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Teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills - 3 views

    It is impressive to watch critical thought happen in a classroom. Through this link you are able to watch a lesson that helps students build higher order thinking skills. This middle school literature lesson brings in the ELA Common Core by teaching how to analyze how a section in text fits into the overall theme and to cite textual evidence to support analysis of text. Through student-driven questioning, the entire class is engaged in critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation. This outstanding lesson was driven by the teacher as she required them to develop higher-level questions using Costa's question levels, verb starters, and Blooms Taxonomy. I have not used this technique of providing these questioning terms to my students to have the them develop the questions. I cannot wait to try this out next school year!
    This video from the Teaching Chanel highlights ways and the importance of creating higher order questions in order to analyze and discuss a text. This would be a great resource for my Smart Goal of With my SMART goal: by the end of quarter 1, 60% of students will score a 70% or higher on the Quarter 1 Literacy Assessment. The Quarter 1 literacy assessment is on theme, standard RL 4.2. Having my students become "the teachers" of their own learning and create higher level questions can help them get a deeper understanding of the text and in turn, determine the theme.

Classroom Questions - Types Of Questions, Feedback, Effective Questioning Practices - 1 views

    This article focuses on strategies to improve classroom questioning practices to support the learning gaps of students. I see learning gaps related to questioning levels also directly connected to an instructional gap as it is the responsibility of the teacher to facilitate these learning opportunities and an environment that nurtures curiosity. This resource is applicable to all grade levels as it focuses on the value of each level of questions and the role of the instructor as it relates to responding to questions by students, also known as feedback. Feedback is an essential component of student questions and is best managed with a few key steps: appropriate wait times for responding by the students and the teacher, encouragement of student responses to peer questions, specific feedback, and increasing student questions (rather than teacher-developed questions).

Best Practice Strategies for Effective Use of Questions as a Teaching Tool - 5 views

    This article appeared in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education so at first I was worried that it would not be applicable; however, I quickly found that it is a fantastic resource for teachers of all ages. My goal is to learn more instructional strategies to facilitate an increase in the frequency of higher-level questioning that I use in the classroom to support the learning gaps that I have identified with my students. This article highlights very important concepts related to my search. I have learned that questioning strategies and using various levels should be done with appropriate timing, as it relates to the depth of instruction, to avoid confusion or discouraging students. It was also emphasized that all levels of questioning should be incorporated into learning situations, but suggested questioning methods to ensure that all levels are utilized. The article provides great detail about facilitating the Socratic method, Question Circles, and Student-generated questions. All of these methods will produce higher-level questioning opportunities to increase student exposure to critical thinking tasks. I would highly recommend this article for review for all levels of educators. I am now hoping to learn more about the Socratic method to incorporate this into my own classroom.

Students as Producers: An Introduction | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University - 4 views

    This seems very similar to Project Based Learning and I like how many examples they give of how to use this in specific classroom settings! Great resource! Thanks!
randallhansen - 4 views

    Great resource! I have a twitter account for my classroom, but don't actively engage in it as a PLN. These are great guidelines for using it as part of your PLN!

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
Barbara Lindsey

Praise, Question, Suggestion | EL Education - 11 views

    "Eighth-grade students in Rich Richardson's class at the Expeditionary Learning Middle School in Syracuse, NY, offer feedback to their peers in preparation for revising their writing. The praise, question, suggestion protocol helps students see the strengths of their work and consider questions and suggestions that will lead to revision and improvement."
    My Smart goal is 80% of students will reach level K in reading (lowest grade-appropriate reading level for second grade) by the beginning of the December. Even though this strategy was used in writing, I believe it could be used for reading as well. The students in my class have reading partners they work with very closely. They could read and show how they are using comprehension strategies and their partner could use the protocol praise, question, and suggestion. Using the planning protocol rubric, it is clear this strategy would be highly effective in the classroom and could be aligned to the content standards. There isn't a high technology element, but it could be adjusted to include a technology portion.
    Ericka Posey smart goal: By the end of April, 80% of the 10th grade LSN Government students will be able to analyze political cartoons and write accurate BCRs with 75% accuracy for historical content and meaning. The planning protocol rubric has 7 dimensions if I had to devise which of these dimensions it would be rigor or relevance or student engagement both with a level of 3. I believe that if students peer read each other's written papers they can gain insight on what is incorrect with their peers papers and how they can improve their own writing. Student can find two point to praise on their partner's paper, two question to bring forth inquiry and analysis, 2 suggestions for their partners written works in which the students are building critical thinking and analysis skills to help them analyze political cartoons and writing BCRs.
Barbara Lindsey

