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Jonathon Richter

Adobe MAX 2009 - 0 views

    augmented reality
    augmented reality
Jonathon Richter

Layar - 0 views

    layar reality browser: useful for developing ARGs
    Layar: augmented reality browser has many immersive education implications
Jonathon Richter

Maxping - Can reality be augmented in virtual spaces - 0 views

    Can reality be aumented in virtual spaces?
Jonathon Richter

Jane McGonigal Game Design - 0 views

    Augmented Reality: Jane McGonigal
Jonathon Richter

Today at Boing Boing Gadgets - Boing Boing - 0 views

    Boing Boing Gadgets special on Augmented Reality
Jonathon Richter

Top Secret Dance Off - The dance secret is hard-wired in your brain and waiting for you... - 0 views

    Top Secret Dance Off: Augmented Reality Game
Jonathon Richter

The Superstruct Game - 0 views

    Superstruct: Augmented Reality game by Accelerating Futures
Jonathon Richter

Explore | The WildLab - 0 views

    With the WildLab iPhone application and associated inquiry-based curriculum, students learn the basics of scientific fieldwork, while using other STEM-related skills. Through observations, questions, and analysis, students come to know the important role they can play in gathering data about birds and their habitat, using mobile technology as a scientific tool. Most importantly, they experience the thrill of scientific discovery!
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