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Emotional Intelligence - 1 views

    Here is a guide to understand Emotional Intelligence. Its history, description and measurement in included as information.
Evrim Baran

Guitar Zero: The New Musician and the Science of Learning: Gary Marcus: 9781594203176: ... - 0 views

    A book on science of learning from the cognitive psychologist: Gary Marcus
Evrim Baran

Annie Murphy Paul: The Myth of 'Practice Makes Perfect' | - 1 views

    This is talking about Erickson's ideas on deliberate practice that I mentioned in class.
Erdem Uygun

The math teacher - 2 views

    I could not find anything to say about my purpose while sharing this video. The only think that I can say is that I liked and could not help sharing it :)
Hatice Çilsalar

A learner-centered school - 0 views

    It is a high school which has learner centered curriculum and also multiple intellegences is the corncern of this school especially visiual and artistic component of the theory. Interdisciplinary and vertically integrated curriculum was prepared. You can see a pure example of this curriculum.
Evrim Baran

Not Every Child Is Secretly a Genius - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher E... - 5 views

    Here is another critique on MI. Interesting insights are presented here. 
    The author contrasts the MI intelligence with single intelligence and says that single intelligence is not educable, rather it is an innate capacity. As an educator, this criticism for MI is useful for me only because I remember to be critical to the theory and begin to search for weakness of it. Otherwise the authors view of single intelligence (non-educable and innate) shows me, as an educator, no direction about my teaching. So I find the Gardner's view (though it may not be a theory) more compelling than the authors view even if I agree that there are problems with Gardner's word choices. Rather than "multiple intelligence theory" he could use "practices of multiple abilities".

Teaching children importance of public transport - 1 views

    Teaching is not always lectures, papers or even presentations. A good example just after our constructivist session.
sinem sözen

Latest news from Türkiye/ Latest change in KPSS - 0 views

    Looking from the MI side to KPSS, it looks rather awkward, anyway. But this latest news make content knowledge upper front, pedagogical knowledge is the next. However, there is no place for pedagogical content knowledge to evaluate, which is also important knowledge type that a teacher should have.
    Good point raised here Sinem. Knowing the content is not enough to teach a subject and that is why PCK has been implemented in the teacher education programs since 1980s. This particular knowledge, yet, is complex and cannot be measured with tests like KPSS.
Bilge Aslan - 1 views

    There is also another finding that I came across. It is a Master's Thesis in METU.
    Here is another masters thesis from the C&I department:
Bilge Aslan

Türkiye'de Çoklu Zeka Kuramının Uygulanmasında Yaşanan Sorunlar - 0 views

    Çoklu Zeka Kuramı; zekanın tek bir boyutta olmadığını, aksine her bireyin farklı derecelerde, çeşitli zekalara sahip olduğunu öne sürmektedir (Gardner, 1993a, 1993b; Armstrong, 2000; Campbell & Campbell, 1999; Baş, 2009). Bireylerdeki bu zekaları ortaya çıkarabilecek olan kurum ise "okul"dur. Ancak, okulda bireylerin bu zekalarının ortaya çıkarılmasında bir takım sorunlarla karşılaşılmaktadır.
Gamze Çetinkaya

My own constructivist lesson plan - 1 views

    This is a lesson plan I prepared during my last year of college while I was taking school experience course and attending a public school as an intern. My proffessor Jale Çakıroğlu also liked this lesson plan very much and published it in her book named "Bilimin Doğası ve Öğretimi". Moreover, I also implemented it this semester with preservice teachers at METU. I took activity from and adapted it into Turkish. I also made some changes to make it more appropriate for 6th graders. In this activity, students are active all the time. The teacher only provides them the required materials and answer their quesions to guide them. The students work in small groups to learn the nature of science aspects with an acitivity where they act as they are scientists. The evaluation is process based not product based and this is clearly explained to the students. Since I prepared this lesson plan, actually implemented it and saw that it worked perfectly I would not change anything, but I always welcome your suggestions. :))
    Gamze, thanks for sharing the lesson plan. This is an exemplary lesson plan and let's talk about it in class.
Hatice Çilsalar

Classroo enviroment is a bit diffferent froom others.. - 0 views

    Teacher swaps desk chairs for exercise balls
Bilge Aslan

Samsun'daki bir lise 'sivil kıyafet'e geçti - Radikal Eğitim - 0 views

    "Dinçer.., serbest kıyafet sayesinde çocukların yeteneklerinin ön plana çıkacağını ve özgüven kazanacaklarını belirtti." this is a part of the newsderived from this link: Ministery believes it will be useful for our country. I wanna ask to him "Is it real?". Also, we will have two different generation in two or third decades; one of them are doormat, the other one is jakanapess and provincial, I think.
    The previous policy, when students required to wear school uniform, was still unsuccesful since students' shoes or shirts(gömlek) made difference among social classes of students. The new policy will increase this gap. Although wearing a school uniform seems to similarize students psychologically, this negative aspect can be ignored when the danger of social class imposition is considered. In my opinion, instead of requiring parents to buy school uniform theirselves, school boards should provide them with shoes also, just as they provide school books. While this will reduce class differention, the gap still can not be closed completely since students, for example, will buy different foods in line with their allowance. However, decreasing gap as much as possible is stilll more valuable than free clothes permission.
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