General Protocols and Strategies (from Management in the Active Classroom) | EL Education - 9 views

    This page from EL Education offers a list of student-centered protocols and strategies, including detailed guides for each on how to use them with students.
    My SMART Goal: By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1. The dimension I choose to evaluate this resource with is Student Engagement. I believe that many students get distracted during lecture and worksheet practice because they are not fully engaged, therefore they do not receive adequate time to practice their skills. This resource provided me with many different activities that I could implement in my classroom to mix up note taking and worksheet practice. Also, many of the artifacts on my connecting gaps sheet referred to students lack of understanding of the word problem. I believe that an activity like the Tea Party could be used in my classroom for students to practice understanding what specific phrases mean to help them be more successful when solving and in turn improve their assessment performance. I also think that the Dance card protocol could be easily used to partner students together randomly and allow them to work on problems together. Many of the resources linked here however, have a direct English and Social Studies connection, therefore one of my group members who teaches Government could use many of these resources to have students work together to review their own independent work. Thanks for sharing this resource! Noelle :)
Barbara Lindsey

Distract the Distractor: Stop Off-Task Behavior Without Drama | Cult of Pedagogy - 2 views

    This video describes how to effectively re-engage a disruptive student without shaming them--which could escalate the situation or lead the class off-task.
Barbara Lindsey

Interactive Learning and Reading Activities for Students in Grades PreK-8 | Scholastic - 0 views

    This website is a collection of many science and social studies related math problems. Users connect math to issues like sports, natural disasters, and ancient civilizations, and "hunt" for math answers among various resources. There are lots of opportunities for language-development in the process, too, and its accessible to Intermediate English Language Learners.

Library | EL Education - 20 views

    Videos: EL Education provides a variety of educational resources for teachers across the world. This bookmarked section includes videos of teachers and students engaged in a variety of strategies for learning. One or more of these videos could be helpful as a strategy to include in your data action plan.
    A great educational site with video and resources for teacher to help enhance teaching and learning across difference disciplines.
    EDTC615 Fall2018 Group 6 Dimension: Student Engagement. The video EL Education- Policing in America: Using Powerful Topics and Tasks to Challenge, Engage, and Empower Students. Student Engagement. My SMART Learning goal is that "The percentage of students who will score 90% will increase by 80%. This means that 80% of the students will score 90%.". The dimension is Student Engagement. The video is appropriate for grade 9-12 and it covers social studies literacy. Moreover, the video provides strategies that educators can employ to challenge, engage and empower students. This is done by introducing students to topics that affect them every day. This is a good instructional tactics that can be employed by my team. During our review, we realized the important of student's engagement and team work to learning and understating the topics in the assessment data that we reviewed. Having students work in groups and on projects goes a long way to improve collaboration, team building and learning among students. In addition, students were given complex topics to explore and they were introduced to research paper. Educators can use the protocol to determine the level of engagements, design innovative curriculum and instructions, and increase students strategic reasoning skills. For instance, we may use some assessment tool like quizlet live to build collaborative learning and engagement among students. Student can become innovative through learning from the real-world related concepts or hands-on activities. The protocol can serve as blue print in this regard. EDTC615 Fall2018

