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30 things every med student should have and should know by graduation - M.D. to be - 1 views

    "Inspired by Glamour's list of 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30, I put together a similar list with a med school twist. Here you have it, 30 things every med student should have and should know by graduation. "
Anthony Brown

Liquor is Quicker: The List of World's Best Liquors - 0 views

    Check out the list of best liquor names including Switzerland Absinthe, premium liquor. Also check out the ways how alcohol can kill you only at Rosebud Magazine.

Top 10 free iPad Medical Apps for healthcare providers - 4 views

    "The editors at iMedicalApps have gone through the free medical apps available for the iPad, and we have chosen 10 free medical apps that healthcare professionals can utilize. These apps range from simple drug reference apps to 3D virtual reality medical apps that make use of the iPads accelerometer. Unlike many other so called "top-10″ lists, this list is not based on the most downloaded apps in the medical section of the App Store."

Free mind mapping (and related types) software - Wikit - 4 views

  • has a good capability for selecting software by map type and operating system (click on the 'Refine software list' tab at the top right of its web page), and shows the price. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to filter on price or choose to see only the free ones. This article is therefore a quick list to current software that is free or has a free option. It excludes applications that have a time limit on their operation, for example, free trial software or web applications.

Complete list of assessment tools - 3 views

    "Choose what you want to assess from the list."
Peter Kimmich

List of Online Schools - 0 views

    A list of accredited online schools offering diplomas, certificates and degrees.

The most innovative Medical Apps of 2012 - 2 views

    With 2012 coming to an end, we have put together a list of innovative medical and healthcare apps - apps that gave us pause and represent the future of mobile medicine. These apps should also inspire developers and other healthcare providers to think outside the box when developing their own medical apps. Of note, most of the apps mentioned in this compilation are free to download.

The hidden curriculum in medical school - 0 views

    "They want you to study by yourself and become obsessed with how well you understanding the material. ergo - stop caring about whether anyone else understands it. It would be a great system to develop overconfident get-mine solo practice doctors, but everyone knows there's too much paperwork to run a solo practice these days. We're also coming upon the age of specialists when collaboration will be at a premium. A disease like diabetes is complex. You might need primary care physicians working with vascular surgeons, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, I could list every specialty. Not to mention nutritionists, personal trainers, policy makers."

BestBETs - Evidence Based Learning Links - 1 views

    Large list of sites

Mobile | Epocrates - 0 views

    A list of the multiple apps produced from Epocrates

Formative Assessment Strategies - 0 views

    Listing of various strategies

New Curriculum Teaches Pediatric Residents Proper Handoffs to Maximize Patient Safety |... - 1 views

    "The I-PASS protocol provides a framework for the patient handoff process, and stands for: I: Illness severity P: Patient summary A: Action list S: Situation awareness and contingency planning S: Synthesis by receiver"

Anatomy and Physiology - - 3 views

    List of links

Medical education: Challenges in implementing workplace based assessments - by Dr Pandu... - 0 views

    "Following is a list of such practices made use for WBA. -Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX); -Clinical Encounter Cards (CEC); -Clinical Work Sampling (CWS); -Blinded Patient Encounters (BPE); -Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS); -Case-based Discussion (CbD); -MultiSource Feedback (MSF)."

Distributed Medical Education - 1 views

    "One of the early tasks is to identify the stakeholders of the resulting Strategic Plan; to identify individuals and groups who will be interested in and affected by the plan, to consider their roles and most appropriate ways and times to communicate with these individuals and groups. A preliminary list has been developed on the wiki; however, to effectively identify all stakeholders another important initial task is to clearly define what is meant by Distributed Medical Education. What is the scope of the plan?"

Infectious Disease Cases for Educational Purposes: Open-Access Resources on the Internet - 2 views

    "We compiled a list of Internet links of 25 English-language, open-access (free) World Wide Web resources of educational cases in the field of infectious diseases."

ELI Discovery Tool: Collaborative Learning Workshop Guide | EDUCAUSE - 3 views

    "This comprehensive collaborative learning workshop guide, developed from the ELI 2009 Fall Focus Session, contains a resource list and five workshop modules intended to reduce some of the extensive work involved in assembling the components and curriculum for such a program. Each of the modules contains topical guidelines, content, resources, and best practices, and each can be easily customized to fit the needs of your institution, department, or unit."

Residents as Teachers - 1 views

    A large list of resources

HealthRock: Health Music - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 18 Oct 10 - No Cached
    "HealthRock® sets health education to music and song to make health information more memorable, enjoyable, and actionable. Award-winning physician Mache Seibel, MD aka DocRock™ combines up-to-the-second health education with rollicking, catchy music to give kids of all ages the information and inspiration they need to stay healthy, happy, and productive." Check out the music link for a complete list including women's health.
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