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Introduction au e-Business - 2 views

  • On appelle ainsi « e-Business » l'intégration au sein de l'entreprise d'outils basés sur les technologies de l'information et de la communication (on parle généralement de progiciel) pour en améliorer le fonctionnement afin de créer de la valeur pour elle-même, pour ses clients et pour ses partenaires
  • Le terme e-Commerce (appelé également Commerce électronique), souvent confondu avec le terme de e-Business, ne désigne en réalité qu'une facette du e-Business couvrant l'utilisation d'un support électronique pour la relation commerciale d'une entreprise avec des particuliers
    Article sur définition e-business
Vassili BASSAT

Google+ now open for businesses - 0 views

  • Google said that 20 businesses have already set up pages on Google+, including Pepsi, H&M, the Dallas Cowboys and Toyota,
  • Google said it has signed up more than 40 million users for Google+ since launching the service in June
  • One of the features available to businesses is called "direct connect." Users who type the plus symbol in front of a business name such as Pepsi or Toyota when searching on Google will be directed to that business' Google+ page.
Vassili BASSAT

62% of small companies are using social networking in everyday business - 1 views

  • The use of cloud CRM by small businesses has now overtaken in-house CRM, with 45% of respondents now using hosted applications as opposed to 36% using in-house CRM
  • cloud solutions continue to be a major way for companies to dramatically reduce IT overheads
  • From a sample of 862 respondents – the majority from small and medium-sized organisations with less than 50 employees – 62% report that they now use social networking in everyday business. The research also shows that 92% of those using it do so to keep in touch with existing customers, whilst 78% are using it to find new customers
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • LinkedIn is the most widely-used social media tool by small businesses, with 83%
  • Facebook (72% of respondents
  • followed closely by Twitter (65%).
christelle picart

Les managers de l'e-business donnent leurs prévisions pour 2009 - 0 views

    Après trois mois de turbulences économiques, le Journal du Net a interrogé les managers de l'e-business sur leur perception de l'évolution du marché et leurs projets d'investissements pour l'année 2009. Voici leur point de vue.

Articles e-marketing - Business modèle du gratuit - 0 views

    Business modèle du gratuit - Avantages, cas et facteurs clés de succès du business modèle du gratuit on-line. Les sites offrant des services gratuits fleurissent sur le web, est-ce intéressant et rentable ?

Les 10 rachats marquants de l'e-business français au premier semestre - Journ... - 3 views

    La valse des étiquettes même dans l'e-business
Vassili BASSAT

Google to Businesses: Don't Create Google+ Profiles Yet - 1 views

  • Google+ team is working on creating a unique experience for businesses that includes deep analytics and the ability to connect to products like AdWords
  • the new Google+ experience for businesses won’t be ready until “later this year
  • we are surprised that Google wasn’t more prepared for the wave of brands that have been joining its social network.
Vassili BASSAT

The App Economy Is ~$3.5 Billion - 0 views

  • mobile app revenues were a little under $3.5 billion last year
  • App Store had paid out $5 billion to developers since its inception
  • which means it has generated cumulative revenues of $7.15 billion since its introduction in 2008
    Source : Business Insider Date : 26/06/12 => IOS = la place de marché ou il y a plus de mouvement financier. Attention, le graph ne prend pas en compte les revenus issus des pubs dans les applications
Roselyne Kanza

Why Online Businesses are Moving from the 'Social Graph' to the 'Interest Graph' | Soci... - 2 views

  • Why Online Businesses are Moving from the ‘Social Graph’ to the ‘Interest Graph’
Stéphane Chaumereuil

Why businesses are embracing Macs - 0 views

    Apple Macintoshes are turning up in businesses beyond the creative departments, increasingly becoming a normal part of the IT fabric.
christelle picart

