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Closing the Achievement Gap - Educational Leadership - 38 views

    In order to increase the achievement levels of minorities and low income students, there are three components that are the focus: high standards, a rigorous curriculum, and effective educators.
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    Caryn, I like that this article not only realistically talks about the historic and growing achievement gap, but that it also provides potential solutions. Not surprisingly, most of the solutions whether they be standards, curriculum, or teacher-based are all easily manageable. The only trick is to actually get some forward momentum on this decade's old issue. Victoria
    Caryn, I'm reminded of the old educational psychology experiment where teachers were given false information about student abilities. Teachers who were told that a class was full of 'high performing' pupils ended up doing more high end assignments and pushing the students to do better while teachers were told their pupils were 'low achieving' did remedial assignments and barely pushed them to improve. I teach in a very diverse and low SES school, but I always do my best to assume that all of my students are able to do the high level work I assign in Physics. I also agree whole heartedly when then article claimed that teachers have to give extra help to students who are already at a disadvantage. My students do quite well when they apply themselves, but often that means they have to see me during lunch, after school, or even on Saturdays (when I work at a Saturday school program). Many students have jobs to help out their families or need to be home right after school to babysit siblings or to cook supper, etc. I find that the more time I can devote to being available to students, the better my classes perform. I must say however I would like to see an update to this. When it was talking about the lack of progress of students in the 1990s and then discussed 'data in the last 5 years..' I had to scroll up to the date of the article. Being that it is almost 15 years old, I was sad to see how many of the gaps still exist in our schools...
    Combining standards, high standards for all learners and highly qualified teachers helps to close the learning gap.
    I was very interested in this article because I teach at a title 1 school in MCPS. Majority of my students are minorities or low income students. Our FARMS percentage is extremely high. I do not mean to repeat what Caryn had posted earlier but I mean to piggyback on her comment "To increase the achievement levels of minority and low-income students, we need to focus on what really matters: high standards, a challenging curriculum, and good teachers." I know this to be true in my classroom. For my students I have to high expectations and structure. I have to present them with a challenging curriculum. I need to devote myself and give them all I can. But, progress has come to a halt, which happened around 1988, and since that time, the gaps have widened. To me that is frightening and it makes me want to act immediately. "Because if we don't get the numbers out on the table and talk about them, we're never going to close the gap once and for all." People need to not be afraid of talking about the data, addressing the data, conquering the data. But in order for none to take offense everyone needs to know the correct data. Before speaking, people need to be educated. There simply cannot be "downright wrong-notions about the whys beneath the achievement gap." This article is great and goes on to give us proper data. It informs us of what needs to happen in order to close the gap: standards are key, all students must have challenging curriculum, students need extra help, and teachers MATTER A LOT.
    Looks into why the instructional gap has widened after 1988 after having been narrowed the previous 18 years.  Offers patterns and key concepts to look at when trying to understand how to close these gaps.
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article as it relates to the student achievement gap. I currently teach at a Title 1 school in Prince George's County where majority of my students are working at a level below their perspective grade. This article does a great job breaking down the statistics and providing steps to move forward in solving this major issue. Lesson 1 spoke to me directly because the teaching and comprehension of standards are the building blocks of students growth. I reinforce the focus standard(s) of the week by way of intervention, homework, informal, and formal assessment. This article is very VALUABLE!!!
    I love the lessons outlined in this resource. I especially like how Lesson 4 places a focus on the teachers and how they matter. In impoverished schools, many times the most qualified and effective teachers do not want to be there, therefore limiting the quality of teachers present. It is unfortunate that this happens but it is very common.
    Helpful article on closing the gap with low income and minority students.
    While this article came out too long ago to have up to date technological solutions, it still offers a brief, helpful framework for looking to improve classroom outcomes.
    Excellent resource laying out the achievement gap problem (with data) and valuable solutions to close the gap.
    This resource does an excellent job of breaking down and making sense of the achievement gap. When the numbers are presented in this way, it makes it clear just how wide that gap is and how worrying it is that the gap is once again increasing. The most interesting piece of the article was the stark contrast in the reasons for the gap between adult stakeholders and student stakeholders. The adults appear to place blame on factors beyond the classroom that are difficult to control, while the students highlight the growing concerns within the walls of the schools that are much more actionable.
    The points in this article are personal to me as I teach adults at a Community College. In every cohort that I have 50% of my students have difficulty writing a cogent paragraph and 90% of them have never heard of an academic journal. While this is not part of my curriculum, I also teach these things. My students need to be sent into the workforce being able to participate in conversations in the workplace.
    The article really breaks down what happens to students during high school where they fall behind to move forward in attending college. One thing they mention is test scores. To attend college students have to take and pass a standardized test that determines of they will get into college and what college they can get into. I believe community college is a great way to bridge the gap between high school and a university. There they can determine a major and may attend school part time while still working. This gives them the time to determine what they want to do in life while still being able to survive.
    We should understand how race, poverty and the environment influences a child's potential in education before they even start Kindergarten. But like a disabilites or inequities there is diversity in the factors that cause these disparities and our solutions to remedies these gaps must offer a multifaceted approach. An approach that offers rigors instruction in the classrooms, access and guidance for continued learning at home and within our communities.
    This post hits home, as I see it at my Title I school. Students struggle but even the students passing AP classes and Honors courses, yet when they see the SAT's or the ACT's. Last year, my school's valedictorian only got a 1000 on the SAT and did not get to attend her first choice. We, as a school, and larger, we as educators need to ensure that we are doing everything we can to get these students to get past whatever challenges exist outside of the school and have strict standards that need to be met.
    This a great resource for every teacher.

