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that Nikqa dannY Rodriguez

John of England - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 5 views

  • John of England
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      He was the king of england . He was also the brother of Richard. He was also known as Richard the lionhearted. And they were both kings.
    • yordanka raymond
      John and Richard were brothers but Richard was better. John was the king of england and the people didnt like him. They didnt like hym because he was bad. He took all the extra money for him self and he doesnt suppose to do that.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      hE wAs thE KiNq oF eNgLand.hE wAs aLso thE bRotHer oF RicHard.hE wAs Also kNowN As thE lIonHeartEd.And thEy weRE bOth KinqS.
  • King John's tomb
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      I never thought that a king would have a tume. Well not like a egyption tume. I thought they would be cremated. Or is that the choice of the people.
  • Robin Hood,
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Robin Hood became a gorilla fighter. He was a friend or a enemy of Johns. We also things about him that are not true. We also know things about him that are true.
    • yordanka raymond
      Robin Hood was a good and kind person. He didnt like John either. He thought that what he was doing was wrong. So he took money from the rich to give to the poor. He hides in Sherdwood.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      hE bEcamE a qORlIa fighTer.He dIdnT likE joHn eIthER.He tHoUghT THaT hE diD stUff RONG.hE ToOK mOnEY FroM thE riCh AnD GaVe It The pOor.hE hIde iN ShErdWooD.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Third Crusade
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      There were 11 crusades. One of them were in Jeruselum. And one of them was said by a pulp . and Richard the first responded to it.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      tHerE wErE 11 CrUsAdEs.1 oF ThEm WeRe in jErUsLeM.1 0f deM WaS SaiD By A PopE.rIcHaRd Was tHe fIrSt 2 ReSponeD 2 iT.
  • John Lackland
    • Gabriela Morales
      Prince John was the brother of Richard the first. Richard the first was also known as Richard the Lionhearted. It"s funny because Richard was so loved so much but John was hated. England despised him. When Richard the first went to get back Jerusalem he left Prince John in charge. Prince John became a dictator. He raised taxes, stuck money in his pocket and stuff like that. Robin Hood was against him though.
  • Retreating from the French invasion, John took a safe route around the marshy area of the Wash to avoid the rebel held area of East Anglia. His slow baggage train (including the Crown Jewels), however, took a direct route across it and was lost to the unexpected incoming tide. This dealt John a terrible blow, which affected his health and state of mind. Succumbing to dysentery and moving from place to place, he stayed one night at Sleaford Castle before dying on 18 October (or possibly 19
jaida pacheco

Arab people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 5 views

  • Arab people
    • alexi viera
      arabs were very smart people they invented the numbers that we use today also they invented paper then they passed in on to egypt etc.
    • kimberly ramos
      arabs were very intelegent. thye were the epople who invented the numbers we use today.the aravs are an ethnic group.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Arabs very smart people.they invented the numbers that we use now.they invented paper.they were the best doctors at tha there hospital they divides the hospital into sections.each sections was a different type of kingdom
    • devine martin
      these people are very important they made words number and we took them and made english
  • Islam; largest minority: Christianity;
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The islams and cristians had a war called the crusades.they war brung out alot of distruction.cristians churches were burned then the cristians wanted rvenge.but after it was burneed down a man rebuilt it
  • Coin showing the Roman Emperor, Philip the Arab.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Thi a pic of a roman emperor.his name was bPhilip the arab.
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • yulissa gomez
      the arab people are an ethnic group which are menbers identifyalong the linguistic cultural or genealogical
  • Arab people (Arabic: عربي‎, ʿarabi) or Arabs (العرب al-ʿarab) are an ethnic group whose members identify along linguistic, cultural or genealogical grounds.[11] Arabs are a Semitic-speaking people originating in Arabia, but today spread across most of Western Asia and North Africa, and many other parts of the world.[12] With the rise of Islam in the 7th century CE as the language of the Qur'an, the Arabic language became the lingua franca of the wider Mediterranean region, and Arabic language and culture were widely disseminated as a result of early Islamic expansion.[13]
    • anthony rodriguez
      they were a ethnic group whose members identify along linguistic, cultural or genealogical grounds
  • Arab people
  • Arab people
  • Arab people
  • Arab people
  • Arab people
    • Gabriela Morales
      Arab people are people that worship the islamic culture and religion. They were Muslims. That is the number one most worshiped religion in the world.
  • Arab people
    • jaida pacheco
      Arabic, the main unifying feature among Arabs, is a Semitic language originating in Arabia. From there it spread to a variety of distinct peoples across most of West Asia and North Africa, resulting in their acculturation as Arabs, or Arabization, often though not always, in conjunction with Islamization.With the rise of Islam in the 7th century CE as the language of the Qur'an, Arabic became the lingua franca of the wider Mediterranean region. It was in this period that Arabic language and culture was widely disseminated with the early Islamic expansion, both through conquest and cultural contact.Arabic culture and language, however, began a more limited difusion before the Islamic age, first spreading in West Asia beginning in the 2nd century, as Arab Christians such as the Ghassanids, Lakhmids and Banu Judham began migrating north from Arabia into the Syrian Desert and the Levant.
    Arab people were the smartest in ancient time,,,they had running water that was clean and fresh..they also made a easier way of counting and making numbers instead of using the ways the romans used it by time numerical numberss... 
laverne roache