Les quinze évènements marquants de 2008 - 0 views

    Les quinze �v�nements qui ont marqu� Internet en 2008 : L�gislation, acquisitions, nouveaux services... 2008 a �t� une ann�e bien remplie pour l'Internet. De l'OPA rat�e de Microsoft sur Yahoo aux dix ans de Google, voici les quinze �v�nements qui ont le plus marqu� l'ann�e e-business 2008.
    Les quinze évènements qui ont marqué Internet en 2008 : Législation, acquisitions, nouveaux services... 2008 a été une année bien remplie pour l'Internet. De l'OPA ratée de Microsoft sur Yahoo aux dix ans de Google, voici les quinze évènements qui ont le plus marqué l'année e-business 2008.
Marie-Aude GOUMOT

Neteco : Le rendez-vous des acteurs du e-business - 0 views

shared by Marie-Aude GOUMOT on 06 Jan 09 - Cached
    L'actualit� du e-business au contact des entrepreneurs, des hommes marketing et des financiers du nouveau Web. Veille technologique, tendances, �tudes, cas d'�cole
Marion Darnet

It's the Super Bowl - let's get social! - Business - Business of Super Bowl XLV - msnbc... - 0 views

  • “People buy a Super Bowl spot because they want to participate in all the frenzy that surrounds it.”
  • A social media campaign has the potential to make your loyal customers even bigger fans, or draw in new customers. But companies also have to be prepared for the fact that they can’t control what people will write or tweet about them, positive or negative.
  • Mercedes-Benz, a first-time Super Bowl advertiser, is launching a “Tweet Race” in which four teams use Mercedes vehicles to race to Dallas. The teams are “fueled” by how many times fans tweet using a hashtag from their favorite team.
    The Super Bowls ads are getting social... interesting campaigns are being launched again this year!
Clyne B

Arkantos � Les utilisateurs de Twitter n'utilisent pas Twitter - Revue de Pre... - 0 views

    Etes-vous l'une de ces personnes qui avez un compte Twitter mais qui ne vous en servez pas ? Si oui, alors vous n'�tes pas seul ! Selon la derni�re �tude men�e par la tr�s prestigieuse Harvard Business Review, la plupart des utilisateurs de Twitter ne tweettent pas. Cette �tude, men�e sur 300.542 utilisateurs pris au hasard en mai 2009 r�v�le que seulement 10% d'entre eux utilisent Twitter chaque jour...
Vassili BASSAT

Prévision 2011-15 pour le marché de la géolocalisation - 4 views

  • the location-based services market is finally coming of age
  • including social networking, in-app advertising and advertising-based messaging
  • the biggest focus is on navigation, the largest in terms of revenue where various business models are establishing themselves
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • US$10.3bn in 2015, up from $2.8bn in 2010
  • including increasing GPS and smartphone adoption, success of new business models, continued growth of mobile advertising, and the wider coverage and higher speeds of mobile networks.
  • fivefold
  • Navigation, local search and people-locating services are the key areas for operators
  • Navigation applications are the largest location-based service revenue generators
  • Google and Nokia are shifting the business model from payment to advertising-funded.
Odile Crepy-Courau

DATA: Google Totally Blows Away Facebook On Ad Performance - Business Insider - 1 views

  • DATA: Google Totally Blows Away Facebook On Ad Performance

    |May 15, 2012|
      •  23
      •  77

    "No one ever got fired for telling clients to advertise on Facebook." That's the sarcastic mantra making its way round the digital advertising world right now. But is Facebook actually an efficient vehicle for marketers compared to the other digital ad giant, Google?

    A comparison of the two companies from WordStream, a search marketing management company, suggests that Facebook is a much less effective ad medium than Google. (The caveat here is that WordStream is, obviously, rather more dependent on Google than Facebook as a medium.)

  • Keywords Remarketing Location Demographics
    Peu efficace la pub sur Facebook ?
Walter Antoniotti

Collection of Free Business Books andText - 1 views

Suggestions Welcome

books business textbooks

started by Walter Antoniotti on 14 May 13 no follow-up yet
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