All Students Reaching the Top: Strategies for Closing Academic Achievement Gaps. A Repo... - 3 views

    A research article on academic ability and how this can be developed in students of various backgrounds, race, and socioeconomic status.
    A comprehensive mission of public schools is to produce students who are intellectually competent and prepared for postsecondary education and the increasingly competitive workforce. However, differences in educational outcomes of students indicate that the impact of our current public school system is limited.

There's No Such Thing as a Reading Test - 1 views

    This article argues that we, as a society, are misguided in our approach to teaching to the test, when it comes to critical reading. The author argues that it is not simply enough to teach reading strategies to students because research has demonstrated that there is an absolute necessity to teach context and content for essential background knowledge. This seems to stand in the face of the common tagline in education that it is not What we teach, but how we teach. To tackle this issue, it is recommended that teachers take a more curriculum based approach in reading tests. That is to say, that teachers don't simply choose texts arbitrarily, but rather, in order to teach to these high-stakes tests and core standards, that teachers very mindfully construct a curriculum which builds student exposure and study of key informational texts.

Effective Reading Interventions for Kids With Learning Disabilities - 4 views

    This article suggests that improving upon a LD student's level of reading requires a strong combination of well-developed and strategic instructional strategies. These strategies include direct response and cueing processes, scaffolding, modeling the process, and providing an organizational structure to record, review and reflect upon learning.
    Jennifer, I really like this article. It can be frustrating enough for parents and students when reading difficulties occur. Add to this complication learning difficulties, and the problems and insecurities really start to add up. This article, and the years of research that it is based on helped to enumerate the many reading interventions that already exist for students with documented learning disabilities. I will definitely use these in the future in order to combat such problems. Victoria

Students' Perceptions of the Motivational Climate, Achievement Beliefs, and Satisfactio... - 3 views

    This is a scholarly article on the students perceptions of the climate in the gym and how it enhances their goals in physical education. It is interesting because there are times that we all have bad days, but we can't let that effect the climate of the gym if we want our students to be and feel successful!

Instructional Design Using the Addie Model - 0 views

    Week 9: This design model is for all learners fro designing and planning a course. It shares the process and steps for using the A.D.D.I.D model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) which serves as a blueprint and "device to help us think through a course's design".

Which Blended Learning Model is the Best Fit for my Math Classroom? - 8 views

    This blog site talks about what type of "Blended Learning" setting would be the best fit for a math classroom. The benefit in this is that it helps teachers find ideas for what to use in a blended classroom specifically when it comes to math instruction.
    This article provides the basics of blended learning which addresses the 4 key elements of effective math instruction as identified by The National Dissemination Center For Children with Disabilities.

Top 10 Evidence Based Teaching Strategies - 8 views

    Week 9: The article gives the top 10 evidence based teaching strategies research by Shaun Killian. These 10 strategies gives teachers steps to fine tune lesson plans and SMART goals for your DAP process. Shaun list these practices and gives a brief explanation for each practices. Most teachers care about their students' results, and if you are reading this article, you are undoubtedly one of them. There is no doubt that teachers make a difference to how well their kids do at school. For teaching strategies to be included on this list, they had to: Be supported by hard research, instead of anecdotal case studies or untested theories Have a substantially higher effect on student results than other teaching strategies Be able to be used on a wide range of subjects and in every year level
    Response to Intervention's great promise is often undercut by the potential difficulty of implementation. However, evidence based teaching strategies are useful tools for the educator in a system that constantly changes as new theories and standards arise. This article gives an overview of the most effective teaching strategies, of which most can be fairly easily integrated into lessons. Some of the most intriguing strategies, are the ones that do not involve actions to take but an adjustment in teacher focus, such as nurturing metacognition and allowing flexible learning time.This serves as an effective reference and perhaps, reminder of good teaching methods, though a few specific examples would be all the more helpful. In the comments, the author offers a little more clarification about the strategies and their rankings.