Battle of Hattin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 8 views

  • Battle of Hattin
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The Battle of Hattin was also known as The Horns of Hatin.It was named like that because of a nearby extincted volcano which was of the same name.It was a battle between Muslims and Crusades.The Muslims were under Saladin.The Ialamic armies reconquered Jerusalem and any other crusade cities.
    • devine martin
      this was a battle was a big battle.
  • Location
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      That battle took place near Tiberius.Which is now known as Isaerl.The battlefield was near a town called Hittin.The Darb al-Hawarnah road was built was by the Romans.It was used to serve as the main east-west passage between the fords of Jordan.
  • Guy of Lusignan
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      He was the husband Sibylla.When Sibyllas brother died he became king of Jerusalem.That happened in 1186.That was a bad choice.
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    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      This is a picture of the batle
  • The Battle of Hattin
    • laverne roache
      It is was know of the hornes of hatties. Also it was an important battle. The battle took place near Tiberias in persent day Isrel. it looked like a crazy battle.
    The Battle of Hattin (also known as "The Horns of Hattin" because of a nearby extinct volcano of the same name) took place on Saturday, July 4, 1187, between the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and the forces of the Ayyubid dynasty.The Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces, removing their capability to wage war. As a direct result of the battle, Islamic forces once again became the eminent military power in the Holy Land, reconquering Jerusalem 
    The Hattin Was A Battle. This Battle Was Mostly Known as The Horns Of Hattin.This Battle was The Battle that the Crusaders of Jerusalem and the forces of the Ayyubid dynasty.
Gabriela Morales

