one first year teacher), spoke on transforming classrooms and schools. The panel discussion was part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education's symposium called "Education for a New Era." This particular session was entitled "Teaching Along the Edge," and the moderator, Dr. Jocelyn Glazier (a former high school English teacher and current associate professor at UNC), shared that she wanted "to find the places where there is light" in education. She shared that "education is a practice of freedom," and she hoped the panelists would look at current inequities and move students "beyond basic skills."
Troy Patterson

Adventures in Blended Learning: Why Universities aren't Dead....and Won't Be - 0 views

  • We will need to accept that we have to teach in ways that we ourselves were never taught.  We will have to work on shifting from a model of content delivery to a serious emphasis on mentoring students on how to learn. 
  • We have to do the hard work of teaching them how to work with that content, how to develop a set of learning behaviors that are transferable to everything they do.
Troy Patterson

Shifting Focus a Lot at Work Could Wreck Your Diet| The Committed Sardine - 0 views

    People who continually change gears to do different tasks may find it reduces their concentration and self-control in other areas of their lives. Findings from a new study show that frequently switching your mind-set or focus uses a lot of self-control. This may leave you with less ability to control your temper, to resist cheating on your diet or to continue your exercise routine, says Ryan Hamilton, assistant professor of marketing at Emory University in Atlanta.
Troy Patterson

iPad Study Released by Oklahoma State University | MacNews - 1 views

Ron King

Student Engagement More Complex, Changeable Than Thought | University of Pittsburgh News - 0 views

    "Enhancing student engagement has been identified as the key to addressing problems of low achievement, high levels of student misbehavior, alienation, and high dropout rates." - Pitt professor Ming-Te Wang
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