Moving to Assessment-Guided Differentiated Instruction to Support Young Children's Alph... - 1 views

    (Week Nine: Ruchel and Beth) This article is accessible through the UMUC library via Document Express. This journal article is about differentiated instruction when it comes to teaching students the alphabet. The article highlights the fact that "Early literacy experiences vary widely... and children show substantial differences in their alphabet knowledge development. Thus, children in the same early childhood classroom may exhibit differing levels of alphabet knowledge" (Piasta, 2014). Teachers can use this article to further their instructional practice by using the strategies and assessments discussed in the article to work with students in ways that will help the individual child learn all the letters verses a whole class approach to teaching the alphabet. The article discuses how, "The familiarity of children with letters included in their own first names, for example, has long been observed" (Piasta, 2014). But when it comes to teaching the alphabet in a whole class approach teachers are not acknowledging "differences across letters, often providing the same amount and types of instructional activities for each of the 26 letters irrespective of the ease or difficulty of learning a particular letter (Piasta, 2014). The article provides an idea that all "Early childhood educators may wish to assess all the children in their classrooms or may first use established alphabet screening assessments" (Piasta, 2014). It is also helpful for educators "To conduct a diagnostic alphabet assessment, an educator presents a child with each of the 26 letters and asks the child to supply the name and/or sound for each letter. The educator marks whether the child supplied a correct name and/or sound. Although the assessment can be scored in terms of the total number of correct letter names or sounds (i.e., 0 to 26), most important for diagnostic purposes are which letter names and sounds the child knows (Piasta, 2014)...
    ...The article finds that small group learning "has been demonstrated to be more effective than whole-class or even one-to-one instruction in supporting young children's early literacy development (Piasta, 2014). The article also stresses the fact that educators should "plan and use effective teaching practices to deliver alphabet instruction on the selected letters. Alphabet instruction can take place in many fun, engaging, and authentic contexts" (Piasta, 2014). In closing, "Outside of planned alphabet instruction, educators may also take advantage of additional "teachable moments" to review and reinforce children's alphabet learning whenever these occur" (Piasta, 2014). References Piasta, S. B. (2014). Moving to Assessment-Guided Differentiated Instruction to Support Young Children's Alphabet Knowledge. Reading Teacher, 68(3), 202-211. doi:10.1002/trtr.1316

Hands-Only CPR? - 1 views

    This article discusses a process in CPR that people usually do not know about, but can make feel more comfortable about performing CPR. Hands-only CPR prevents to rescuer from having to perform mouth to mouth with someone who may be a stranger. This issue comes up often with students and people of all ages.

Improving Reading in the Primary Grades - 6 views

    Week 8- Fifteen years later, this article investigates recommendations provided by the National Research Council's seminal report:Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children. The article discusses which of these recommendations have been implemented in U.S classrooms over the past 15 years and which strategies have been avoided. The authors then share more recent research studies sharing strategies that may help teachers improve primary-grade reading. Authors: Nell K. Duke and Meghan K. Block
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    This article provide some honest and prevalent difficulties when it comes to teaching reading to primary aged children. It mentioned three main obstacles for students, including a short term orientation toward instruction, a lack of expertise among educators on how to teach specific reading skills, and limited availability in the school day to teach all content. As a current primary educator, I would have to add two further obstacles--lack of support in the classroom, either due to not having an aid, or having an intervention specialist, as well as lack of home support, specifically in low income areas.
    The article provides valuable insight into the impact that vocabulary instruction can have on reading comprehension. It is also noted that because reading instructional has changed over the years this too has contributed to comprehension and vocabulary development. It appears that the approach to reading instruction needs to be revisited to determine which strategies works the most effectively.
    I loved this article. My school is currently focusing on Academic Language in our School Improvement Plan, we are also an IB school where students are to use Academic Language more often. I'm glad to see that many of our commonly used words are included in this list. I also love how they go through the examples of how to teach a new word. In middle school I feel these higher level vocabulary words are used more often than in primary ages.


    Week 8: Authors Yeping Li and Dennie Smith wrote this article which provides research on a teacher's knowledge of fractions; particularly fraction division, and is beneficial to upper elementary and middle school teachers who need to build upon what their students have learned in previous years. It shows that their is a divide between a teacher's confidence in teaching and their mastery of content; specifically in this case of fraction division.
    Week 8: Authors Yeping Li and Dennie Smith wrote this article which provides research on a teacher's knowledge of fractions; particularly fraction division, and is beneficial to upper elementary and middle school teachers who need to build upon what their students have learned in previous years. It shows that their is a divide between a teacher's confidence in teaching and their mastery of content; specifically in this case of fraction division.