Leprosy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 19 views

  • Leprosy
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Leprosy was a very bad disease or infection. It is the worst thing you can get. It can kill you. If you dont treat it with the right medicine.
    • alexi viera
      leprecy was a disease that when you get it your skin will start to fall off.
    • jacob arias
      lepricy is a disise that sheeds your skin and is very conatgus poeple in islam use to wrap them self in a thick cloth to perent it from spreeding
      leperosy is a very bad illness that infects the skin and it eats your skin allive to the bone this is very bad.
    • Jihad Little
      thats the disease that the king had in kingdom of heaven
    • Jihad Little
      it is a disease that eats through your skin all the way to the bone
    • omar pichardo
      when the disease eats you it eats all of your body eating the nose,eyes,mouth,and ears if you wacth king dom of heaven the king s face was all messed up and nasty
    • lezlie gonzalez
      this deasease is like hell eating you alike
    • Aahlya Mendez
      Leprosy was a very dangerous deseis at that time. That desies could'nt be passed by mouth or relations. The desies killed or ate the skin. The entier face was burnt of or as called ate away. The desies came to the king a summer in a battle he won when he was only 16 years old.
    • kimberly ramos
      Leporsy was a bad time to get that desies. That desies could kill millions of people. The desies even killed the king. It chwed up his emtier face and it looked like if an animal ate it. Also the desies could kill most people. The people who had it i think had pain. The pain was very bad but the burn. The people were suffering more than it could ever be that we suffer.
    • Alberto Torres
      it is a disease that eats your skin to the bone and you die
  • Muslim world
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      In the muslum world there was no treatment for it. The people did not know that they could cure it. So they would just suffer from it until they die. Which was not fair. But the people didnt know about antibiotics.
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      In the muslum world there were no antibiotics to treat the desease Leprosy. So the condition was very bad there. So the people had to suffer. And then die.
  • This disease is also known as Hansen's Disease.
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      I never new that Leprosy was also called Hansons desiease . Thats a weird name for a desease like this one. It sonds like a mans name. Not like a desease name.
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  • A 24-year-old man infected with leprosy.
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      I can tell that his man did not have leprosy a long time . Because his case is not that bad. Other peoples cases are much worse. He will probably die within 10 more years.
  • umerous leprosaria, or leper hospitals, sprang up in the Middle Ages; Matthew Paris, a Benedictine Monk, estimated that in the early thirteenth century there were 19,000 across Europe.[84] The first recorded Leper colony was in Harbledown. These institutions were run along monastic lines and, while lepers were encouraged to live in these monastic-type establishments, this was for their own health as well as quarantine. Indeed, some medieval sources indicate belief that those suffering from leprosy were considered to be going through Purgatory on Earth, and for this reason their suffering was considered holier than the ordinary person's. More frequently, lepers were seen to exist in a place between life and death: they were still alive, yet many chose or were forced to ritually separate themselves from mundane existence.[85] The Order of Saint Lazarus was a hospitaller and military order of monks that began as a leper hospital outside Jerusalem in the twelfth century and remained associated with leprosy throughout its history. The first monks in this order were leper knights and they originally had leper grand masters, although these aspects of the order changed over the centuries. Radegund was noted for washing the feet of lepers. Orderic Vitalis writes of a monk, Ralf, who was so overcome by the plight of lepers that he prayed to catch leprosy himself (which he eventually did). The leper would carry a clapper and bell to warn of his approach, and this was as much to attract attention for charity as to warn people that a diseased person was near.
    • Aahlya Mendez
      In the middle ages there were more lepersy than ever. That desies was the worst in that time. The desies was the worst because it infected lots of people and ate away the skin. And they will die if they travel.
  • Leprosy
    • joseph abreu
      leprosy is a bad diseas .eats your skin. you have to put a somthing on your face for othes dont get it. it is a vary scary thing to have
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      This is a sickness.This sickness peals your skin of.It makes you look ill.That was the sickness that Sybillas brother had aka the knig of jeruslem.
    • devine martin
      leprosy is real bad its is eating your skin real bad and you my die from have to hurry to cure it and some people wear masks so they dont see there face
    • kimberly ramos
      leprosy is BAD sickness. it peels all your skin. it like eats it. you can also die from it. some people would cover it so that other people wont see how it looks.
    • Genesis Nunez
      Leprosy is a diseasse that makes your skin fall out. you can die from this many people wear a mask and close that you can not see their skin
  • eprosy (from the Greek lepi, meaning scales on a fish), or Hansen's disease (HD), is a chronic disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis.[1][2]
    • anthony rodriguez
      leprosy is a disease that can make your skin fall off your bones
    • ceferinne polanco
      the king in the movie died from it and made another person almost get it
    • adonys conde
      leprosy is a disease that eats your your skin alive living you to suffer i n the pain and torcher of your uglyness and possabley just plain old normal pain and torcher
    • genesis grullon
      this is a very bad thing.
  • instead they become disfigured or autoamputated as a result of disease symptoms.[5]
    • ceferinne polanco
  • Leprosy (Hansen's disease)
    • laverne roache
      I would not like to have leprosy. It looks very scary. Also very painful and nasty.It is caused by the bacterica.
  • Leprosy
    • Gabriela Morales
      Leprosy was a very bad disease. It is contagious but you can only get it if you are close to the person or if you touch their skin. Speaking of skin Leprosy is a disease when your skin falls off. You will feel very weak and you should not go out much or walk around. It is best to rest. I feel bad for the people that have those diseases because they have a lot of bad things to go through. :(
    • Gabriela Morales
      Leprosy is caused by Bacteria.
    leprosy is a very bad desiease that causes the skin to fall off from diffrent places this desieas caused the kings face and other parts of his bodies skin to fall off. he had to cover his entire body to prevent from other people to catch it. this king thoguth he was going to lived untill he was 100 but he is in his 20's and going to die very soon.
omar jimenez

