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anonymous - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 03 Sep 13 - No Cached
    " was born out of the need to help people access posters from academic conferences for viewing and printing at their convenience. Search our site by conference name, author name, or area of specialty (e.g. diabetes)."
Anthony Brown

Liquor is Quicker: The List of World's Best Liquors - 0 views

    Check out the list of best liquor names including Switzerland Absinthe, premium liquor. Also check out the ways how alcohol can kill you only at Rosebud Magazine.

The Expert Skills Program at Texas Tech - 0 views

    The Expert Skills Program (ESP) at Texas Tech was implemented in March, 2012, as a free access professional skill development opportunity for all interested students regardless of their institution. The ESP is named to reflect the broad goal of acquiring expert skills in areas ranging from clinical reasoning, patient examination, and communication to the fine motor skills employed in clinical procedures. We have been able to initiate skill development prior to formal clinical training by matching the steps used in clinical skills to the steps involved in higher order thinking skills.

BrainInfo - 1 views

    "BrainInfo is designed to help you identify structures in the brain. If you provide the name of a structure, BrainInfo will show it and tell you about it."
Anne Marie Cunningham

Healthtalkonline: Home - 0 views

    Healthtalkonline, an award-winning charity website, lets you share in other people's experiences of health and illness. You can watch or listen to videos of the interviews, read about people's experiences and find reliable information about conditions, treatment choices and support.
    new name for dipex

The Edge of Reality: Challenges facing educators using simulation to supplement student... - 1 views

    Their involvement as unique individuals will generate sets of challenges likely to influence simulation success, namely: learner-focussed, educator-focussed, situation-focussed, and curriculum focussed challenges respectively. The chapter ends with a summary of the ways educators might deal with inherent challenges confronting the use of simulation in healthcare settings.

Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why. - 0 views

  • response to placebo was considered a psychological trait related to neurosis and gullibility rather than a physiological phenomenon that could be scrutinized in the lab and manipulated for therapeutic benefit. But then Benedetti came across a study, done years earlier, that suggested the placebo effect had a neurological foundation. US scientists had found that a drug called naloxone blocks the pain-relieving power of placebo treatments. The brain produces its own analgesic compounds called opioids, released under conditions of stress, and naloxone blocks the action of these natural painkillers and their synthetic analogs.
  • Placebo-activated opioids, for example, not only relieve pain; they also modulate heart rate and respiration. The neurotransmitter dopamine, when released by placebo treatment, helps improve motor function in Parkinson's patients. Mechanisms like these can elevate mood, sharpen cognitive ability, alleviate digestive disorders, relieve insomnia, and limit the secretion of stress-related hormones like insulin and cortisol.
  • Alzheimer's patients with impaired cognitive function get less pain relief from analgesic drugs than normal volunteers do. Using advanced methods of EEG analysis, he discovered that the connections between the patients' prefrontal lobes and their opioid systems had been damaged. Healthy volunteers feel the benefit of medication plus a placebo boost. Patients who are unable to formulate ideas about the future because of cortical deficits, however, feel only the effect of the drug itself. The experiment suggests that because Alzheimer's patients don't get the benefits of anticipating the treatment, they require higher doses of painkillers to experience normal levels of relief.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • placebo response has limits. It can ease the discomfort of chemotherapy, but it won't stop the growth of tumors. It also works in reverse to produce the placebo's evil twin, the nocebo effect. For example, men taking a commonly prescribed prostate drug who were informed that the medication may cause sexual dysfunction were twice as likely to become impotent.
  • placebo aids recovery is by hacking the mind's ability to predict the future. We are constantly parsing the reactions of those around us—such as the tone a doctor uses to deliver a diagnosis—to generate more-accurate estimations of our fate. One of the most powerful placebogenic triggers is watching someone else experience the benefits of an alleged drug. Researchers call these social aspects of medicine the therapeutic ritual.
  • What turns a dummy pill into a catalyst for relieving pain, anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction, or the tremors of Parkinson's disease? The brain's own healing mechanisms, unleashed by the belief that a phony medication is the real thing. The most important ingredient in any placebo is the doctor's bedside manner, but according to research, the color of a tablet can boost the effectiveness even of genuine meds—or help convince a patient that a placebo is a potent remedy.
  • Red pills can give you a more stimulating kick
  • green reduces anxiety
  • White tablets—particularly those labeled "antacid"—are superior for soothing ulcers
  • More is better,scientists say. Placebos taken four times a day deliver greater
  • Branding matters. Placebos stamped or packaged with widely recognized trademarks are more effective than "generic"
  • Clever names
  • volunteers in this high-interaction group got as much relief as did people taking the two leading prescription drugs for IBS. And the benefits of their bogus treatment persisted for weeks afterward, contrary to the belief—widespread in the pharmaceutical industry—that the placebo response is short-lived.
  • hybrid treatment strategies that exploit the placebo effect to make real drugs safer and more effective. Cancer patients undergoing rounds of chemotherapy often suffer from debilitating nocebo effects—such as anticipatory nausea—conditioned by their past experiences with the drugs. A team of German researchers has shown that these associations can be unlearned through the administration of placebo, making chemo easier to bear.
  • body's response to certain types of medication is in constant flux, affected by expectations of treatment, conditioning, beliefs, and social cues.
  • Big Pharma have moved aggressively into Africa, India, China, and the former Soviet Union. In these places, however, cultural dynamics can boost the placebo response in other ways. Doctors in these countries are paid to fill up trial rosters quickly, which may motivate them to recruit patients with milder forms of illness that yield more readily to placebo treatment. Furthermore, a patient's hope of getting better and expectation of expert care—the primary placebo triggers in the brain—are particularly acute in societies where volunteers are clamoring to gain access to the most basic forms of medicine. "The quality of care that placebo patients get in trials is far superior to the best insurance you get in America
  • The HAM-D was created nearly 50 years ago based on a study of major depressive disorder in patients confined to asylums. Few trial volunteers now suffer from that level of illness. In fact, many experts are starting to wonder if what drug companies now call depression is even the same disease that the HAM-D was designed to diagnose.
  • What all of these disorders have in common, however, is that they engage the higher cortical centers that generate beliefs and expectations, interpret social cues, and anticipate rewards. So do chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, Parkinson's
  • In standard trials, the act of taking a pill or receiving an injection activates the placebo response. In open/hidden trials, drugs and placebos are given to some test subjects in the usual way and to others at random intervals through an IV line controlled by a concealed computer. Drugs that work only when the patient knows they're being administered are placebos themselves.
  • Ironically, Big Pharma's attempt to dominate the central nervous system has ended up revealing how powerful the brain really is. The placebo response doesn't care if the catalyst for healing is a triumph of pharmacology, a compassionate therapist, or a syringe of salt water. All it requires is a reasonable expectation of getting better. That's potent medicine.
Dr.Ravichandra Karkal

untitled - 0 views

  • Forebrain grows out as the hollow optic vesicle
  • proximal part constricts to become an optic stalk
    • Dr.Ravichandra Karkal
      optic nerve
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Superficial ectoderm over the optic vesicle thickens, then separates to become the lens vesicle
  • Mesectoderm gives the corneal stroma, uvea and sclera
  • Ectoderm provides the corneal and conjunctival epithelia.
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