Exit Tickets | EL Education - 15 views

    "At the end of class, students write on note cards or slips of paper an important idea they learned, a question they have, a prediction about what will come next, or a thought about the lesson for the day. Alternatively, students could turn-in such a response at the start of the next day-either based on the learning from the day before or the previous night's homework. These quick writes can be used to assess students' knowledge or to make decisions about next teaching steps or points that need clarifying. This reflection helps students to focus as they enter the classroom or solidifies learning before they leave."
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    My Smart goal is that "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." During our meetings we have noticed a significant gap in my pd. 2 in my SPED students. By using exit tickets, I can continuously gauge how well these specific students are understanding the new material of the week before getting to the formal formative assessment on Fridays. These exit tickets can be modified to include speaking and listening skills depending on where the formative reveals the greatest need is. - Margarita
    This video using exit tickets is a great resource for my classroom. My SMART goal is Given 2 months of guided reading instruction, students in below grade-level reading groups will increase their reading level by at least two levels." Using the planning protocol I rated this a 4 in the aligned to the standards category. I could create quick exit tickets based on the story my students are reading. The students could answer the question and I could quickly assess whether they were able to comprehend and understand the story which is a part of my smart goal. Reading comprehension is an important factor when testing students' reading level. I would love to use this in my classroom.
    Smart Target Learning Goal is by the end of marking period 1, 70% of students will score 90% or higher on the EMATS/ performance matters. This will allow me to see where students are still needing understanding about the topic that is being taught. The dimension would be depth of knowledge with 1:recall. This is something that students need to be able to do short hand before they can recall later on.
    SMART GOAL: At least 80% of students in grade two will be reading level K books or above by the end of 6 weeks. (Julie's goal) Dimension: Alignment to Standards Impact: 2 Reason: Exit tickets are self-assessment questions prepared by teachers, often based on learning goals, that are to be completed by students. Since Julie's Smart Goal is based on measurement (80% of students), I believe that Exit Tickets will give her insight on the percentage of her students that illustrate her students reading comprehension levels. For Julie's Exit Tickets, I think that questions she pose should require answers in the form of explanations from students because I believe it would be the most effective way to help her detect the students that may require extra support. If there is not a common theme to student responses, then it may be an instruction gap that is the issue; if so, Julie would need to ensure that the curriculum/lesson plans correlate with state standards.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. My biggest problem is getting students to retain the important information that will be tested upon. Exit tickets will give me an incite to how well students are retaining the class content by creating exit tickets that are similar to exam questions at the end of a lesson where they learned the content to which the question related. This not only allows me to see if they learned the content but also will allow me to see which types of mistakes the students are making in regards to the test. From here my I will be able to modify my lessons in order to insure that my students are in line with the exam.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. My biggest problem is getting students to retain the important information that will be tested upon. Exit tickets will give me an incite to how well students are retaining the class content by creating exit tickets that are similar to exam questions at the end of a lesson where they learned the content to which the question related. This not only allows me to see if they learned the content but also will allow me to see which types of mistakes the students are making in regards to the test. From here my I will be able to modify my lessons in order to insure that my students are in line with the exam.
    Dimension: Rigor and Relevance Impact: 4 SMART Goal:Given 1 month of guided reading instruction, students in below grade-level reading groups will increase their reading level by at least one level. Exit tickets are an excellent way for the students to show their ability to comprehend the text by answering a text dependent question about the story that they have read during guided reading. This will give the teacher an insight on the level of comprehension that they student has for that level book that is being read. This is much more rigorous than just asking and answering questions because students are applying the knowledge of the story into the writing that they are doing about the book.