Joan of Arc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 11 views

  • Joan of Arc
    • Gabriela Morales
      Joan of arc was the daughter of the king of England. She had a vision from God that she had to lead the army in the hundreds year war. She did. She was actually general. They were threatened by her. They burned her alive for being a witch. Why would they do that?
    • Alberto Torres
      the duaghter of the king of england. she was warrior/ leader.she lead armies of men against british. she was accused of being a witch and burned alive
    • devine martin
      she was a popular person and was made a siant and burned alive beacuse they thought she was doing witch craft.she had her on army.the churched burned her alive beacuse witch get burned.she had a nice army and a mother.but her army did it and took the city.
    • adonys conde
      she was mad saint by the cathlics but the odd thing is that they help in he death
    • devine martin
      witches are bad
  • captured by the Burgundians, sold to the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court, and burned at the stake when she was nineteen years old.[3]
  • she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War, claiming divine guidance, and was indirectly responsible for the coronation of Charles VII.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920.[2]
  • Twenty-four years later, on the initiative of Charles VII, who could not afford being seen as having been brought to power with the aid of a condemned heretic, Pope Callixtus III reviewed the decision of the ecclesiastical court, found her innocent, and declared her a martyr.[3]
  • Saint Joan of Arc or The Maid of Orléans (French: Jeanne d'Arc;[1] ca. 1412[2] – 30 May 1431) is a national heroine of France and a Catholic saint.
  • Joan of Arc
    • jaida pacheco
      A peasant girl born in eastern France, she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War, claiming divine guidance, and was indirectly responsible for the coronation of Charles VII. She was captured by the Burgundians, sold to the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court, and burned at the stake when she was nineteen years old. Twenty-four years later, on the initiative of Charles VII, who could not afford being seen as having been brought to power with the aid of a condemned heretic, Pope Callixtus III reviewed the decision of the ecclesiastical court, found her innocent, and declared her a martyr. She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920. She is, along with St. Denis, St. Martin of Tours, St. Louis IX, and St. Theresa of Lisieux, one of the patron saints of France.Joan asserted that she had visions from God that told her to recover her homeland from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. The uncrowned King Charles VII sent her to the siege at Orléans as part of a relief mission. She gained prominence when she overcame the dismissive attitude of veteran commanders and lifted the siege in only nine days. Several more swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims and settled the disputed succession to the throne.Joan of Arc has remained an important figure in Western culture. From Napoleon to the present, French politicians of all leanings have invoked her memory. Major writers and composers who have created works about her include Shakespeare (Henry VI, Part 1), Voltaire (La Pucelle d'Orléans), Schiller (Die Jungfrau von Orléans ), Verdi (Giovanna d'Arco), Tchaikovsky (Орлеанская дева), Mark Twain (Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc), Jean Anouilh (L'Alouette), Bertolt Brecht (Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe), George Bernard Shaw (Saint Joan), and Maxwell Anderson (Joan of Lorraine). Depictions of her continue in film, television, video games, song, and dance.
    • jacob arias
      was a great genaral and was killed from envy and three years later became a saint by the christians
    • emily caba
      edwards, king of england, daughter. she is princess, who is going to marry the son of the king of spain. she is europeon. i think
    • devine martin
      joan of arc had a powerful army and people believed thats she was a witch and other villagers thought someone were witches
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      jOhN Of arc Was A PrEtTy qIrL BoRn in dA eaSt Of fRaNcE.sHE WaS 14 Or 15 WhEn sHe sTaRtEd 2 lEaD Da aRmY.She leD The fReenCh ArMY 2 vErY imPOrTaNt ViCtOriEs IN Da huNdReD WaR.sHe wAs CaPtUrEd By THE BuRqUnDiAnS.& WaS SoLd 2 a eNqLIsH.
    • omar jimenez
      thats mest up how all the people were hateing on her. cause she was so good with her troops every body loved her except the king. so the king had her troops kill her.
    she lead the french army when she was only about 13 or 14 years old. she was burned alive watched by her own people. the king did this becuase she was very good in leading that he was jelous. the people in the cathlioc chruhc helped burned her and watched it and then about 100 years later the made her a saint in the chruch.
    joan of arc was a truth girl that got burned 4 no reason
    "she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War, claiming divine guidance, and was indirectly responsible for the coronation of Charles VII. She was captured by the Burgundians, sold to the English, tried by an ecclesiastical court, and burned at the stake when she was nineteen years old.[3] Twenty-four years later, on the initiative of Charles VII, who could not afford being seen as having been brought to power with the aid of a condemned heretic, Pope Callixtus III reviewed the decision of the ecclesiastical court, found her innocent, and declared her a martyr.[3] She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920"
devine martin