Why the Common Core changes math instruction. - 3 views

    Week 7: This article by Valerie N. Faulkner that talks about how Common Core has changed how we teach math and would be beneficial to teachers who are trying to get used to the new Common Core curriculum and help build their implementation of language within math instruction.
    Week 7: This article by Valerie N. Faulkner that talks about how Common Core has changed how we teach math and would be beneficial to teachers who are trying to get used to the new Common Core curriculum and help build their implementation of language within math instruction.

200 Free Kids Educational Resources: Lessons, Apps, Books, Websites... | Open Culture - 0 views

    Free resources for teachers just specify your content area.

Use of Warm Up Exercises in Just-in-Time Teaching to Determine Students Prior Knowledge... - 6 views

    Week 8: Partner: Cecile Droz This article discusses a new way to give student's warm-up exercises. Instead of having them complete them at the beginning of class, the students will complete the warm ups up to 3 days before they are due. The warm-ups will prepare the students for the upcoming week of assignments. The best type of warm-up assignments give the students a scenario that they are familiar with. It is important for the educator to determine if there are any misconceptions by looking at the warm-ups to determine what concepts need to be addressed again.
    Although not everything described in this article applies necessarily to all subjects, the idea that teachers need to be more aware of the prior knowledge students have before they present new materials is very interesting. In second language, for example teachers use students' oral and written productions to assess their command of grammar but before any cultural or historical unit, it would make sense to address prior knowledge and rectify what needs to be rectified before introducing new ideas/material.
    The use of warm-ups as a combination of extension, priming, and pre-assessment is novel. This gives students time and mental space to make a prediction and then bring it to class, prepared and ready to learn. I will definitely be employing this in a class I am designing next year.

Writing Mini Lessons - 7 views

    Week 8, Kristine G and Danica J. This PDF offers lots of mini-lessons to help students write better. Considering the time constraints we have had this semester, these mini-lessons are perfect for a quick review or an introduction to a writing topic. These are also great for differentiation to be used as enrichment or remediation. Resource type: activity
    Should also be tagged: "middle school" "high school" "secondary" and "lesson"

Strategies to Improve Student Writing - 3 views

    This article attempts to explain reasons why students' writing suffers, why this has become a crisis in our society, and ideas about activities which teachers can have students complete in order to improve their writing quality. The article explains that most of the writing students are asked does not require them to revisit it or lacks depth. The writing activities suggested by the author, such as having students read aloud their work to peers or having students write rhetorical questions, will not only engage students but also require their careful thought and result in improved final drafts. Kristine and I are considering some of these ideas for our Data Action Plan. WEEK 9

Profiles of emergent literacy skills among preschool children - 1 views

    ("Week 8" Group Members: Beth and Ruchel) The article explores a study conducted to see the patterns of within-group variability in the emergent literacy skills of preschoolers who are at risk for academic difficulties. The study can be used as a helpful resource to determine the relationships between early patterns of literacy performance and later reading achievement.

Introduce Word Problems to Students Sooner, Studies Say - Education Week - 6 views

    Most teachers believe that students have a fear of word problems, but this article will have you second guessing that. The article will have teachers thinking that word problems should be used from the start of a lesson and not at the very end of a homework assignment. Students normally perform better on word problems then algebraic solving because they have context clues to help them solve the problem.
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    This article, which suggests that students are more likely to have success with word problems if they are presented early on, gives a different perspective to the traditional way that most math classes are taught. While this article focuses on 8th grade algebra, the same concept can be applied to other grade levels that must solve word problems. Finding a different way to approach a learning gap that is common is worth exploring in the classroom.
    From an elementary perspective, many students do have a fear of word problems. This is due to their developing reading comprehension abilities, and many early learners struggle with finding the important information to be able to solve the problem. However, I've always felt that word problems are more interesting and relevant to studetns which can motivate them to work through the process.
    To sum up this article you can look at the following quote from it; And he warned that the tendency to wait before using word problems could exacerbate gaps for students who struggle with algebra early on, because they may not be exposed to many word problems at all. Students have a fear of word problems because they perceive that they are too hard before they even begin working on them. This combined with the gaps in the vocabulary knowledge are making word problems more difficult for them.
    This is an article that explores the strategy of introducing word problems first during math instruction. As a math teacher, I tend to introduce concepts first then build up to applying those concepts to word problems. The strategy of introducing the word problems first acts to help students solve a problem using any method they are comfortable with, without getting bogged down with the math too soon and becoming unwillingly to solve it. This could address the SMART learning goal, by helping us to rethink the way in which students approach word problems.
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