    Hi Elijah! I think the issue is sometimes students do have difficulty retaining the information. I think that the exit tickets will also give you insight into a few different dimensions from the protocol worksheet as well. My SMART goal is by the end of the marking, 80% or higher of students will score a 90% or higher on a base ten assessment. So I think looking at the exit tickets based on the dimensions you should look into student engagement. Since this is important when it comes to exit tickets. If students are not engaged during the lesson then the exit tickets is pretty much showing that the students retained nothing. I think that teachers should always shoot for a 3 or 4 based on the protocol. That way students retention of the information is greater therefore, exit tickets are hopefully higher.
    Video: Exit Tickets Dimension Teacher Friendliness: Score: 3 I rate this strategy as a 3 in terms of teacher friendliness (3 = "low maintenance few materials and/or little prep work). With exit tickets, teachers can ask students to answer simple questions regarding the day's lesson in order to get a sense of students' understanding. This strategy involves little work to prepare for but provides a lot of insight into how to guide future instruction. There may be topics that many students misunderstood or areas that individual students need support in. The SMART goal I considered while watching this video is raising scores in AP Bio for select students who have not taken AP or advanced classes science classes before. I think exit tickets are a low maintenance way to guage which specific areas to focus on for these students.
    Dimension: Impact on Learning Rating: 3- Medium-high impact SMART Goal: By the end of the marking, 80% or higher of students will score a 90% or higher on a base ten assessment. Exit tickets are a useful way to help both students and teachers recognize individual student mastery of a topic or skill. Since exit tickets informally assess student learning from that class period, there would be no impact on student learning as students are completing the task. However, teachers can use the information gathered from exit tickets to inform their instruction for the next days instruction. For instance, my groupmate could assign an exit card with 2-3 problems related to that day's lesson. After students complete the exit tickets, the teacher could evaluate to see who struggled and with what particular strategy. The teacher could then use that information to form small groups and provide re-teaching/alternate instruction as necessary. This ultimately will help students receive more personalized instruction thus enhancing impact on learning.
    I agree that exit tickets are a useful way to evaluate mastery of a concept; however, I do feel they have an impact on student learning as they're completing the task. As students complete an exit card, it requires thought and skill to demonstrate your understanding. Sometimes students make mistakes on exit cards, which helps students learn and grow. This strategy would be helpful as I implement my plan to reach my SMART goal. My SMART goal is "by the end of Marking Period 3, ELL students identified will be able to explain how to solve for an unknown number in an equation with at least 80% accuracy ." Exit card would be extremely helpful in the process of determining necessary supports and areas of need as I complete my action plan. On the planning protocol rubric, I would rate this a four in the dimension of alignment to standards. Exit cards are directly related to what you have taught from the curriculum and therefore align with the standards. This is a great way to evaluate students quickly and frequently on the standards.
    Dimension: Depth of Knowledge Rating: 3 - strategic reasoning SMART goal: Students will be able to solve an on grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period. I believe that my team would be able to use this instructional tactic because we could use the exit card to see if students meet the SMART goal. I think that exit cards are a powerful tool for teachers to use because it shows instant data of student performance. It is a quick and informal way to see if students understand the concept or not. This video provides a unique way to students to use/take an exit card in the classroom. We could take ideas from this video and apply to it our own classroom.
    I like the fact that students assess themselves (based on the learning target). They also give feedback to one another. In this model teachers can adjust instruction based on how students feel they reached learning targets. I am wondering, though, whether or not young students have enough self-realization to understand how they performed during a given lesson. If we're asking them to rate themselves, we have to hope that they understand how important this is, and what it really means. How does this video address dimensions in the 'Planning Protocol Rubric?' Since most of the dimensions were addressed (in other comments here), I'll comment on this video's ways of addressing 'Technology Integration.' No technology integration seen (though it's certainly possible that it may have occurred during the lesson and before this video was taken). Technology Integration level (based on the available video): 1. My SMART Learning Goal: "After three weeks of targeted instruction--and in concert with the content-area teacher--75% or more of our students will score at least one point higher on their ESOL RELA and ESOL math assessments. (The ESOL RELA [WIDA Access] pre-test was given approximately one month ago, while the baseline math pre-test was developed by our school's math department [and contains test stems from past PARCC exams].)" The 'exit ticket' approach can be used in any classroom, but with ESOL learners it might be more difficult to ascertain whether or not they have understood the question/s on the exit ticket sheet. And again, do they have the skills, understanding and self-realization necessary to rate themselves on how they do in a given classroom on a daily basis?