Holy Roman Emperor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 11 views

  • Holy Roman Emperor
    • Gabriela Morales
      The Holy Roman Empire is not to be confused with the Roman empire. The first emperor of that was named Charlemagne. Before he was emperor he was leader of the Franks. The Franks were a barbarian tribe. A very famous one. He was a great leader. So good they decided to make him Holy Roman Emperor. He was king of the Franks between 768-814 AD. He was the ruler after Clovis. I wonder who was more famous Clovis or him? I think he was.
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The Holy Roman Epire was a empire completly different then Roman Epire.This empire was ruled by a son of Clovis.The polp made him the emperor of it.
    • Timothy Rosario
      Charlemagne was an "Emperor" of the Holy Roman Empire which was often mistaken for the Roman Empire. The son of Clovis a barbarian leader. Clovis was a chieftan of the Franks.
    • Alberto Torres
      the roman empire is different it. it was ruled by the son of clovis
    • adonys conde
      he was as well as a frank a emperor
    • devine martin
      many people are in them
  • Image Name Life Coronation Ceased to be Emperor Descent from Emperor Coin Charles I (Charlemagne) 2 April 742 - 28 January 814 25 December 800 28 January 814 -
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      This was the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.He was also the son of Clovis which won all of the other land of the 3 other brothers that clovis had his land split between them
    • Alberto Torres
      the fisrt emperor was the son of clovis charles I
  • Francis II 12 February 1768 - 2 March 1835 after 1 March 1792 - [6] 6 August 1806 son of Emperor Leopold II
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  • Establishment of the Holy Roman Empire
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      The Holy empire shouldnt be confused for with the roman empire.This was an empire that Clovis son was 1st emperor.I wonder how it feels to be the first emperor.or even the last.
    • adonys conde
      they shouldn't because even though they were both polotheistic the roman empire and the holy roman empire had thier ways of life,their customs and ther belives
  • The Holy Roman Empero
    • laverne roache
    • Timothy Rosario
      the Holy Roman Emperor wasn't really the emperor of rome. he was given the honor to be called this by a christian priest. He was a monarch. meaning he only believed in one ruler.
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Charlamagne was the holy roman emporer . He had became emporer after clovis died. He was the emporer of the franks. They soon became the french.
  • Charles V was the last Holy Roman Emperor to be crowned by the Pope
  • Napoleonic Wars that saw the Empire's final dissolution.
    • brandon casiano
  • Otto the Great (912-973)
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      Otto was a very famous empoer . There was alot of them. So he was very good at his job.There was about 4 of them for a fact.
  • abdicated
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      What does abdicated mean? Does it man to be voted out of ? Or does it mean to be voted for something. I think it means to be voted for.
  • Otto I 23 November 912 - 7 May 973 - 2 February 962 7 May 973 great-great-great grandson of Emperor Louis I
    • Veronica Rodriguez
      During the time of Otto the 1st the establishment of the roman empire was born. It was when Carolingian kingdom. Of theEastern Francia . Became the Holy roman empire.
  • The word Holy had never been used as part of that title in official documents.[1] The word Roman was a reflection of the translatio imperii (transfer of rule) principle that regarded the (Germanic) Holy Roman Emperors as the inheritors of the title of Emperor of the Western Roman Empire, a title left unclaimed in the West after the death of Julius Nepos in 480.
    • brandon casiano
      they were very hight teck
    the holy roman emperor mistakend from the roman empire .. the emperor of the romans the holy roman emepror was the pope.. then in after the 16 century they elected monarch to gover the holly roman empire ...
eric santiago

