"It would be extremely arrogant for any specific technology company to claim credit" for protest movements in the Arab world
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sherry Lowrance
Facebook and Twitter key to Arab Spring uprisings: report - The National - 2 views
.:Middle East Online:.Facebook founder rejects credit for Arab revolt - 0 views
"People are now having the opportunity to communicate" more widely than ever before, he said, adding: "That's not a Facebook thing. That's an Internet thing."
.:Middle East Online:.Citizen journalism keeps Syria uprising alive - 2 views
there is no way the regime can stop information or footage, videos, and images from coming out," said Syrian activist Ausama Monajed
Monajed runs The Syrian Revolution News Round-up, a daily briefing on protests, clashes and killings using eyewitness accounts and leaked footage taken by mobile phones of protesters that is authenticated to the best of their ability.
Major news outlets have regularly aired amateur, grainy footage of rallies and killings, which activists sometimes have to smuggle across the border to neighbouring countries to disseminate, as part of their newscasts
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