Jigsaw | EL Education Empowering Teachers, Inspiring Students | EL Education - 17 views

    "In a jigsaw protocol small groups of students become experts in one section or text and hear oral summaries of the others. The protocol allows students to synthesize across texts and gain new understandings from their classmates about the topic as a whole."
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    Jigsaws are a great way to make sure that everyone does their share of the research. This allows students to really focus on one reading and gain as much information as they can. Then they have time to share what they found with others, while others share information about the topic that they read/researched about.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. Deciphering vocabulary is an important part of my AP Government curriculum. It is something that my students have had trouble with as it is many of their first AP class. Using a jigsaw for difficult readings would allow me to give my students a way to check their comprehension by working with a small group to complete readings. It would also build students confidence as they would go back to their groups to teach their classmates about their specific reading. This gives them a chance to show off and show their peers that they know the vocabulary.
    Implementing the Jigsaw would be a great method to incorporate to help bridge the learning gap for students that took lower level Biology 1. The heavy use collaboration between students of varying skill or knowledge levels would be beneficial. I also think that since the lesson is broken up into small sections for each to examine and then discuss their findings students of all skill levels gain a better and unique understanding or the material. The students that need to improve their AP Biology knowledge will have the support of the students with a stronger grasp of the material within their small group learning environment.
    Group 5 EDTC 615 Fall 2018 SMART Target Learning Goal: "Students will be able to solve an on level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the first marking period." The Jigsaw Protocol: The Jigsaw Protocol is a great tool for promoting Depth of Knowledge by using "Extended reasoning" concepts within Elementary classrooms. Although this video targeted more reading skills, the concepts of research, extended thinking, and recall can all be used to further discuss math equations, math formulas and math projects. Students who are struggling to comprehend, demonstrate or explain mathematical concepts can strengthen their skills by conversing with peers about the written portion of the math work, where the student is asked to "explain" their thinking. #EDTC615 #Fall2018
    EDTC615 FALL2018 My SMART goal is after one marking period of examining musical examples, 90% of students will be able to recognize musical notes and form. This protocol is going to have a high impact on the student learning because the students are able to discuss and dive deeper into their reading. I can apply this to my music class by handing students a piece of music and having them look for the form of the song and the musical notes. They then pair up with someone with the same song and go over the notes a form together.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Rating: 4 - High engagement for most students I particularly enjoyed this strategy presented by fifth-grade teacher Jennifer Dauphinais. The highlights for me were the students engagement from the very beginning in stating the 'Learning Goal.' It's one thing for the teacher to know what the end-goal is, but it strengthens the activity when the student understands the "why." Having students become "experts" in their reading to then discuss details and main ideas in groups is a great recipe for reading comprehension. The students have the ability to hear different perspectives and everyone has a voice. I really enjoyed this. Author Daniel Venables challenges educators in his book, How Teachers Can Turn Data into an Action Plan to "do something different in the classroom" if one approach doesn't materialize student-learning (pp. 60). My gropu's SMART Target Learning Goal is for 75% of students will improve their informational text comprehension by 1 grade level. Dauphinais' 'Jigsaw' method is a fresh approach to literature instruction and could be a great tool for us to get the students to reach this goal. #EDTC615 #Spring2018

Classroom Protocols in Action: Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face | EL Education - 7 views

    "a simple and fun way for all students to get a chance to move, think, talk, and learn from others. The teacher first has students model: stand back-to-back with a partner, listen to the question and think, turn face-to-face, taking turns speaking and listening, then turning back-to-back"
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    Dimension: Student Engagement Impact: 3 Moderate engagement for most students I think this is a fun way for student to try to learn math problems also. It would be a challenge to try especially with my team members Smart Target Learning Goal: By the end of marking period 1, 70% of students will score 90% or higher on the EMATS/ performance matters. This will help the students remember all the different strategies, the more practice the more likely they are going to remember different ways to solve when the assessment happens.
    Dimension: Student Learning Impact: 5 I could use this in my classroom to make sure students have enough think time to plan our their responses. In the beginner levels of Spanish, students struggle with thinking of responses "on the spot" so this could provide a low risk way for them to do so but still engage in a discussion with their peers in the target language.
    This video shows individuals how to use a technique called back to back and face to face. I could use this technique in my classroom for my SMART goals. This would give me a better understanding of my student's ability to hear the sounds of letters. For example, I can say a word like "cat"; then, they can use the back to back and face to face technique to tell each other the first sound they hear in "cat". This would also be a wonderful tool to use for reading comprehension and answering questions during a story.
    My SMART goal is by the end of Marking Period 3, English Language Learner (ELL) students identified will be able to explain how to solve for an unknown number in an equation with at least 80% accuracy. The back-to-back and face-to-face strategy is an excellent method for allowing students appropriate wait time to think through their responses, as well as an opportunity to hear model responses from their peers. This might help students develop language skills needed for their mathematical explanations. This could be used during a lesson to have students explain how they would solve an equation with a missing number. Using the planning protocol rubric, this is an effective strategy to increase student engagement during a lesson. I would rate this strategy a four on the rubric because it consists of high engagement for most students. All students have an opportunity to share their thoughts and hear a response from a peer. Rather than calling on one or two students to respond, this is an equitable strategy which involves all learners in the classroom.
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