Clovis I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 13 views

  • Clovis I
    • Aahlya Mendez
      he was a king right.yeah of the franks.the franks were very animals. didnt take showers and we not clean people. there hairs were long and not very lisinative.
    • kimberly ramos
      clovis was alright. he would kill you and another person. he really didnt care.he was also the leader of the franks.he killed sigabert. when he killed him he started saying his son killed him. but then he said that sigaberts son killed him self.but really clovis killed him.
  • Clovis (c. 466-511) was the first King of the Franks to unite all the the Frankish tribes under one king. He also introduced Christianity.
    • joseph reyes
      clovis was the first king to unite all the frankish tribes under one king so they can take over all the land of gual.clovis's wife was a christan.his wife wanted for him to be come a christan.clovis sayed to his wife "i will only belive in christianity if your god does two things for me and that was to show his powers an to save his life."
    • adonys conde
      well you know what they say "wemon ya can't live with them you can't live with out them"
  • Clovis (c. 466-511) was the first King of the Franks to unite all the the Frankish tribes under one king. He also introduced Christianity
    • anthony rodriguez
      he was the 1st king on the franks. in that picture he luks kinda like jesus
    • Julian Berni
      he looks kinda pissed off....
    • Jaqueline Ruiz
      Clovis killed Cigavert and his son.Clovis told him that he should killl his fathr and take of leading himself.Cigverts son listens to Clovis and killed his own father.Then Clovis asked that Cigverts son to show him all the treasure he had.Well he did and then while Cigverts son had his hands on the gold and then Clovis closed the treasure door and then one of his men stasbed him in the back.That same day he went to franks he told them what happened but told them that Cigverts son killed his own father but Clovis killed Cigverts son for killing his own father.And then he became Emperor of Franks
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  • He was the son of Childeric I and Basina.
  • Arian Christianity common among the Germanic peoples
  • Clovis roi des Francs by François-Louis Dejuinne (1786–1844)
    • Gabriela Morales
      Clovis was from the Merovingian Dynasty first lead by Merovech. As I said in the other article the first 3 kings were kings by blood. Merovech was the father of Childeric the first. Childeric 1 was the father of Clovis. They were all leaders of the Franks. The time of Clovis was when the Franks were at their highest power. By the time Clovis died they have conquered all of Gaul and eastern Europe. Clovis did some bad things to get all that power. But then again the Franks were a barbarian tribe so most people already see them as ferocious.
  • Clovis (c. 466-511) was the first King of the Franks to unite all the Frankish tribes under one king.
    • lezlie gonzalez
      clovis made the frankes cristian
    • eric santiago
  • base was to the southwest
  • Clovis conquered the neighboring Salian
  • In primary sources Clovis' name is spelled in a number of variants:
  • In 486, with the help of Ragnachar, Clovis defeated Syagrius, the last Roman official in northern Gaul, who ruled the area around Soissons in present-day Picardie.[4] This victory at Soissons extended Frankish rule to most of the area north of the Loire. After this, Clovis secured an alliance with the Ostrogoths through the marriage of his sister Audofleda to their king, Theodoric the Great. He followed this victory with another in 491 over a small group of Thuringians east of the Frankish territories. Later, with the help of the other Frankish sub-kings, he narrowly defeated the Alamanni in the Battle of Tolbiac.
  • Clovis had previously married the Christian Burgundian
  • princess Clotilde (493)
  • Battle of Tolbiac. Fresco at the Panthéon (Paris) by Paul-Joseph Blanc circa 1881.
  • Saint Remigius baptizes Clovis, in a painting of ca 1500
  • Statue depicting the baptism of Clovis by Saint Remigius. Clovis statue at the Abbey Church of Saint-Denis
  • Clovis was baptised at Rheims on Christmas 496, 498 or 506 by Saint Remigius
  • Shortly before his death, Clovis called a synod of Gallic bishops to meet in Orléans to reform the church and create a strong link between the Crown and the Catholic episcopate. This was the First Council of Orléans.
  • Clovis is remembered for three main accomplishments: his unification of the Frankish nation, his conquest of Gaul, and his conversion to the Roman Catholic Faith.
  • Clovis' powe
    • brandon casiano
      it was amazing how much power it is
    • eric santiago
  • at the time, at the instigation of his wife, Clotilda, a Burgundian. He was baptized in a small church which was on or near the site of the Cathedral of Rheims, where most future French kings would be crowned. This act was of immense importance in the subsequent history of Western and Central Europe in general, for Clovis expanded his dominion over almost all of the old Roman province of Gaul (roughly modern France). He is considered the founder of the Merovingian dynasty which ruled the Franks for the next two centuries. Contents [hide]
    Clovis was the first frank king to untie all the Frankish tribe under one king .. he also introduced Christianity . his dad was childeric and basina... when he turned 16 he succeeded his father in the year 481. 
  • ...5 more comments...
    Clovis was the First frank king to untie all the Frankish tribe under one king
    was the king of the franks
    his father died when he was the age of 9
    clovis is the king of the franks.he gained his positiiion.clovis had four sons.clovis died at the age of 45. they burried him in paris.his funeral was in the church he built. his father died when he was 9.
    clovius was the king of the franks.
    the franks were like animals back then. they didnt bath or should i say they didnt take a shower. so back then they were dicusting.i wouldnt last there.
    cloves was the first king of the franks. cloves had a wife and she was a cristian. cloves became a cristian. so only some people that were in the franks turned into cristians. but cloves made a treaty with alleric the II.but the treaty did not last to long because alleric started to kill cristians in his palace. so after a while cloves killed alleric in 508 ad and that same year he was elected council of rome.
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